Monthly Archives: November 2020

Old Books and Loving to Read

I am always on the lookout for old books when David and I go antiquing.   I’ve found some wonderful books throughout my searches.  I also have some old books I’ve kept from my childhood.  Books you can tell were read over and over by the shape they are in.

Before I show you some of my old books, I have a few things to tie up.

We are at the end of Autumn, my favorite season. It’s gone so quickly, Halloween and Thanksgiving already turned over on the calendar.

The foliage on the trees was beautiful. This maple outside our bathroom window really looked like gold.

For the first time, my burning bushes were bright red. I planted these years and years ago and they have never displayed the red leaves like they did this year.  We had even talked of replacing them, but I guess we won’t now.

The light coming through the windows this time of year is so different from any other time.

Here is a paint by number I just completed and the light shining through the windows gave it such a beautiful look.  I’ve really gotten into paints by number and have another one ready to begin after Christmas.

The dogs always seem to find the warmest place to lay and sleep.

This just shows how close Molly, Lucy and Sugar have become.  The puppies pile up on Molly and they are all toasty warm.

Speaking of puppies, a funny story.  The other night David and I were in the living room watching a movie when the door bell rang. David went to the door and a neighbor down the road had all three dogs with him.  They had evidently gotten out of the yard and who knows for how long were playing around the neighborhood. Molly looked absolutely exhausted. Anyway, we had to bring them through the house to get them back into the back yard and while bringing the puppies through, they got loose and began to jump on all the furniture. They were wild. They found my yarn and started grabbing it and running and David and I were chasing them all the way!  One of them got a ball of yarn and ran through the house, trailing yarn behind her.  We finally each grabbed a pup by the scruff of the neck and got them outside.  Then we had to find out how they got out. We walked the yard and all we could figure out is they jumped the gate, so David built a higher gate by adding wood and screen.  They haven’t gotten out since so hopefully it’s fixed.  I’m still wondering how fat Molly got over that gate. I’m sure she felt the need to stay with the puppies to protect them and she got over somehow.

We went to the Artist’s Colony restaurant in Nashville with our daughter and her family. This is what they served. It was all delicious, and I didn’t have to cook!

Now for old books.

I’ve been going through my books and found some I forgot I even had.

This is very outdated but very interesting. Some of the countries don’t even exist any longer, I don’t think.

Korea is around but split in two.  This picture was before it happened,

I have a feeling Canadian children don’t dress like this any more.

Norwegian boys “coasting.”

Evidently they only took pictures during the Winter.

No, here are two darling children dressed in their traditional clothes.  Not sure they would be comfortable to play in.

Romania spelled differently?

We were watching Alice Though the Looking Glass a few weeks ago and I found this book I didn’t know I had.

Lewis Carroll drew the illustrations.

Alice and Humpty Dumpty. Did Humpty Dumpty come before or after this book was written?  I don’t know. I may have to investigate this.

Beware the Jabberwocky!

Enough to give a child nightmares if this were read right before bedtime.

I was collecting Wizard of Oz books for a while, but they have become quite costly.

A story behind this book. I loved this book when I was a little girl and I still had a very vivid imagination. There is a time in the book when Princess Ozma is put into a peach pit and kept there.  It just so happened my mother was doing peaches at the time and I took one of the peach pits and put it beside my bed. I just knew Princess Ozma was going to come out of that pit and be my friend forevermore.  After a few nights, I knew it was not going to happen, but I really did think it would.  To this day, I think Ozma is still in that pit!

I always loved this story of who killed Cock Robin.  “It was I,” said the Sparrow, “with my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.”  I thought it was the saddest of tales.

I haven’t read this book yet, but as you can see the lady who wrote the Little Colonel wrote this book and I loved the Little Colonel.

Oh, the “Jalna” books by Mazo De La Roche.  Books about a family who settled in pioneer Canada.  You can still buy the books and I have almost all of them. It follows the family as they build this wonderful house and raise their children. I just may have to read these again.

If you like to read gentle stories about good people who care for one another, read the Miss Read books. She writes about a village in England called Thrush Green and the school that is in it and all the characters in the village. I absolutely love these books and snatch one up anytime I find them because it’s hard to find some online.

I learned to read from these books.  I saw new Dick and Jane books were being produced.

This pictures tell a story even if you couldn’t read.

I’m not so old that I learned to spell out of these books, but my parents were.

Even in the classics, there were pictures most times.

Haven’t read this, so not sure what is happening with this spider. I will have to find out.

Back in time this was not politically incorrect, but you won’t see a picture like this in any book today.  It’s hard to imagine now.

I got this book cheaply at a sale.

I got it for the beautiful pictures inside of garden produce and flowers.

I had purchased this next book years ago and thought I would frame some of the pages, but since I’ve changed my mind and will keep the book intact.

In the days when they didn’t use photographs, but actual painted pictures.


Silas Marner. Anyone read this in school. I did.

This is well used book.

I am going to read this book. Years and years ago back when I was a second or third grader, we had a little library in a hole in the wall at our school and I remember going there with my best friend and would you believe, this is the book I picked out to take home.  I was a reader already and began to read it, but never finished it.  It’s on my list to complete.

This isn’t even a little bit of my personal library. I’ve been a voracious reader all my life. Right now I like reading psychological thrillers intermingled with feel good books about relationships and love.  I read mostly on my Kindle now, but I found this page I tore out of a magazine years ago.

It tells of the importance of books. Words on paper. I still like to pick up a good book and read it. I still love the smell of bookstores and libraries.  If you love to read as I do, you know what I mean.  Are you a reader? I can’t imagine not having a book ready to read at hand.  I fall asleep reading, after I say my prayers.  They say you are never alone when you have a book to read and you can travel anywhere you’d like to go.

So, here’s to wonderful books and their authors and puppies who love to run with yarn. Bye.



Living the Life

Okay, some of you may have thought I had a meltdown about the election, but I really didn’t. I still do not believe Biden won or at least, won fairly, but the lawyers will see.  So I’m living the life. The life before Biden because the life after is not to be borne.

I have been so busy and it seems every time we do anything I forget to take pictures so this is another pictureless blog, but I will try to make up for it next time.

David took a week off and did some much needed chores around the house. It seems when he is home I get NOTHING done except think about what to feed him.  I’m looking forward to next week when he is back at work and I have a whole day not having to think about food.  He says he doesn’t eat much, but I have cooked more this week than others recently.  Of course there-was our first Thanksgiving dinner where we had my daughter-in-love, her husband and our three grandchildren for dinner.  Our two sons were out of town and our daughter, who has MS was quarantining herself.   We had a great time and the meal was good, but like all other meals I have prepared and served at past family dinners, I forgot one dish.  We had all eaten and had our dessert when I remembered what I had forgotten.  I had good home frozen corn that I had cooked and put in a bowl to reheat in the microwave and as we sat there at the table, all of us stuffed, I suddenly remembered the corn.  I got it out and placed it on the table and would you believe almost everyone took a helping and in some cases two helpings and ate the corn.  They love my home grown frozen corn.  I had frozen it specifically for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Anyway, there isn’t much left of it.

I have been finishing up some Christmas gifts which I can’t show yet.  I really put the pressure on myself this year and you will see why after I post the pictures one day. I’ve also been busily knitting socks. I think I’ve knitted about fifteen pair this year.  Maybe more. Every time I would get a pair completed, I would put them in a bag upstairs out of sight and I haven’t counted them lately.

The puppies are growing so big. We took them to the vet’s this week and they weighed 37 and 39 pounds. The vet said they were slightly overweight because she couldn’t feel their ribs.  I thought they were slightly thin.  I put them on a four cup a day diet down from six cups a day.  They seem ravenous all the time.

We went to our daughter’s house today to take them leftovers from our dinner and when we came home the puppies had torn through the screen door on our porch and I saw Lucy running around scattering shoes we take off out there.  David is working on the door as I type. I’m interested to see what he is doing. I asked him a while ago to put a cover over the screen in the door because I knew something like this would happen. They had already chewed a hole in some of the screen before. Next Summer David has several screens to replace.

It’s a rainy, chilly day today. We drove over to Nashville in Brown county where our daughter lives.  Usually this time of year there is a lot of traffic going to Nashville as it’s a touristy little town with lots of cute shops, but because of the “virus” things have slowed down and traffic was very light. It was fun to see houses along the way that have their Christmas lights on or ready.  One little house just outside Nashville has a huge amount of those blow up lights, Santa, snowmen, etc., and when they are deflated their yard looks like a lot of dead blow up toys are on the ground.  But going by their house at night is a  treat.

We will be decorating for Christmas after Thanksgiving. I like to celebrate one holiday at a time and I think Thanksgiving has been pushed aside for Christmas in the past, but this year so many of us have so much to be thankful for. It’s been a very strange year, especially for those who are used to getting out every day. Me, it hasn’t affected as much as I’m a pretty stay at home kind of person only getting out once in a while.  Now when I get out things seems so different in some ways and of course, there are the masks we have to wear, which I hate with a passion.  I managed to get out and get a haircut. I haven’t had anything done professionally to my hair since Spring and my hair had grown clear down my back. I did color it myself which my beautician immediately noticed and said I needed a touch up.  He cut my hair shoulder length with layers and it feels so much better. I’m going to go in in a few weeks and get a color and trim.  I almost feel human again.  I wasn’t going to go get my hair cut until the mask mandate was over, but since it looks like we will all be wearing masks into infinity, I knew I needed to do something.

I have an idea for a blog that’s been brewing in my head, but I have to get some things together and get some pictures taken before I write it.   It’s about old books.  Do you love old books?   Do you even read books any longer or is all your reading done on Kindle?   I do read a lot on Kindle, but I do love old books.

I will see you on the other side of Thanksgiving and may you all have a very blessed one.  Bye.


Living in Two Countries or Don’t Read This if You Are a Trump Hater

Over the last four years I have felt like we live in two different countries.  Once upon a time when a person won an election he was duly elected, went to work and that was all. Now, whenever a Republican wins an election, the Democrats suddenly find thousands of “lost” ballots and they are always for the Democrat candidate. That is what happened this presidential election.  It’s happened many times before.

For the last four years I have watched President Trump vilified, attacked and made out to be the most dastardly person anyone could ever know. All CNN, MSNBC, and all the other alphabet news outlets could never report anything good about President Trump. Not when he stopped ISIS from its murderous rampage, not when he  brokered peace in the Middle East and had the American embassy placed in Jerusalem. This after all preceding presidents told us they would do it. Not when he was nominated for three Nobel Peace Prizes. Not just one like Obama was and he was lauded by the press like he had found a cure for cancer.  Not one liberal news outlet reported it.  Not when he stopped flights from China when the Coronavirus was coming from there. He was called racist. Then later they reported he didn’t act fast enough and wanted people to die.  Not when he lowered taxes on the middle class. If you were employed, you noticed a raise in your paycheck   Not when he built the wall on our southern border stopping all the illegal immigration coming into our country.  Not when he had checks sent to people who were out of work because of the virus.  No, never was one good thing reported about our president. President Trump has done more for this country in four years than Biden did in the forty-seven years he was in congress. He did, in fact, do many things other presidents said they would do, but never managed to accomplish. I remember all those promises unkept.

Sure, Biden enriched himself and his family, but he sure did not work for we the people and I don’t see him doing it in the next four years if he manages to keep the presidency which is still up in the air.  Remember. Al Gore had thirty-seven days to try to find more votes in Florida.  Remember the hanging chads?  There was voter suppression going on, but it wasn’t Democrat voter suppression.

After four years of hate toward our president and, I might add, toward those who voted for him, ,we are now to lay down and kiss the ground Biden steps on just because he says he will unite us!  He did NOTHING to try to unite us for the four years he was VP and never while he was in congress, so I won’t be holding my breath for him to suddenly become the kind loving Old Joe the liberal press likes to talk about. He said some pretty nasty things about us and our president. So have many of you reading this.   I’m sure President Trump feels like the battered wife who is told to put her sun glasses on now to cover her blackened eyes, wear a long sleeved shirt to cover the bruises and now must unite with his batterers and get along. I say, don’t hold your breath. We who voted for him have been treated like second class citizens. Beat up for wearing Trump hats.  Sworn at for wearing a Trump shirt. Never once did I hear the truth about our president come out of the mouths of the liberal, leftist media. I call them the enemydia now and don’t watch them any longer. OAN and Newsmax are my news sources of choice now.  I’ve also gotten off Facebook as it censored a whole lot of free  speech during the election.

They are still counting the votes in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and a couple of other states where vote counting was stopped election evening and overnight  they just happened to find just enough votes for Biden to put him over the top. Funny, well, not so funny for those of us who want a free and fair election.  When I went to bed election night I was sure President Trump had won handily.  They say President Trump got seventy-one million votes, eleven million more votes than he got last election. You will never make me believe he did not win the election. I will not call Biden my president and President Trump is hinting that if he loses this election so unfairly, he will start running for president 2024. So you haven’t gotten rid of President Trump and those of us who elected him so fast.  The world will not suddenly become the rosy thing you think it will under Biden. The air won’t be fresher, your pocket will certainly be thinner, but maybe the virus will disappear now.  Very strange.

You may think I sound bitter. No, I’m in a fighting mood.  Ready to take back what was stolen from us and next time there will be no question.  There are millions of people just like me. I saw many of them at the Trump rallies. Some of the nicest people you could ever know.

Just remember this. If gas goes to five or six dollars a gallon during Biden’s term, don’t blame Trump. They will try to.  When your taxes go up and you are having trouble making ends meet, don’t blame Trump. He had the best economy going this country had seen for years until the virus hit us and it was coming back again. Now watch your stocks go down if you have any.

Do I think President Trump is the perfect man? No, there was only one perfect man who walked this earth and the haters murdered him.   Is Biden perfect? Have you seen how he fondles little girl?  Have you seen the video where his son took showers naked with his 14 year old niece?  No, you won’t have heard about this because they were protecting Biden. He won’t be president for long. Kamala will take over and then it will be hell on earth for us.  She has a lot of baggage also, but I won’t go into it now.

So celebrate while you can, but you might want to go buy a gun  and hide your money because it’s going to be a bumpy ride if Biden takes the reins.

To all my liberal friends, I’m glad I got this off my chest after reading some other liberal blogs. To my conservative friends, we’ve just begun to fight. Bye

Pictures to Make You Happy

Just in case the election doesn’t go as you like, or even if it does, here are some cute puppy pictures, Enjoy.

Lucy sitting in her favorite chair.

Sugar pretending to be a wild tiger.

Don’t let those innocent faces betray you!

The three sweetest faces on earth.

Lazing by the pool, but she never gets in it.

Oh, oh.  Lucy sees Sugar hiding in the grass.

It’s safer up here on the chair.

Not sure I should get down.

Watching the action below.

The puppies are growing so fast and are getting more and more brave. They already know how to sit and stay and wait for their treats and soon I will be working with them on the leash.  It’s been so much fun having them.

They watch the back door and as soon as they hear it open, they are waiting at the top step to the porch.  It makes it a little hard to walk down the steps, but they are learning to get out of the way.  Molly shares her house and her bed with them and they all sleep together.

David gets up early and feeds them, then I have them the rest of the day.  Just me, the puppies and the chickens.  Ha.   Well, I’m going to watch the election returns and pray for good results.  God bless America.   Bye.

P.S.  Had to tell you a funny story. We have had Labrador Retrievers for years and our last two are number four and five.  None of our Labs in the past wanted to get in our pool which we thought was strange since Labradors are bred to go into water to retrieve the hunter’s bird or duck. Well, all our past Labs always acted afraid around our pool and we didn’t encourage them as we didn’t want our pool liner to get torn.   Well, yesterday I noticed Sugar, our new black Lab puppy leaning down into the pool and I called her out on it.  Later in the day I thought her coat looked so pretty and had a wave in it on her back. Then I pet her and noticed she was wet all over. Then I saw a big puddle  by  the steps into our pool.  Sugar had evidently either fallen in or gone for a swim willingly. It had been my fear one of the pups would fall into the pool and drown, but they have stayed away from it until today. Now one of them has tasted the joy of water and I have a feeling we won’t be able to keep Lucy out  of the pool.  Oh, well.  Life is never boring with puppies.