Category Archives: The Chooks

Fluffy Bottoms

When God created the heavens and the earth, he decided to put animals and birds on the earth to inhabit it.  I have always thought God has to have a great sense of humor because of some of the creatures he created.

Who but God would think up a duck-billed platypus?   I did a report on them in elementary school. I was so interested in them and have always wanted to see one in real life.  A creature with the bill of a duck, webbed feet, fur, a paddle tail like a beaver  and it lives in the water.

How about the octopus?   A bulbous body with eight long legs and the legs have suction cups.  Suction cups!!!

Then there is the ostrich.  A gangly bird with a long neck like a giraffe and it hides its head in the dirt when it is scared.  It lays the biggest egg of any bird except maybe the emu.  I’m not sure about that.

How about a zebra?  Looks just like a horse, but is striped and acts more like a mule.  Yes, God has a sense of humor.  Looking at some of mankind I have to believe it also.   He has made us all different for a reason.

When God created chickens, and by the way, the chicken came first, not the egg, He really used His creative juices to make a wonderful bird.   Here is a bird with eyes kind of like a dinosaur’s.  Remember when the t-rex first appeared in Jurassic Park and looked in the car at the two children sitting there cringing in fear?  Well, I think a chicken’s eyes sort of look like that.


Picture this head a hundred times bigger than it is peering at you through a window.  Don’t you think it would freak you out???  Since chickens are so small, they are not scary at all, but they do have kind of scary eyes.  And they don’t miss a thing.



Penninah can out stare me.  She doesn’t blink.


When I sit down, these two begin to sneak around me, pecking me when I least expect it.  Doesn’t hurt.


They try to get behind me and before I know it, I feel a peck on my back.  Therefore, I don’t turn my back on these girls.


These Barred Rocks are beautiful.  If you could get close enough to them, you would see teal colored feathers under all the black and white.  I was surprised when I first saw it.  God surprises us even in the little things.



But besides the beautiful feathers and strange eyes, chickens have fluffy bottoms.  They look like little powder puffs.


The Buff Orpingtons have especially puffy, fluffy bottoms.  The better to keep their eggs warm if they were to set on fertilized eggs to hatch them.



It’s hard to snap a picture of Freedom’s fluffy bottom.  As soon as I get my camera ready, she runs.  But she, too, has a fluffy bottom.


I guess because chickens spend so much time with their bottoms up in the air pecking at anything they can find, it’s nice their bottoms are cute to look at.  Next to a baby’s bottom, I think chicken bottoms are the cutest.



Look!  This one is even in the shape of a heart.


I really don’t spend all the time looking at chickens’ bottoms.  There are other things in my garden to catch my attention.  The morning glories are at their peak right now.


I will leave you with one especially pretty bloom.  Bye.

Strawberry Shortcake

Back in the early eighties when my daughter was a little girl, a doll came out that she fell in love with and, to tell the truth, so did I.  Maybe I fell in love with it even more because once the other dolls came out, I was determined to get them all.  I still love them and have had so much fun looking at them again.  It was Strawberry Shortcake and soon after came Apple Dumpling,  Blueberry Muffin and others.  These dolls were played with, so some of the pieces are missing, but I did keep all their boxes.  Here they are.


Here’s Miss Strawberry Shortcake with Custard, her polka dotted kitten.  Can’t you see why I just fell in love with her?  Someone told me I looked like Strawberry Shortcake at church the other day.  I took it as a compliment.  Some of the kids call me Miss Cake anyway.


This is Blueberry Muffin.  She is the only doll who did not come with a companion animal.  Poor girl.



This is Lime Chiffon…..


and Parfait Parrot.


This is Raspberry Tart with her monkey, Rhubarb.


I think Rhubarb is especially cute.



This is Orange Blossom with her butterfly, Marmalade.  How sweet are they?


This is Apricot.  She is suppose to have a bunny called Hopsalot, but somehow Hopsalot has gotten misplaced or lost.  I need to see if I can find her. I don’t throw anything away, so hopefully she is in a box or toybox somewhere.


This is Cherry Blossom with her goose, Gooseberry.  How appropriate.


This is Crepe Suzette with Éclair, her poodle.



This one had no box and looks like a boy.  He has grapes on his straw hat.  If anyone knows his name, please let me know.



Ah, the Purple Pieman.  He was kind of mean if I remember correctly.  His parrot is named Berry Bird.



He must have shaven since I last saw him as his mustache is missing.


As you can see, there is a hole in his head where the mustache should be.  A long curly mustache.  I wouldn’t have thrown that away.


I also found this butterfly and think it was part of the Strawberry Shortcake collection.

There is a place to put something or someone on his back, but I don’t know what.


If anyone knows about this butterfly, please let me know.  I think all these dolls were made in Cincinnati, Ohio by Kenner Toys.  They are probably made in China now.

Now on to other things.

David was in the military for thirty-six years and over ten years ago he retired.  He took a few months off and then when the new Ralph Lauren store was built up at the outlet mall he applied and got a job.  He has been working there ever since.  He started out taking out the trash, moved up to full time, became an assistant manager, went back to full time and is now working part time for them.  The other day they celebrated him being there for ten years.  He is the only original staff member from the very first hiring left.  They put up these signs all over the store to include the rest rooms and even the refrigerator.


He enjoys working there and they appreciate that he shows up on time ready to work and has never had a sick day off.  He even asks to work more.   He gets most of his clothes there at very good prices.  He’s always watching for a sale.


The chooks are flourishing and enjoy tomatoes from the garden.


We have picked several pumpkins from the garden.  It’s been a very good year.

Here’s to adorable dolls and an industrious husband.  Bye.

Where Am I?

  What has happened to the time?  Where am I?  Is it Summer still or is it Autumn?  I don’t know.  I just wrote about Spring and planting the garden and enjoying the warm weather and now I am so looking forward to cooler temperatures, falling leaves and wearing sweaters, sitting by campfires and drinking hot chocolate. 

  The chicks were tiny little balls of fluff only yesterday and now they are laying an egg every day.  A dozen every two days.   One hundred and eighty eggs a month.   I can’t use them fast enough.  The dogs get one in their dog food every other day.  I boil them, fry them, scramble them, make egg salad, bake cakes and cookies and still they keep coming.  The hens are like little laying machines now and the eggs are getting bigger.  The thrill is still there, though, every time I go out to the coop and find the pretty brown eggs, some still warm from the hens’ bodies. 

  We got an automatic chicken coop door opener today.  We are hoping we can go away once in a while and not have to worry whether the chooks are able to get out during the day and are safely shut in at night.  The company that we ordered from included a free gospel of John in the box.  Was a very nice thing to find.   The company is called Fleming Outdoor if you are interested.

  I am still getting tomatoes.  The cucumbers finally stopped producing, thank goodness.  We got hundred of cucumbers this year.  I have Roma tomatoes just coming on and one cherry tomato plant that is starting to produce.  I love this time of year.  We can eat from the garden and the chooks.  We haven’t gone to the grocery as much lately for some reason.  David said the other day we hadn’t made a big grocery store run for some time.  Don’t know why.  We seem to be eating pretty well.  

  I am sewing on Tuesdays with a friend.  I need to get into another Bible study soon, but I just haven’t felt like studying for a while.  I have taken Bible studies for years and needed to take a break, but I have one in mind I am planning to do.  The new Beth Moore.

  I also need to get into my walking again.  I kind of slowed down when it got so hot and have had a hard time getting myself motivated to get back to my five miles a day.  I’m hoping with the cooler weather coming, I will start again.  I really love walking, but find the first mile is the hardest.  After I can get past that one, I feel like I could walk for hours.  I also need to find a new walking place as where I walk there are so many trucks, trains and automobiles.  Sounds like the name of a movie.  I read blogs where they have beautiful hills and valleys and fields and quiet roads on which to walk and wish I lived in such an area.  I guess I could drive somewhere to walk, but somehow for me that defeats the whole purpose of walking.  When we go on vacation to North Carolina, I am hoping we find a lot of nice walking areas like we did when we went to Alaska.  I walked to Alaska I always say, because every day we found a park or safe area for me to walk and I would walk my five miles.  I even walked five miles a day on the boat going to Alaska.

   I need to get new glasses, but am too lazy to go to the eye doctor.  I hate going to any doctor. Both my dentist and my family doctor are wonderful, don’t get me wrong.  I have a doctor’s appointment this week for a check-up and a dentist appointment the week after.  I don’t know why it spoils my whole day when I have to go have anything done with or for my body to include the hair dresser.  I am sort of afraid what my beautician is going to say to me when she sees my red hair.  I refreshed the color yesterday and still love it.    Anyway,  I feel so out of control in a doctor’s office because I am afraid he will find something wrong which would mean tests and more time spent in medical offices.  I think my fear comes from when I was a little girl and my older sister would tease me about the big, long needles the doctor was going to use on me.  She use to scare me to death.  I grew up in the time when you had to get multiple polio shots and it seemed to me that we were always going to Dr. Barton’s office to get yet another polio shot.  Then I developed a very stiff neck and my parents were afraid I had gotten polio.  Thankfully, it wasn’t, but polio was scary back then.

  I feel like I am in a kind of limbo right now between seasons and what I want to do.  I need a goal so I am going to think of one and put it up on this blog so that I will have to meet the goal.  It will probably be about walking distances or something like that.  Or maybe I will try to finish a quilt a week.  I have so many quilt tops that need to be quilted and bound.  Or maybe I could pick an author and try to read all his or her books.  Right now I am reading a really good Jodi Piccoult book.  I have read some others of hers and liked them.  I would like to find a book with about a thousand pages. The book I read about Deitrich Bonhoeffer had over a thousand pages and I loved every one of them.  It was such an inspiring book, but sad also. 

  I am finished with American television for the most part.  There are very few shows I like and the reality shows just turn me off.  We have Netflix and have been watching British dramas and comedies and those people know how to write a good story.  We are watching “Doc Martin” right now about a surgeon who becomes sick at the sight of blood and goes to a small British town as a GP.  He is rather gruff and abrupt with his patients, but they don’t seem to mind.  I laugh out loud at some of the things that happen to him.  The townspeople are rather quirky and I like quirky people. 

  Have I rambled on long enough?  I felt like I should come here before people decided I had given up blogging.  I haven’t.  I have so many things I want to blog about, but it takes time to upload the pictures and then write the blog and I have been kind of busy.   I have children’s stories I have written I went to put on here.  Oh, no, I am not finished blogging.  I have this need to write whether anyone reads it or not.  I am hoping I am making a kind of diary for my children so they will know their mother a little better. 

  Here’s to rambling on and on and people kind enough to read it.  Bye.


Pretty in Pink, a New Door, etc.,etc.,etc.

Remember that movie, “Pretty in Pink,” with Molly Ringwald back in the eighties?  I loved that movie and still watch it when I catch it on tv.  But this post has nothing to do with that.

I was walking around my garden and noticed that the prevalent color right now is pink.




Gerbera daisies.






Not sure what this is called, but it is so pretty.

Speaking of pink, er, red.  I have been a red head for almost one week.  I have learned a lot from doing this.  Some people who know you and see you only one way act very shocked when you do something so out of character or look so different.  I am not surprised.  When I go by a mirror or a window and see my reflection, I have to stop a moment and make sure it is me. I am still a blonde in my mind, so when I see myself, it is a little disconcerting.  It has given me a whole new outlook on life.  I feel braver some how.  Anyway, at least for a few weeks I will remain this way until I make a visit to my beautician.  Boy, will she be surprised.  I also have doctor and dentist’s appointments in the next few weeks and I am looking forward to their reactions.   I’m going to see one of my best friends in a few weeks.  The last time she saw me I was a blonde.  I may call her and warn her, or not.

David decided this week to put a new door in my shop.  It’s not really a new door. It’s half of the old patio door we took out this Spring.


David made a big hole in the side of my shop.


After much huffing and puffing he managed to get the door installed.


He added some pretty trim.  All that is left to do is paint the brown around the door.  It was too hot to do this.  I’ll do it when the temperatures go down again.


Now I can look out and see the garden, the hot tub and the porch.  The dogs can also look in and watch me.   My shop is lighter now so all the work was worth it.


Speaking of gardens, this is what I picked this morning. The slightly pink tomato is an heirloom tomato.  They are so pretty and very meaty and good to eat.


A few days before, I had picked all this plus gathered a couple of eggs.  We could eat very well from our garden and from the chooks right now.  I had fried eggs for lunch today with  tomato slices.  It was so yummy.


A friend from church gave me these quilt blocks that her mother or grandmother had made.  All stitched by hand.  I am slowly sewing them together into a quilt.  The blocks were all different sizes so I have had to do some trimming, but they are all going together well.  I love the old fabrics.  Mary Lee told me it was probably scraps of fabric from clothes and flower sacks.  I love old quilts and I really love people who give me old blocks to sew together.   I hope I can get this done soon so I can show it to her.


While cleaning my shop and going through patterns and quilt books, I found this pattern for a Christmas quilt.  I plan to make this in the near future.  I think it’s so cute. It’s from a book with several Christmas projects and ornaments, many of which I would like to try.


“Are you looking at me?”  Yes, Belle, I am. Want to go for a walk?

When your dog wants to walk, you must take her.  Bye.

Rodeo! and Other Things

David put on his cowboy hat.


I put on my boots and we went to a rodeo.

There were horses.

And more horses.

There was a clown.

There was patriotism and a cowboy prayer.

An announcer who kept everything going.

More horses.  Sigh.  I want a horse!!!!!

These were some of the bucking broncs that were trying to kick their cages down.  They were rearing and stomping and ready to throw anyone who got on their back.

There was even a  marriage proposal right in the middle of the rodeo and she said, “Yes!”  The clown was in on it and offered the girl a larger(fake) diamond if she would marry him.

It was a fun evening.  The moon shone down on us and the crowd enjoyed it all. I plan to go back next year.

Now for what we have been doing.  We moved into our house thirty-six years ago.  It is now one hundred years old.  We had a birthday party for it this summer.  We have done a lot of remodeling through the years, but one place we never have touched was our cellar. It is not a basement in today’s version of basements, but a cellar where canned goods were kept for the winter.  I never liked going down in the cellar because there were always spiders and I was always afraid I would come across a snake. I never have.   We had a cellar in our house when I was growing up and one time I went down the stairs to bring Mother up some canned goods and laying right at eye level in the cellar window was a big, black snake curled up sleeping.  I ran back upstairs and it was a long time before Mother could get me to go back down into the cellar.  Daddy said it was gone, but I didn’t care.

Our children always wanted us to fix up the cellar into a real basement, but it was not to be.  A week ago David did decide he would paint it to make it brighter down there.

This is the cellar before painting.  You can see one wall that our grandchildren spray painted during Grandma’s camp.  It’s the brightest spot down there.

David began to spray paint.  He painted.

And he painted.  Pretty nearly everything in sight!  Even the shelves and ceiling.  He still has some of the ceiling to paint and then we will put everything back.  I will wash all the canning jars and cover them to keep them clean and it will look like a whole new cellar.

I will continue to store our canned goods down there.  David thinks I have too many cans of baked beans and pumpkin.  A couple of years ago, pumpkin was scarce, at least in our town and you couldn’t find a can to make anything so I began to buy up every can I could find.  Now I have a very nice supply for this Fall’s baking and I will not run out.


Just had to show you a double yolker one of the chooks laid.  The eggs are still pretty small although two of them laid two big eggs, but the silly girls stepped on them and broke them so Belle got to eat them.   I have baked two pound cakes with our own eggs and they turned out so yellow and moist.


I told you about these strips of fabric in an earlier post.  Fifty-two strips of fifty-two two and a half inch squares which make a one hundred and four by one hundred and four inch square quilt.

This is how it is turning out.  I was wondering what were the odds, with so many different fabrics, for the same fabrics to end up together.  Well, as you can see it happens even with one thousand one hundred and forty-four quilt squares. I don’t care.  I’m just putting them together randomly as I pick them up. You’ll never notice it on a galloping horse, as a friend of mine use to say when she made a mistake with her quilting.

Here’s to rodeos, horses and brighter cellars.  Bye.




The Egg and I and a Trip to England

Does anyone remember the movie, “The Egg and I,”  that starred Fred McMurray and Claudette Colbert?  You have to be really old to remember it although TMC may show it once in a while. It’s about a man and woman who move from the city onto a farm to raise chickens and all the problems they had and all the crazy neighbors they had.  I use to love watching it.  Perhaps you could see it somewhere online.

I’m living a sort of Egg and I life right now.  Raising chickens has been more fun than I could ever imagine.  I feel at one with the chooks.  They are my peeps.  They cluck and I cluck back. They ruffle their feathers and I….well, maybe not.    Now we are reaping the rewards of all the time and money we have spent on them by gathering eggs every day. They are still small, but I live in hope they will get bigger as we go along.  We ate some yesterday for breakfast.


Look at that bright orange yolk.


The store bought egg is on the right.  It was a double yolker however.


We ate our breakfast al fresco by the pool.  Yes, that is Spam on our plates.  I do like a slice or two of Spam occasionally.   Spam has gotten a bum rap.  My doctor is stocking up Spam for the end times he tells me.  If it is good enough for my doctor, it’s good enough for me.


We enjoyed the garden as we ate.


Belle joined us. These are her begging eyes.  Can’t you tell?

The other day I received a wonderful book in the mail.  I found a blog over a year ago written by Susan Branch.  I had never heard of her before that, but I absolutely loved her blog.  She calls all her readers her “girl friends,” and always has something wonderful to write about.  She gave a tea party for the new Prince George for her friends and neighbors.  It was quite something and looked like so much fun.  Anyway, she writes books.  She handwrites them and water colors them and they are just amazing.  They include recipes and sayings and Susan’s outlook on life.  As she says about others, she has the “happy” gene.   Susan and her husband, Joe, took a two month vacation to England last year and she chronicled it in a diary.  They went over on the Queen Mary2 and rented a car and drove all over England.  That is exactly what David and I want to do.

Her diary came out in hardcover just last week and as I had pre-ordered the book, I got mine last week.  It’s signed and everything.  This is a book you cannot read on Kindle.  It is a book you need to hold and smell and leaf through over and over and read excerpts from it and stare at the pictures and read some more.

Susan handwrote the entire book and drew her wonderful water color pictures.  This book is a travel guide of sorts and tells all the places they stayed and what they ate where and how crazy it was to drive on the left side of the road.  David and I did that when we visited the Virgin Islands and David thinks it is easier to drive on the left side of the road instead of the right.  He even said the other day he wished he could find a car with the steering wheel on the right.  My guy is crazy like that.


She called her book A Fine Romance.  It tells how she met her husband after she had pretty much given up ever getting married and her love of the English countryside.


I have read this book and am reading it again.  It’s that wonderful.  If you love England, you will love this book.  Here are some of Susan’s watercolors and pictures from the book.


She loves Beatrix Potter, the author of Peter Rabbit, and visited her home called Hilltop.


She and Joe walked through many fields with sheep in them.


Love these phone booths. Are they really used anymore or are they just for atmosphere now?


They sailed on the Queen Mary2.  There were over three thousand people on the ship.  David and I want to sail across to England, but David said we will probably have to take a freighter.  I’m not sure about sailing on such a big ship.  We will have to see.  We want to go over on our fiftieth wedding anniversary. I really don’t want to fly.

Still picking cucumbers.  Fifteen yesterday and four today because I really didn’t want to look for them.  Also we are getting tomatoes.  They are so good.  Nothing is as good as that first tomato from the garden.

Here’s to English diaries, dining al fresco and laying hens..  Bye.


A Book, a Salad and the Chooks


What does one do with this bounty of cucumbers?  By the way, see the egg?  Anyway, I have been picking nine or ten cucumbers out of the garden every day for about two weeks now.  Yesterday I picked fifteen.  So I took several of them to church this morning to give away and I made this salad.


Found the recipe on my facebook page the other day and tried it.  It has cucumbers, onions and tomatoes mixed with oil, water, sugar, salt and pepper.  It is so good, but I have got to watch how much I eat of it because it doesn’t agree with me if you know what I mean.

Even then, I still have cucumbers going bad and the chicks can only be allowed to eat so many.  Might interfere with their egg production.


The eggs they are laying right now are little.  Next to this quarter is one.  Kind of like your first baby is small and then the rest get progressively bigger although my children went the opposite way.    They have only been laying a week and I think only two or three are laying at this minute.  I am hoping some big eggs will start showing up.  Heaven knows I have been feeding the girls very well.


They are all this color.



Here they are next to large size store bought eggs.  I think tomorrow we are going to scramble some.  They are perfect little eggs, just not very big yet.


Had to show you three of my able bodied chicks are roosting on the handicap roost.  Shouldn’t they be fined???  Freedom still sits underneath.  I have to tell you she has been walking normally now for a week or so. Her foot isn’t curling under and she keeps up with the rest so I think we got her over whatever was ailing her.  Funny thing is, with all the attention I gave her and held her so much and handfed her when she was crippled,  she acts the most scared of me than any of the other chicks.  Guess she’s like a teen-ager and has to prove she can get along without me.

Now I have to tell you about a wonderful book I received in the mail last week.  I ordered it months ago and have been looking forward to getting it and I was not disappointed.


The day it arrived in the mail, I put it aside until I knew I would have time to sit down and really look at it.  That wasn’t until I went to bed that night and I read half of it before I went to sleep.  I will show you what it is and tell you about its author in my next post.  You may want to get this book if you are at all interested in England or of traveling to England.  Here’s to salads, chicken eggs and wonderful books.  Bye.



Celebration! The Chooks Have Delivered


Have I got something to tell you.






My chooks, my beautiful chooks, after months of feeding them, have begun to deliver. Why do I call them “chooks?”  David and I have been watching a television series filmed in Australia about a group of women who farm a cattle, sheep and alpaca ranch.  It’s called McCleod’s Daughters and we watch it at least once a day. The women call the chickens on the ranch chooks.  I don’t know if that is the way Australians say chicks, or if that is what they call chickens.  Could someone from Australia let me know?  Anyway, we started calling our chicks, chooks.

This morning I went out to let the chooks out and saw a broken egg on the floor. The silly chook who laid it didn’t even get off the roost to lay her egg!  Then this afternoon after church I went out and there was a soft shelled egg under the roost.



Later in the afternoon I was reading the paper and David came in and said he would let me find the first real egg because one of the hens was sitting in a nesting box.  I went out to check underneath her and all I felt was a plastic Easter egg.  Then while I was raking out their yard, I heard some really loud and very different clucks coming from the coop and I went to look and Penninah had laid an egg.  It was kind of small, but a perfect little egg.  I was so excited.

I had had a contest on my Facebook page to name my first egg.  A friend gave me a really good idea for the name so now you must meet her.

Meet Princess Ida Gottlaid.



Like her crown?  Now I will be looking for eggs every day and soon we will be eating omelettes,  scrambled eggs, deviled eggs, eggs benedict and………..

Here’s to laying hens and a happy chicken keeper.  Bye.







The Chicken Condo and Other Useless Things to Know

When David was building our chicken coop, he kept calling it the chicken condo. After he finished building it, I had to agree.  Our six chickens have a pretty nice place to live.  You saw the coop in past posts, but I have never shown you the inside.


The hens have these pictures of handsome roosters to look at while they are roosting.  Wonder if they dream about them?


On one wall hangs the door from David’s grandmother’s outhouse.  He helped his mom tear it down a few years ago and I wanted the door. Don’t know why, just did.  Outhouses are pretty much a thing of the past in most places and I thought it would be a neat reminder.  Just a note.  Grandma Henley’s rhubarb patch was directly behind her outhouse and she had the best rhubarb patch I have ever seen.  We use to go there and pick the rhubarb to make pie. Once the outhouse was gone, the rhubarb died.  Coincidence?  I don’t think so.


David put up this cute shelf to hold all the medicines, organic sprays, garlic and food for the chickens.  He put it up high enough that the chickens can’t reach it.  Garlic, you ask?  Although you should never feed your chickens onions and garlic is part of the onion family, I learned that just a tiny bit in their feed stops mites and lice.  Also a little apple cider vinegar in their drinking water keeps them from getting worms.  So far, so good.


David built this handicap ramp for Freedom so that she could get up with the other chickens when they roost at night. His idea and I think it was a good one although I have yet to see Freedom on it.  Are my chickens spoiled or what?

One of the best blogs I read about the care of chickens is called Fresh Eggs Daily.  I have learned so much from it.  Anyway, one of the posts tells what to do to get your chickens ready for laying in their nests instead of elsewhere.  Put an egg or rock or something egg shaped in the nest to draw their attention to the nesting box.



What could be better than Easter Eggs?   They are the right shape and colorful enough to catch the chicken’s eyes.


Every three or four weeks I sweep out the coop and spread new bedding.  First I spray the walls and floor with an organic orange and cinnamon spray that makes it smell so good. I got the recipe for it from Fresh Eggs Daily also.  I love when the coop is all clean and smells so fresh.  I almost want to lock the doors and not allow the chicks to get inside, but that would be wrong, wouldn’t it?

Something happened today that made me think we may be getting our first egg soon. I learned from Fresh Eggs Daily that when a chicken is about ready to lay, she will squat on the ground.  Today Penninah squatted on the ground and let me pet her, something she never does, so maybe, just maybe the due date is close at hand.  These girls are certainly late bloomers I must say.

I told you about a blouse I made this week and here it is.


I love this blouse pattern.  It’s loose and floaty and feels so good on.  I have gotten compliments for other blouses I have made from this pattern. Now I probably won’t get any compliments and I will go and cry in a corner.  No, I won’t.  I’ll wear it in defiance.


Love the bow at the neckline.


The pattern calls for buttons down the front so I raided David’s button jars and found several blue buttons in different sizes and thought to myself that it would look cute with different size buttons down the front. Either people will think it looks cute or will think I was blind when I sewed them on.  I am blind in one eye.  I could use that for an excuse.

Well, that’s all for today.  Hope you all have a great weekend planned.  It will just be me and the chickens.  Bye.