What a year 2020 has been and it just keeps on giving. When the new year started, it seemed like everything was so fresh and new and that wonderful things would happen and then,…. China gave us the present of the Covid Virus. I’ve heard that was an act of aggression on their part or even an act of war, but we Americans calmly accepted it and started the journey of quarantining ourselves, wearing masks and not gathering together. It was all so strange. We are a people who like to do things in large groups. This year we won’t even be able to gather in Times Square and welcome in the new year. Oh, the ball will still drop, but no one will be there to see it. Is it kind of like if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there, will anyone hear it kind of thing.
I hate wearing a mask. I have breathing problems at times anyway and wearing a mask gives me claustrophobia and shortness of breath so I try to avoid places where I have to wear one. Thankfully, we are not required to wear them in church. I try to do all my shopping at once so I don’t have to go several times a month. I try to spend time outdoors in the fresh air as much as possible. With three dogs, I have to be outside.
Speaking of dogs, they have been a life saver, keeping me company and giving me entertainment. Lucy and Sugar have definitely become MY dogs. David can be outside playing with them and all they have to do is hear me open the back door and they are off to the races seeing who can get to me first and jump on me. We are working on that jumping part because when you have two fifty pound puppies slam into you, you really feel it! At least they are happy to see me and I am usually happy to see them unless they get muddy paws all over me.

Three needy dogs. They are all three people pups. They love being with people. The puppies have grown so much and they are still only about half the size they will be. Our vet said they were slightly overweight, but they look skinny next to Molly and she has lost some weight. The vet told us Labs were always hungry and she was right. They act starved all the time.

They are so darn cute, I can’t get mad at them even when they tear up everything in the back yard. One of them dug up all the flowers I planted around our porch. I hope they get that out of their system before next growing season. Lucy still has those beautiful eyes.

They are all partners in crimes. Here David has a treat waiting for them. All eyes on it!

All our dogs when they were puppies destroyed something. Well, our new pups tore the pool liner getting in and out of the pool so we are going to have to replace it next Spring. The pool is eighteen years old, so the liner was needing to be replaced. David didn’t even act disturbed about it. Hmmmm. When Molly tore up the pool heater he had built, I thought she was dead dog walking for a while. He is attached to these puppies like no other.

Then there’s the chickens or chooks if you are in Australia. They are such good little layers. We haven’t had a period without eggs for a long while. Our new layers are starting to lay some pretty big eggs.

One of these eggs is not like the others…..

I love our eggs. They taste like butter. We have given away dozens of eggs this year. People always offer to pay for them, but we like giving them away. As long as we are able, we will continue to do so.

I call this one our loner chicken because she stays outside looking in. When I feed them, she waits for all the rest to begin and then she will find a place to fit in. She’s not henpecked, just chooses to be alone. I guess if some people live like that, so can chickens.

This is our bossy hen. She meets me at the gate every single time telling me I’m not feeding them fast enough. She has grabbed a bowl of feed right out of my hand and will peck me if she feels like it. She is also a talker and will follow me around clucking up a storm.

Our only Buff Orpington left. She has been a good layer and the next time we get chicks, I’m getting more Buffs. They are a gentle, sweet chicken.

No exactly sure what kind this chicken is. I thought I was getting a Silver Laced Wyndotte, but I don’t think that is what she is. She is a lot smaller than the other hens.
It’s been a little cold for bird watching although I still feed the birds, but the other day I got a few photos.

He looks well fed, doesn’t he?
Remember Frankenbird? She has blossomed from an ugly bird.

She’s got a crest and more feathers. Here she almost looks rainbow colored. I’m happy for her.

Sitting in the living room the other day I noticed the light at the window was beautiful through our lace curtains.

I took a few pictures. “Scarlette, it’s the land you love.” Does this look like that scene a bit?

The sky was on fire. Just beautiful. God’s creation on display for all to see.

Back to the puppies. I couldn’t resist. David had to build this gate because the pups were eating our shoes we leave on the porch and they tore the screen door out. David didn’t seemed disturbed by that either. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Is he getting soft in his old age?
In the new year I am starting a new quilt project. I have never joined a quilt along before. A quilt along, if you don’t know, is where several people get together online and follow instructions on how to make a certain quilt and we make our quilts together and when it’s over, we should have a finished quilt top. There are over 5,000 people all around the world getting ready to quilt with this quilt along.

We are using this quilt book by Kathleen Tracy. All the blocks measure four and a half inches square and there are 72 squares and a middle medallion with a saw toothed edging.

It’s not too late to join, but you need Kathleen’s book and lots of different materials. You will need to follow her on her Facebook page. I’ve been going through my stash.

As you can see, I am very well organized. I’ve got boxes and boxes of material and it’s like shopping for new when I go through them as I’ve forgotten a lot of these fabrics. but…

Wouldn’t you know? I ordered more! And I’ve ordered more again and am waiting for it to come! And,… I will probably order more before this quilt is done. I always can find an excuse to order more fabric. One of these fabrics has chickens on it, too! I’m going to try to make two of these quilts at a time. One in reproduction fabrics from the 1800’s and one from Christmas fabrics, so I will have two finished quilt tops by March, I hope. It’s going to be so much fun.
Years ago, I use to quilt with a friend and all of a sudden one day I lost my quilting mojo. I just didn’t feel like making quilts. It was awful. I could not get interested. My friend was worried about me. Thankfully, that little blip lasted a very short time and I was soon quilting again. We had just closed our quilt shop at that time and I think I was just burned out with quilts, quilting, fabric, the whole thing. But now I am as passionate about it or more. I love making quilts I can share with others and our house is full of them. I told my daughter that was my legacy to her and she can do whatever she wants with them when I’m gone. She already has several quilts I’ve made her as do her two boys. I love knowing that when I’m gone people will still be snuggling under quilts I’ve made for them.

So I already know what I will be doing the beginning of the new year. These are a few of the blocks I’ve been practicing on.
Do you make new year’s resolutions? I use to long ago, but I found that I could never keep them or I forgot all about them. I think it’s best to just live each year and be the best you can be. Be kind to people. Enjoy what you do each day. Find a passion and stick with it. Take a walk. Get a pet. Grow something. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Remember each day could be your last one. We never know. I’m glad God made it that way. I don’t think I would do anything much differently if I knew when I was going to die, Maybe patch up some broken relationships if I could. I’ve tried before. But the people I love know I love them so I’m good. Make a new friend. Go to church because we are to assemble together with one another. Pray for your country and its leader. We still are not completely sure who our president is. There was a lot of chicanery that went on with this last election. I hope it all turns out well. It will be up to the electoral college so pray for those people. Give money to a charity that helps people. I’m all for helping animals, but we people are in need of help too. I find that the Salvation Army is one of the best charities to get the most to more people. Pray for a cure for all the illnesses in this world. I pray for a cure for MS because my daughter has it and I truly believe she will be healed one day, but pray for anyone you know who is suffering with any illness. Pray this Covid thing will go away for good. I could go on and on about what we could or should do, but you know all that.
While it’s been very different this year, I think it’s been a blessing in disguise, too. Families have had to stay together and do things together. I know my daughter and her sons have had some real quality time. I do hope the boys get back into school at some time because they need that social connection with their peers. I’ve enjoyed not feeling like I have to be on the go all the time. I’ve read more books, sewn more quilts, and had more free time than I ever have had before and I love it. My life was not as interrupted as many have been and I know all you social people are ready for a BIG party so I hope you get it soon.
We will face this new year and we will live right through it like we did 2020. Many did not survive, but we who did have been blessed and we should make the most of every day. Thank God in Heaven for all you have because we do live in the richest country in the world. I heard the other day that just one of our states, California, has the fifth largest economy in the world. One state! So we are extremely blessed and we really don’t deserve to be. So thank you, God.
I pray for all of you who read this blog that your year will be full of blessings. That your troubles will be few and your blessings many. Hugs to you all. Virtually, of course. Happy New Year. Pray for 2021 that it only can get better from here. Bye.