Simply Words

No pictures today, folks, even though I have several on my camera.  The past three weeks have been kind of fuzzy to me. After we took the Grandboys to the Children’s Museum, I got sick the day after and am really not feeling completely well yet.  I coughed and hacked for two weeks until my head and my teeth hurt and only after David started coughing and hacking did I decide to make us appointments to see the doctor.

I really like our doctor, I just don’t want to see him anymore than I have to.  He examined us both and put us on antibiotics steroids and inhalers.  I don’t like inhalers at all.  So we are finishing up these meds and I still have a cough and am blowing my nose. so there will probably be another doctor’s visit in my future.  When I was growing up and got sick, the usual remedy was a shot of penicillin and that usually made me well.  I don’t know what has happened to penicillin, but I am going to ask my doctor if he still uses it.

During these two week our tomatoes and cucumbers have gone wild.  I have picked so many and given so many away and they still keep coming.  I froze a little tomato juice.   I use to can tomatoes, but I quit that a long time ago because it seemed all the work wasn’t worth the product.  Plus, it’s always so hot when it’s time to can.  Yes, I am lazy.

My sock pile is getting bigger, however.  I have knitted and knitted when I felt poorly and some people are going to get several pairs of socks come Christmas.  I love knitting socks now.  I can almost do it with my eyes closed.  I can’t wait to get more yarn.  I have become a complete yarn addict.  At least I feel like I am accomplishing something while I’m sitting here.

David and I are planning a train trip this year.  Riding and sleeping on a train has been on my bucket list forever.  We will get to sleep four nights on the train and I can’t wait.  When we took the ferry to Alaska. I slept better than I ever had before.  Last night I had a dream I was sleeping on a train and it rocked just like the ferry did.   Alicia Paulsen on her blog, Posey Gets Cozy. just took the train trip we are going to take.  The train goes though mountains and Glacier Park and though the west.   Her pictures are amazing.  The dining car looks just like I envision it with white table cloths on the tables, sitting by a window eating your meal while the scenery goes by.  Looks like pure Heaven.

The grandchildren have all gone back to school.  Whatever happened to Summer?  June and July flew by.  I blinked and it was August.  Now August is half over already.  I really don’t think children should have to start school until after Labor Day.    I remember one year we got out of school on May 6th and didn’t return until after Labor Day.  It was a long, lazy(well as lazy as you can get on a farm) and wonderful Summer.  I would spend my days reading, playing with the animals on the farm, helping in the garden, helping my mother freeze corn. We did one hundred pints one Summer.  I got to do a lot of day dreaming too. Do kids have time to day dream any longer?  Day dreams are what inventions and literature and beautiful music come from.  If you are constantly bombarded with noise from an Ipod or looking down at your cellphone all the time for the next text, you really don’t have time to day dream.  A whole generation is losing out on the chance to just sit and day dream.  We are hooked up to social networks and are less social.  There has to be a middle ground somewhere, but when I go out and all I see are people sitting together with their eyes on their cellphones instead of connecting to others, It makes me kind of sad.  People even think you are kind of odd if you aren’t carrying your cellphone around with you everywhere you go.  It’s like life support for some people.   And now the Pokeman phenomena is driving people nuts.  Grownups racing around looking for an imaginary little creature.  What has happened to grownups, anyway?  Why do grownups now act like children?  I’m not being judgmental, I am just curious.  My parents would think the adults of today were acting very infantile.   My parents came from the generation when you had to work hard just to live and raise your family.  Family was the most important thing, too.   They didn’t have time for playing very often.  A family vacation was a real treat to be saved for and then you didn’t take another for a few years.  Now people think they have to vacation all the time.  My thoughts on vacations are they are fun, but they always make me glad when I get home.   When I am on vacation, I am thinking of home and when I am home I am planning a vacation.  I’ve gone on a lot of imaginary vacations in my mind.  Some have come true.  Others may never happen.

I am looking forward to cooler weather.  We have had rain, heat and humidity for weeks now.  I really feel sorry for the people in Louisiana. They are really having a hard time of it. Our town was flooded a few years ago, so I kind of know what they are going through.  Just think of losing all you own, all of it underwater, the mud and dirt in your home.  I pray for them that the rains will stop and they can start the clean up and get back to normal as quickly as possible.

Well, I have rambled on long enough.   I think it is my fuzzy mind still clogged with the cold and it doesn’t help that yesterday, while running to answer the phone, I had something slippery on my feet and I did the splits running to the radio to turn it down and then I did the splits running to the telephone and laying on the floor, I finally got it answered and it was our internet company. Our internet had gone out again, the second time this Summer and I find I am lost without it, which makes me wonder about myself.  Anyway.  I got the phone answered, but today I have a badly sprained toe with bruises and my thighs hurt.  But, we have our internet back and I get to ramble here on my blog.  So all is good.

Hope you are having a better time than me.  Bye.

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