Before I get into my story, I have to add something to my last blog I forgot to tell. You know, the wedding blog. Well, we got married in July and that September I went back to college. I was taking a finance course and we had a paper to hand in. The next day the professor got up in front of the class and said, ” I have a paper from a Kate Pentecost, but I have no student by that name.” He looked around the room. I looked at the boy next to me and said in a whisper, “That’s me, but I got married.” My face was bright red, I’m sure. I slowly raised my hand and said, “That’s me. I got married this Summer and my name was changed.” The whole class laughed and the professor handed me my paper, which had my pre- married name on it and it had a good grade on it, by the way. I never forgot again.
If we are living in crazy times, I haven’t had much time to notice. I can’t believe how fast the time is passing and how much we have done this Summer.
We’ve had kids swimming in our pool.
Had seven boys one day. They had a ball.
David took a week off for our anniversary and we did things close to home.
We took a drive one day.
Just have to say I love Indiana in the Summer. I sometimes wonder why we ever want to go someplace else when it’s so wonderful here.
Southern Indiana is full of vistas like this. Lazy rivers and woods. Once you get away from the cities and towns, most of Indiana is like this.
Cornfields growing high. They did get knee-high by the 4th of July this year. We’ve been blessed with plenty of rain.
Wildflowers growing beside the roads.
Old church yards with graves behind them. Whoever cares for this graveyard has a talent.
Someone carved a chair from a tree stump. It even has a footrest.
There are a lot of old, abandoned houses spotting the landscape all over Indiana. People just up and leave and the houses go back into the earth.
We ate out about every day, but I have to say something about all this cleaning for the Corona Virus. In one restaurant, my arms stuck to the table and David said it’s the cleaning supplies they are using. After eating there, I got sick to my stomach.
We went to another restaurant later in the week and the disinfectant smell was so strong, I once again got sick to my stomach and could not eat. So now I’m wondering if the cleaning for the Corona Virus is worst than the virus. It can’t be healthy eating and smelling all the disinfectant and now I’m wondering how much of the disinfectants are getting into the food. I think I’d rather take my chances with the virus.
So on to my photography. I have taken so many pictures the past few weeks. One day I sat out on my shop porch swing and tried to get some pictures of the birds eating at our feeders. This is why I will never be a wildlife photographer. Let me entertain you with my wonderful pictures.
This guy was wondering what in the heck I was doing.
He/she kept looking at me suspiciously.
Molly was curious about what I was trying to do.
Finally I got a bird shot.
And another.
Then papa cardinal arrived with one of his babies.
You can see the topknot on this baby bird.
This is what a baby cardinal should look like, but…….
We have a visitor to our birdfeeders that we have named Frankenbird. Poor thing, I don’t know whether it’s just a young Cardinal or an anomaly, but he comes regularly and doesn’t seem to be afraid of us.
No topknot and very few feathers. Almost the size of an adult Cardinal.
We will watch him and see if he transforms into a beautiful Cardinal.
You know how life has its ups and downs and you never know when either will come? I had some really deep downs this Summer when I lost our dog, Belle. I have to spell her name in front of Molly because when she hears Belle’s name, she starts looking for her. How do you explain to a dog that her friend has died? I keep telling Molly we are looking for a new friend for her and we have been. We’ve lost the chance on two litters of Labradors the past couple of weeks. We didn’t get in soon enough in being a pick which is your number that you get to pick a puppy from the litter because we didn’t know about it. We tried getting a Silver Lab, but they were all sold before we even got our name in. The second litter was sold quickly also, so when David found a breeder in northern Indiana he got our name in right away and guess what? We have first pick of the puppies! They aren’t even born yet. That is how popular Labrador Retrievers are right now. They will be born next week and six weeks later we can go see them. I’m sooooo excited. They will be either black or brown. I don’t care, we have had both and they were great dogs. I also have someone who will care for our dogs if anything ever happens to David and me. I hope I have dogs until the day I die, but I want to know they will be cared for.
I’ve outlived too many dogs. This is Belle’s pawprint. It still makes me sad to see it.
And this is the Rainbow Bridge poem that I still cannot read because I know it will make me cry.
But joy comes in the morning and I know getting a new puppy will bring joy to our house so I’m looking forward to it.
I’m watching America’s Got Talent right now. They are having to watch the acts on video which makes it very interesting. One woman sang opera while sitting on her horse in Oregon. If nothing else, this virus has made people very inventive.
This weekend we will celebrate our oldest grandson’s graduation from high school. We don’t get to go to the graduation which I think stinks, but we will see him at his party. We are so proud of him.
Here’s to joy in the morning. Bye.