Before I finish posting about Christmas and before the new year gets here, I’m going to rant about something that has been bothering me for a while. I like Facebook. It keeps me in contact with lots of family and friends I don’t see that often if ever. I like politics and it keeps me up on my favorite president and the real news that is happening. I also like to comment on Facebook and this is what has caused me problems. I have been put in Facebook jail for a month for something they say was offensive. I have not posted anything I haven’t already seen on Facebook. I don’t use curse words or foul language like many do and those seem to be okay. There are certain groups evidently protected more than others on Facebook. I have read some pretty bad things about people that I would never think of writing and yet these get by the Facebook censors. I back everything I write. I am not ashamed of anything I write. I believe everything I write is the truth. So to be put in Facebook jail seems very wrong to me. And once you are censored, even though they say you can protest, they make it impossible to fight them against their injustices. I’m wondering if it’s just conservatives who get censored.
If you look all around and see what is going on bad in the world, one would think it’s all President Trump’s fault. If you watch only CNN or MSNBC, you will never know all the good our president has been doing since he took office. You will only hear about his impeachment, a farce that the Democrats are hellbent on keeping going far into the next election period. I’m a fierce fighter and proponent of President Trump and it angers me when I see baldfaced lies being reported daily about him. When we have a certain man running for president who got his son a lucrative job with the Ukranians, a job he was not qualified for, and he is not judged as harshly by the liberal media, it angers me. Fair ball is not played by the liberal media or Facebook. Free speech is only for those with whom they agree. If you believe all you see and hear on liberal media, you are being kept ignorant of so much more. We truly are a nation divided with two types of media reporting. Lies and the news. Even then I wonder if we are getting the news we really need to hear.
But back to Facebook. I will continue to try to use my God given free speech and I will see just how Constitutional the Facebook censors will be to people with my viewpoint. Or do they follow the Constitution. It says our free speech is not to be abridged. No matter if it offends someone. No matter whether you agree with someone’s speech. There is a lot of speech that I find offensive. Many blogs that are offensive to me. A lot of hate filled things toward our president I find offensive, but I believe people have the right to speak or write what they want. Every day I see this freedom being taken, little by little. Just like gun control where one governor, Virginia’s, is trying to take people’s guns away. If we the people don’t fight this, we will wake up one morning with all our rights gone.
My next post I will go back to my life as I’m living it. It would probably be better if I had never heard of or taken part in Facebook, but it’s too late now. I know people who have said they are going to quit Facebook and then I see them still posting there. It’s almost addictive, like using a cellphone. I belong to several quilting groups and home decorating groups that I love to visit on Facebook, so I will continue to use it until the censors abuse me once too often.
Have you had problem with the censors on Facebook and do they target conservatives more than liberals? I’d love to know the statistics.
Here’s to freedom of speech and to those who uphold it. Boo to those who don’t. Bye.