Well, I’m just sitting here wondering where in the world Summer went. It came in a blast of rain and heat and is leaving the same way. I had so many plans. Some came to fruition, others went by the wayside. Like I totally missed our state fair again this year. Every year David and I say we want to go, but this year we had a nasty bug and were waylaid for a couple of weeks, so we missed it.
I wanted to go to the zoo. Haven’t made it there.
I’ve wanted to go on a picnic somewhere besides our backyard. Haven’t done it.
I have been swimming a whole lot more since it’s been so hot and humid this Summer. But because of the heat and humidity, our lawn grows tall enough that we could bale it before we get the energy to go out and mow.
We tried to buy some more land which would have meant more mowing and I was wondering, “What are we thinking?” Luckily, we didn’t get it. They wanted way more than we were willing to pay. It was all David’s idea. But I always go along with him. We are partners in crime, after all.
I took care of dogs and chickens all Summer. Plus fed the Hummingbirds to the point we use about a five pound bag of sugar every week just for them. They say animals are dumb? Then why am I doing all the work, feeding, cleaning after them, taking them to the vet? Molly hurt her eye somehow so we took her to the vet yesterday. I made an appointment for the morning and went to put her in the car, but she refused. She weighs eighty-eight pounds so I couldn’t lift her. I begged, pleaded, and gave her treats, but nothing was getting that dog into the car so I had to cancel the appointment and make one when David was here to get her in the car. So, guess what? Time for the appointment, she hopped right up into the car and David looked at me like I was crazy. Go to the vet, she acts like everyone there is her best friend wagging her tail all over the place. Even sat still while the vet put drops in her eye. Get her home, she doesn’t want to get out of the car. Crazy dog. But I love her.
I guess she knows who is boss.
Our garden has overflowed with cucumbers and tomatoes.
I would go out and pick them one day and the next…….
Bam! More. I can only eat so many so David has taken at least a half bushel to work with him and given them away.
This is my puny try at freezing some tomato juice. So much work. So little produced. Considering I don’t even use tomato juice very often, this is plenty for us. I have a friend who cans enough food for her and her husband to last all winter. I admire her and she puts me to shame, but I’m not ashamed enough to do what she does.
I have three little hills of cucumbers and they have produced enough for David to have all he wants and to take to work and give away. I am so glad those people like our produce. I hate to throw it away.
We have had two of the grandboys a couple of nights this Summer which isn’t much, but they and their parents have busy schedules.
So they had these toothbrushes that lit up when they used them, so we turned off the lights and they demonstrated them for me. It’s so easy to entertain Grandma.
We did manage to go to one auction. It rained the entire day so I spent most of it in the car knitting while David stood out in the rain and bought a few things. He got this for me. Five hours later.
A cute little Adirondack chair. As I sat in the car, they sold a boat right in front of me for $500. It was a really nice boat too.
I’ve knitted socks. Oh, yes I have.
David tried a new hairdo.
When we were getting our porch built a couple of years ago, one of the men working for our contractor brought me a flower since he saw I liked flowers. He told me I couldn’t kill it. Well, I watered in and kept it protected and watched it die down for the winter and it didn’t come up the next year. This year it didn’t come up either, at least for a long time. Then one day I saw some leaves where a bare spot use to be, and soon the plant was growing taller and taller, so David made a cage around it so the rabbits wouldn’t eat it. Now it is a beautiful big plant and I looked up what kind it is.
It’s called a Passion Flower and is so beautiful. They only bloom for one day, but there are several flowers on the plant.
We are going to see the Ark in Cincinnati this week. It’s an exact replica of the one described in the Bible. There is a zoo there also so I get to make my trip to the zoo. Thousands of people have already visited it and it just opened this Summer, on Dave’s and my anniversary.
Tomorrow I will start decorating the house for Fall. Before we know it, it will be election day, then Thanksgiving(hope I will be thankful who got elected) and then Christmas. Time is coming quickly. Did you know time comes. it doesn’t go? I learned that this year. You can’t stop it. It’s going to come so make the most of every day and give God the glory.
He’s provided some glorious sunsets this year.
Here’s to another Summer. Good-bye, Summer, you were really special. Bye