Monthly Archives: November 2013

‘Tis the Season

It’s that time of year again.  The time when I say I am not making Christmas gifts this  year and then I begin to madly start making as many homemade gifts as I can.  I don’t know what it is, but I always start getting all these bright ideas right around Thanksgiving.   Actually, I started a little earlier this year as my sister-in-law and brother-in-law gave us a great idea for gifts for our younger grandsons.  We have been working on them and having so much fun doing so.  I say we because there is some building involved and since I am pretty much useless building things with wood, I am leaving that part to David.

When I am working on a project I all of a sudden get ideas to work on other projects and before I know it, I have four or five projects going at once.  My shop is in shambles  right now with fabric and paints all over.  I have a sign on my door reading, “‘Tis the season not to be nosy.  Santa’s workshop.”  This is to keep nosy grandchildren and others out of my shop so they won’t see what is going on in there.

But I  am so excited I want to give a little hint about what I am doing, so here are a few pictures that I don’t think gives too much away.









This may or may not be the start of a present.


These are a few of the fabrics I am using in a project which is not a gift.  At least not for this year.


I love this quilt.  I am going to modify it because I think the shepherd  is a little wonky.  Here are a couple of my sheep.




They started out with all these pieces.


When I finally got one of the heads done, I was so happy.  It’s going to need some eyes, probably buttons, but I know a man who has thousands of buttons so I’m okay on that.


I really admire people who write up patterns for quilts.  They can take a few squares and make them turn into a sheep’s head just like that if you follow the pattern carefully which I don’t often do as I get ahead of myself in the excitement of making the block. But this time, it actually looks like a sheep head.  I did make a mistake on both the blocks, but I think the block looks better with the mistake in and will do the same to the rest of the blocks.  I need to make six more sheep.

This pattern comes from this book.


Look at all the wonderful things you can make.  You can make ornaments, quilts, a tree skirt, pillows or a table runner and anything else you can think up using these patterns.  You could put things on towels or aprons.  Let your imagination run wild.

I may be a little busy for the next few weeks so my posts may be few and far between, or maybe not.  But I want to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Hope you get to share it with family and/or friends and have a feast and fellowship all day.   God bless you all.  I am so thankful for all of you that come here and read my little blog.


Happy Thanksgiving.  Bye.











Before and After the Storm

Yesterday one of our grandsons turned six years old.  It seems like only yesterday we were waiting anxiously at the hospital for him to be born.  He was the tiniest little baby I have ever seen.  But now, he’s a big boy, going to kindergarten and growing fast.


He was basking in all the attention.


That’s his other Grandmother sitting next to me.  She is a beautiful lady and I enjoyed visiting with her.


The lighting of the candles.  My grandson seemed to be more interested in his presents.


The cutting of the cake.   It was a marble cake and my grandson was explaining to us how they put marbles into it! It was really good with Neapolitan ice cream.


We had some bad weather go through here today.  All across the midwest there were storms and tornadoes.  We had some wind and lots of rain, but missed anything really bad here.  It was gray and gloomy all day, but then the storms passed and the skies looked like this…..






The sky got more and more beautiful until it finally looked like this….


Just beautiful.  The skies were azure and the clouds were pink and orange with a touch of bluish-gray.  I couldn’t stop looking at it.  There is always light after the storm.  Keep that in mind.  Bye.

When the Frost is on the Hot Tub

     When the frost is on the hot tub,


And the dog lies in the shop,DSCN7328

And the leaves are looking hoary,

As from the trees they drop.DSCN7309

And you hear the chickens cluckin’

As they scratch the cold, hard ground,DSCN7331

Chuckling to each other

About all the worms they’ve found.


  The gardener plows the garden,

While the wife takes in the seeds.

To supply the family next year,

With all the food it needs.


  The sky’s as blue in heaven,

As all the seven seas.

And the chill winds

They are blowin’,

Chasing squirrels among the trees.

O, it brings a chill to people,

That is felt down to their toes.

So they hop into the hot tub,

To ease their bodies’ woes.

There’s something kind of pleasant,

To be soaking in the tub.

It’s getting to it without freezing,

Now, that’s the only rub.

The bubbling of the jets,

As they beat against your skin,

Makes your toes curl up tightly,

As you wear a happy grin.


Then you know you have to exit,

And wonder what you’ll do?

“It’s cold out here,”  you’re thinking.

It makes you cry, “Boo Hoo!”

But at last you feel the warmth again,

As you run into the house.

Then you jump in bed and snuggle up,

Like a furry, little mouse.


Good Night.

Grandparents’ Day and Whirling Dervishes

David and I had the opportunity to attend Grandparents’ Day at three of our grandchildren’s school this week.  I always love to go to these because it is always so uplifting to see the kind of education my grandchildren are getting.  They go to a large Christian school and I believe they are getting the best education they can get.





When you enter the school you see all these inspirational signs on the walls.  This is a Jesus Christ centered school.  The children and teachers are all so friendly and happy and there is just a wonderful atmosphere in the whole school.


We grandparents were directed to the auditorium where a jazz band was playing big band music.  They had us all tapping our feet and clapping our hands.  Sorry my zoom lens wasn’t working. The boy playing the xylophone twirled the sticks as he played.  The trombonist was amazing.


There were greetings from the principal and others and then this pastor gave a short sermon using the piano as an object of the sermon.  There is a middle C.  Christ should be the center of our lives.  The black and white keys symbolize the good and bad that happens in our lives.  There are major key people and minor key people.  He played as he talked using music to enhance what he said.  He played one song playing it fast for the young people, slow for the older people and then really fast to show how fast our lives pass.  He was a great teacher and it was a wonderful object lesson.  I could have listened to him much longer.


The Praise Team sang and that girl in the green shirt.  That’s our granddaughter.  She sings in all the chapels they have each week.  I am so proud of her.

There were two days for Grandparents’ Day  The middle school was the first day and elementary the next.  This was on day one.


Our granddaughter took us around the school showing us where all her classrooms are.  This is her locker.



She is on the honor roll.


There were photographs in the hall taken by middle schoolers.  I was amazed at how professional they looked.  When I was their age I could barely put one foot in front of the other without tripping!



The next day David and I had to split up.  David went with our younger grandson and because he didn’t have the camera, we didn’t get any pictures of what they did.  They made hand prints and put them together on a page and our grandson wrote a really sweet note to us.   I got to hang out with this grandson.  He is so much fun.   I noticed he was seated in the front row in home room and I wondered why.  Hmmmm.  He and I almost started giggling when a man sneezed really loudly.  Maybe he takes after me a little.


The students stood up around us  and said a really long passage from the Bible from memory.  I was impressed.


This is his locker.  I looked inside it and was amazed how neat it is because I have seen his room.   I love this kid.


Saw this sign on the side of one of the teacher’s desks.  I think it could be parentisms also as I have said many of these things to my children.



In the evening we played Dizzios, a form of Dominoes.  It’s probably one of my favorite games even though I think I have only won it one time.  My grandsons are really good at this.

Speaking of grandsons, I will leave you with some pictures of my two youngest grandsons who spent the night with us last weekend.  I brought out the old electric football game our sons use to play with and the boys were entertained for a long time.  As you will see, I could not get a picture that wasn’t blurry because these boys were on the move all the time.  Whirling Dervishes.




Here’s to wonderful Christian schools and grandchildren.  Bye.