Category Archives: Uncategorized

Making Things

I am still making things for my sale. I can’t seem to stop even though the sale is only two weeks from next Saturday and I have so many things to get set up.

Here’s my cutting table piled with things to mark. Just the tip of the iceberg.

A dish towel I designed and embroidered along with a matching potholder.
A Santa towel with matching potholder.
Piles of pillows. This is just a few of them.
I debate with myself if I want to sell this quilt, but I probably will. After all, I can always make another one!
A quilted stocking.
And another.
And another. These are large stockings to hold a lot of goodies.
An old doll bed for sale. It comes with a pad and a pillow I made for it.
More pillows.
Gift tags by the dozens.
Piles of pin cushions I embroidered words upon.
I twist twine from strips of fabric and I use it everywhere. To tie back curtains. To wrap around a present. I even have used it to twine around a Christmas tree. I have bags of it for sale. I’ve twisted yards and yards of it over the past year.
Mug rugs or coasters, if you like. I’m still making these.

This is just a few things I will have for sale on December 3rd. It’s coming fast and I have so much to do.

Next week is Thanksgiving already. I can’t believe it. I’m looking forward to having dinner with some of my family. I wish we could all be together, but we are all so spread out and some have other family obligations so we enjoy the ones we can be with. Then the next week I have to go get another shot in my eye. Hopefully I won’t have to go again until after Christmas. David went to his final doctor’s appointment about his shoulder tpday. The doctor told him he was amazing because he healed so rapidly. Usually takes four to six months after the operation he had to get back to normal and it hasn’t even been four months and the doctor said he was good to go. Still needs to watch heavy lifting for a while longer, but other than that, he’s fine.

If I don’t get here until after Thankgiving, many blessings to you all and may you have a very thankful Thanksgiving. We all have something to be thankful to God for. Bye.

Meet the Humpties

As I continue to sew for my Christmas sale on December 3rd, I came across this old pattern that belonged to my mother years ago. I don’t believe she ever made any Humpty Dumpties from it, but she might have and I just didn’t know it. The pattern has to be about forty or fifty years old.

Anyway, as I was going through my patterns I found it and decided to make a Humpty Dumpty. Little did I realize at the time you can’t just make one Humpty Dumpty. They are so darn cute, you want to make more and more. I ended up making six and I still would love to make more. Here are a few I have made.

“Hey, I’m not a Humpty!” No, she isn’t. I made this doll many years ago and I found her in a box the other day and something had eaten off most of her hair. She had long red hair at one time. I’m going to do something with her, maybe add new hair or rags all over her head, but I intend to keep her and put her out where I can keep an eye on her. Looks like I will need to freshen up her face, also.
These are flat Humpties, waiting to be plumped up a bit. They are so much fun to make. Each has its own personality and I find myself talking to them. Does that make me weird?
They love sitting on the couch in the sunshine. In a few weeks I hope they will be going to new homes.
Did I say I’m making pillows to sell also? This one would look so cute in a little girl’s room.
This is just one of many pillows I have made. None are the same.

The next few weeks I will be finishing up projects, cleaning my shop from top to bottem and setting everything out for display. I already have two Christmas trees up and the garage sale items I am selling are already set out and priced. I have some interesting things in those, also.

If you live anywhere near me, I hope you plan to come to my sale. I’m only doing this once. It’s taken over my life for a year and next year I have other plans.

Here’s to Humpty Dumpty. May he not fall off a wall again. Bye.

Country Roads and More Christmas Sale Items

Indiana is beautiful in the Autumn. For a brief time the trees are in their glory before they shake their leaves all off and go to sleep for the Winter. David and I love traveling country roads to look at their beautiful foliage.

There is nothing like traveling the back country roads.

We see old buildings like this and wonder what they were used for.
David thinks a barn and I think it could be an old warehouse. Someone knows.
People in vintage cars like the back roads, too.
How much fun to drive the back roads in this car.
Up a hill to where two of our grandsons live and where we have some property. We have had this property for years and dream of building a cabin on it.
Watching them practice their sports.
The grandson in black is our youngest. He’s much too big. They grow up so fast.
Our daughter has MS and has not been able to drive for about a year. She was told if they bought a certain car they could have special controls installed into the car which would enable her to drive. They would do this for free if they bought the car. Unfortunately, their budget did not provide the funds to buy the car so one of their friends put them on Gofundme and in a matter of a few weeks they had enough to buy the car. Gofund me is for people who need help with things like medical bills and things like this car that someone needs to be able to do things for themselves. They were certainly blessed to have people donate to this fund for them and are thankful for every one of them. Here is the car. As soon as they have the controls installed, our daughter will take lessons on how to use them and she will be able to drive her wheelchair right up to the controls and drive herself. She is so looking forward to this as she loves to drive and it will give her some of her freedom back. It’s been a difficult journey for her sometimes, but this is a bright spot in her days.

We took another drive today up north to visit our other grandchildren and eat breakfast at the Pancake House with them. I love eating at the Pancake House. I usually get French toast and it’s so good. Their coffee is good, too. I usually don’t like coffee at most restaurants because they make it so strong.

We finally got to see our granddaughter’s and her husband’s house they bought last year. They celebrated their first anniversary this Summer. They adopted their older dog, Hazel and she is a sweetie. Part chocolate Lab and part Pit Bull. My granddaughter is getting ready to run a 10K and Hazel loves to run with her. Their house is so cute. Much larger than David’s and my first house as we told them. We could have fit our first house in two rooms of theirs. But we loved our little house at the time, but then the babies started coming and it was much too small. They have room for at least one baby. I hope it won’t be too long. Hint, hint, Abby, if you are reading this!
We sat around their table with Abby’s mother and visited for a while. It was so nice.
Then it was off on back roads again.
Past Geist Reservoir. We watched fireworks from our son’s boat on this reservoir one Summer.

The leaves were flying in the air today as we drove down the road.

When we got home I took some pictures of just a few things I will have for sale in my Christmas sale, December 3rd.

Patchwork kitties. I’ve made dozens of these. You could hang them on your tree, give them to your cat to play with or make a banner with several of them. I think I might put a banner together myself.
They come in all colors.
Just a small selection of the patchwork stockings I have made.
I only made three bears and wish I had made more. They are so cute. Two of the bears are so fat, their shirts would not fasten, but David said it makes them look fashionable that way! These were from a pattern of my mother’s who made bears for our daughter when she was a little girl. I am so glad I still have the pattern.
This is a barn quilt I have made. I love this pattern. It’s from Lori Holt’s Vintage Farmgirl quilt book. You can do so many variations with this pattern and every one looks different.

How cute are these barns with the quilt on the side? I have made several things from this pattern for myself and I never get tired of it. Just looking at this makes me want to go right out to my shop and make another one. The book is still for sale on Amazon, I think. But you can buy a finished quilt from me!

Just a few potholders I have made. I got the patterns for these from several places. Each one is different.
This is a Kathleen Tracy design from one of her books. Kathleen Tracy takes a quilt design and uses vintage looking fabric to make her quilts to make them look old. This one is kind of like that. I love this pattern. I’ve made several for me and for others.
It’s fun to use your scraps to make this quilt. It’s small, but would look cute on a table with a bowl full of apples on it or a couple of pumpkins or anything you love that you would like to show off.
Another quilt that I will sell. No two quilts are alike.
This is doll sized or you could use it, again, underneath something you want to showcase on a table. I roll up all my little quilts and place them in a basket or in an old doll carriage I have which makes a nice way to display them. I have dozens of small quilts. I even have one my mother made me when I was a little girl. Perhaps a little girl will get this one for her doll.
More gift tags. I’ve made piles of them. They are like potato chips. You can’t stop at one. They would look cute on a Christmas package.
I saw this quilt in a magazine years ago and had always wanted to make one and here it is. It’s in Christmas colors but you could leave it up all year.
Each hand has a word of faith on it.

And last, but not least and certainly not the last things I will be showing you.

Bundles of mug rugs(or coasters if you wish.) Four in each bundle and tied with my homemade twine. I will also have my twine for sale. I have twisted dozens of yards of it and it is so cute tied around a present. With my gift tags, of course!

That’s all for today. As soon as I get all this priced, I will bring another load down from my upstairs and post it here before my sale.

Here’s to country roads and sewing for Christmas. Bye.

Time to Get Er’ Done

I finally thought I was done making things for my Christmas sale, so I have started a deep cleaning of my shop. Having kept three dogs in there while I was sewing, there was a lot of dog hair to clean up. The pups are going to have to stay out of the shop until after December 3rd. So, I’ve been going through all my things and finding more fabric I had forgotten I had and of course, I decided to make a few more things.

I found some of my cute Halloween fabric and just had to make a little quilt. I’ve already sewn another one that I will show you when it’s done.

Because my table was finally cleared off, having not been able to see the top of it since last Christmas and I got this idea to have a sale, I thought I would pin one of my quilts that I have been wanting to finish.

After hundreds of pins later, I finally got it all ready to quilt.

This quilt will be mine when I’m finished. It has a fine display of many of my fabrics I have purchased through the years to include some material from a dress I wore when I was a little girl.

Here are a few things I will be selling in December.

A doll quilt. I’ve made several so if you know of a little girl who would like to have a quilt for her dolls, there will be some to choose from.

Potholders. I have really enjoyed making these. I have so many pot holders of my own I have made through the years and I use them all the time. I don’t know how many I have made for the sale, but there are several in different colors.
Honestly, this is my very favorite thing I have made for the sale and I love it so much, I am going to have to make myself one. It could be a baby quilt or a doll quilt or you could hang it on the wall of a child’s room.

Autumn has come and it looks like it around our house.

We managed to get three pumpkins from our two pumpkin vines that made it through the Summer. The dogs tore up one patch and we had to watch that they didn’t get into the other patches.
Years ago, I planted this Viburnum. It would die out and sometimes only a stick would come up every year until last year when it really started to grow and it had the prettiest blue flowers on it in the Spring, but nothing else. Then, this year, no blue flowers, but these beautiful purple berries are all over it. I thought they looked so pretty against the blue Autumn sky. Proves you need patience when you garden because plants will do what they want to do at times and you just have to leave them alone. I am so glad we didn’t dig this out years ago when it wasn’t producing anything.
The Mexican torch flower wasn’t as pretty as it has been in the past. I didn’t know the neighbors pine tree was a backdrop to it, but it does make them stand out.
We hung the two wind parachutes that we got on our trip to Madison a few weeks ago. They twirl in the wind and are so pretty. I love them.
Something else we love is this dog. She LOVES to play fetch and would do it all day, I believe. Here she is watching David closely ready to fetch the ball.
I’ve been gathering zinnia and cosmos seed to plant next year.

I will leave you with a picture of a creature that has taken up residence on our front porch. Well, at least its home.

Can you see the hole where it hides? I don’t know what kind of spider is in there, but it has a huge web strung.
It’s probably a good two feet long and just as wide. A structure to be proud of, I’m sure, if you are a spider.

Here’s to happy dogs and busy spiders. Bye.

Things I am Making

Every day I go out to my shop and sew for hours. I am making things for my sale in December. Here are a few things I have made. There are hundreds more.

These are my church dolls all rolled up and ready to go to some little boy or girl to play with while sitting quietly in church. There are three dolls in each and they come with a quilt or a knitted blanket.

One of dozens of patchwork stockings I have made. All are different.

I’ve been rolling my strips of fabric into fabric balls for years, but have decided to sell a few of them. They are solid fabric, not strips of fabric over styrofoam balls you find for sale in other places. I keep a few in a bowl for decoration.

David made the fence and I made the garland. This is mine that I made for my Autumn decorations.

I added spools of thread and cinnamon sticks between each piece and hung the garland pieces with tiny clothespins.

I’ve sewn lots of gift tags. I love making them so much, I cannot stop. I made a few today. They would look so cute on your Christmas gifts.
I sewed buttons on each one and tied it with a ribbon or twine.
While most of the patchwork Christmas stockings I have made are smaller, I have made a few very large ones for someone who you want to give lots of gifts to. This one is a lot bigger than it looks in the picture.

So, I’ve been busy sewing up a storm in my shop, but I know December 3rd will be here before I know it so I must keep busy.

The pups have been busy also. We have a few pumpkins coming on and they discovered one.

This is their version of a carved pumpkin. They picked it and carved it all by themselves. I have a sneaking suspicion that it was actually Sugar who did all the carving as she seems to be the one who is always looking for something to chew on, but since I didn’t catch her at it, they all get the blame.

Here’s to the joys of sewing and to dogs who carve pumpkins. Bye.

Labor Day Weekend and Beyond

I don’t want to believe it is Labor Day weekend already and now as I type this, it’s over. We had a nice beginning to the weekend by having lunch Saturday at Simmons Winery with our two sons and their wives. We have not been together for a meal in years so it was nice to catch up and see them together. One lives in St. Augustine, Florida and the other in Cincinnati, Ohio which is why we don’t see them together that often. I ordered a Ceasar side salad and their huge pretzel and I do mean huge. It took David and me two days to eat it!

Sunday we went to church, then drove down to Madison for lunch. Ate at a Frisch’s Big Boy.

I use to love Big Boys but my taste buds have changed. Although it was good, it wasn’t as good as I remember. Are they doing something to our meat, because everywhere I’ve eaten lately, the meat does not taste that good. I’m not a vegan and I love to eat meat so this is very bothersome to me.

We then drove downtown Madison and looked at the shops and houses. Madison has some of the most beautiful houses and most of them are made of brick. It’s a real river town. We went down by the Ohio river and found a seat and watched a family searching for something on the beach. I don’t know what they were looking for, but the grandparents, parents and kids were all searching diligently for something and some were even digging. I would have liked to ask them what they were looking for. They had big buckets and every once in a while they’d throw something in them. It was so relaxing sitting there, but we knew it was time to go. We did go back downtown again and saw a shop that sold wind flags and other things. They had the cutest parachutes that were spinning in the wind so we went in and I bought two. One with butterflies on it and another with dragonfiles on it. We already have the butterfly one spinning on our front porch.

I love the Ohio River. In fact, I love all big bodies of water. David and I both agreed we should come down here more often. It’s only an hour’s drive. That’s Kentucky on the other side.

On our way out of town I wanted to see the fountain Madison has.

It’s a truly beautiful fountain. Made of copper. A few years ago Madison hired this woman to come clean up the fountain. She was there all Summer taking the fountain apart and cleaning it. It still looks beautiful even though it has turned to verdigris. The flowers in Madison are amazing also. They really take pride in their town.

. Another place they take pride in is this…

Their cemetery. I know a cemetery is a strange place to look at as a tourist attraction, but we found a lot of history in this one and so many different kinds of monuments.

A special place for veterans.

It is a beautiful cemetery and I’m glad we drove through it. Years ago when we were in Charleston, North Carolina visiting David’s brother and his wife, they took us to see a cemetery. It was an old, old cemetery and had Civil War soldiers buried there. Sadly, in those times they did not integrate whites and blacks in grave yards so there was a special place for the black soldiers to be buried. Glad times have changed. Those soldiers lost their lives for our country, too.

The drive to Madison is so pretty. Through farmlands and down a steep hill. This was when we were going out of town.

A curvy road.

Past this little waterfall that drains into the Ohio River.
Then it was time to drive home and feed the dogs. I know they were waiting patiently.

If you ever get the chance to be in southern Indiana, visit Madison. It truly is an Indiana treasure. I love it so much. I wouldn’t mind living there.

As I leave I will leave you with some pictures of what I am working on for my Christmas sale. I just cannot stop making things and I ordered more fabric this week!

Yes, I know you can’t tell what I’m making from this, but there are at least three projects on there I am working on.

And last, but not least, I will show you the humogous egg one of my chickens laid.

Not really. The egg on the left is about an inch long. That chicken was just not trying that day! Bye.

Testing, testing, testing

Testing if I can now put pictures on my blog. It’s been a while. Here’s something I am making for my Christmas sale.

I’ve been making church people. Little dolls that children can play with quietly while sitting with their parents in church. A father, mother and child.
Each doll family comes with a quilt or a knitted afghan.
Each family is different.
Each doll comes tucked away in its own little pocket.
Then you can roll them up and put them away.

Okay, this is working fine now, thanks to David who figured it out for me. More posts coming about what I am making. I’ve made hundreds of things and am making more. I made the cutest tags for presents today. Can’t wait to show you. Bye.

No Pictures so Use Your Imagination!

I really wish I could show you some of the things I am making for my Christmas Sale on December 3rd. I know that date seems really far away, but it will get here before I know it and I have tons of things to do to get my shop ready. Mainly, it needs a good cleaning. Having the dogs in there with me this year has made it a little more furrier than I would like and I have been cleaning up where their pens are kept. I really wish I had the time and the energy to paint all the walls again, but that’s not going to happen.

I’ve been posting the little church people I have been making on Facebook and they have been received very well by some people. They really are so cute with their own little quilt or afghan and a roll up container made of fabric to keep them in. I’ve made five of them so far and may make more as they are so much fun and I really think anyone with a small child would love to have these for him or her to play with.

I made a small quilt the last couple of days. I keep telling myself I have enough stuff to sell, but I keep getting ideas and I have so much beautiful Christmas fabric, it just has to be used. I ordered red and white striped ticking way back in May or June and I finally got it this week and oh, do I love it and see so many things that can be made with it. I wish I could show you all the Christmas stockings I have made and the cutest little patchwork kitties. I loved making those so much, the last time I counted them I had made forty!

I do try to get outside often and play with the pups. They love me shooting their rubber ball and going after it. Most times Lucy is the one who gets it because she is the athlete, but Molly and Sugar give her a good run for the money. I really believe Lucy would fetch all day if I sat out there and shot her the ball.

David has been doing very well since his surgery. They keep asking him at the doctor’s office if he has any pain or is taking any pain medicine and he tells them “No,” which seems to surprise them. He really hasn’t been in that much pain. He’s doing exercises the PT gave him and he is talking about going back to work. They told him he could stand around and tell the other employees how to fold the clothes(He works at Ralph Lauren’s Polo store.) He’s been there since the store opened and is the last remaining employee who was hired there so he knows pretty much everything there is to know about the store. He started out taking out the trash, moved up to asst’ manager and was manager for a short while, but he did not like the demand that took on his time. He is retired, after all! Now he works only three days a week which is plenty. He is itching to get back, but I really hope he will stay home for a couple of months to ensure his shoulder is healing properly. But if the doctor tells him he can go back to work, I won’t be able to stop him.

I am saving money to get our house painted orange. I know, that sounds ghastly, but there is a house in Bloomington painted a rusty orange with deep spruce colored trim and it is beautiful Besides, I told David we would be the only house in our town that is painted orange. I keep working on him and I tell him it won’t happen for a couple of years. I think he hopes I will get out of the notion, but I know I won’t. Check out orange houses online. There are many beautiful ones. So unique. No white house for this girl. I may paint a birdhouse the colors I want to see how it looks. Also, we have a bay window with a roof and I want to have the roof replaced with copper. I can see it in my mind and think it would be a knock out house. I never stop dreaming even though I can’t do as much as I use to do. No matter how old you get, NEVER stop dreaming.

Hope you have some dreams and that some of them come true. Bye.

A Blur of Days

I know I’ve been gone for a while, but I have no idea how many days it’s been. So much has been happening. I got my second shot in my right eye to fight the histoplasmosis that has suddenly appeared in it. Thankfully, it did not get into the center of my eye and has not affected my vision and I pray it won’t. I have a very good eye doctor, Dr. Shah, and he knows what he is doing. Years ago when I had histo in my left eye and was getting shots, it was a traumatic experience. One doctor even made my eye blood shot for days afterward. When Dr. Shah gives me the shot, I hardly know when it’s happening he does it so quickly and painlessly. Anyway, enough about me.

David went in for surgery on his rotator cuff and when the doctor got in there he found a very badly torn shoulder muscle that he had to sew back onto the bone. OUCH!@ I was worried David would be in a lot of pain as our pastor had about the same surgery and had told him how painful it was. I don’t know if David just endures pain more than others, but he said he only had some pain right after the pain blocker they had put in wore off and one other day. He’s been keeping ahead of the pain with his pain meds and he has this what looks like a thermos that holds ice water and it has a tube that runs into the icepack he keeps on his shoulder and that has seemed to help a lot. The doctor told him this week that it was a really bad tear and it would be several months before he can take the sling off. Maybe as long as into February. So I am going to have to find someone to help me get food for the animals as I cannot pick up fifty pound bags anymore. But we have stocked up and have enough for a month or two so I will worry about that later.

We have been having some heavy rains which I am so thankful for because watering the garden is one thing I don’t have to do when it rains. Right now I feel like I am on a treadmill with the house, the dogs, the chickens and everything else. I know some of you reading this have done things by yourself for years, but I am not use to having to do the heavy work. I have to help David bathe as he is not to get his stitches wet for a while and has to keep his arm in a sling.

I do manage to get a few hours of sewing in for my Christmas sale I hope to have on December 3rd. I am finishing up three table runners this week. Sitting and slowly sewing on the binding is so relaxing to me during this time. I wish I could put pictures on here, but I still haven’t figured out how. I am hoping when my son, who is a computer tech, comes to visit he can find out what has happened to my blog.

We got a new pastor at our church and we really like him. David had put on Facebook that he needed someone to mow our lawn and even though he doesn’t know us that well, our new pastor said he would come do it. I thought that was really nice. With all the rains, our lawn looks like a hay field.

I watched a really interesting show on ID called Village of the Damned. It is a true story about this small town in New York that in ten years time had so many murders and tragedies that people were calling it that. I liked how it ended though, when the townspeople said it was really a nice place to live and that those tragedies did not mean it was a horrible place. It really looks like your idea of the perfect small town. Someplace I’d like to visit.

David and I have been watching Vera on Britbox. And when I found out these stories came from books that Ann Cleeves wrote, I put some on my Kindle to read. Vera is a policewoman who takes no nonsense and is incredibly good at her job finding the killer in each episode. It’s really a good series, but as usual, we are getting to the end of them and will have to find another series to binge watch. Is the term Binge Watching something that started when you could stream shows? I never heard of binge watching any tv show in the sixties and seventies. Honestly, if someone had told me fifty years ago that you could pick and choose what you wanted to watch on tv, I would have laughed at them. Back then you only had a few channels on your black and white tv and the tv went off after the National Anthem was played until the next day. The Mickey Mouse Club was in black and white and was one of my favorite shows to watch after school. I so admired Annette and so did my brothers! Annette got MS like my daughter. She was beautiful right to the end of her life, inside and out.

Speaking of my daughter, a friend of hers put her on Gofundme to buy her a special car that she could get in with her wheelchair and go right up to the steering wheel with it and with special controls that she will have to learn to use, she can drive all by herself. She is so looking forward to having that freedom again as she loves to drive and not being able to has really been hard for her. Anyway, Gofundme paid for the vehicle and so she and her husband went this week to buy the car. Now it will have to be specially equipped just for her and she will have to have lessons on how to drive it. When she finally gets her wings, I want to take a ride with her.

I’ve written quite enough for now. Just please keep us in your prayers. Prayers really do work. Bye.

Summer Days

I really wish I could post pictures here, but something has gone wrong with my blog and I cannot figure how to put pictures on it right now so you will just have to read and try to picture things.

My garden is in full bloom. My little raised bed garden is actually prettier than any of my other gardens because it gets more attention. Everything is in bloom. The tomatoes are setting on and some are almost ready to be picked. I have had fried green tomatoes twice already and have pretty much had my fill of them this year. I’m going to try to put some pictures on my Facebook page so if you are my friend you can see the flowers that are in bloom. Cosmos, zinnias, nasturtiums, geraniums and others are looking so pretty.

I have some news about David’s and my health. Remember last winter David slipped and fell while taking care of the chickens? He’s been going to the doctor ever since and finally the doctor decided maybe he needed surgery to repair the damage. He may have even torn a muscle loose, but they won’t know until they get in there and see. He will be off work for five to six weeks best case and up to twelve weeks, worst case. Let’s hope and pray for best case. We are stocking up on feed for all the animals as I cannot load those big bags myself. He goes in for surgery August 4th.

I have had some bad news about my eyes. When I was in my twenties, I had ocular histoplasmosis which was in the center of my left eye. I had to have shots in my eye for several months to stop the bleeding. I lost the central vision in that eye. Well, the last time I was at my eye doctor, the one who lasered my retina back, discovered I had histo in my right eye. He said the good news was we caught it early and it was not in the central vision of my eye. I still worry about it, but I had one shot in that eye and will have to go get several more in the next months. Praying that this will save the sight in my right eye. I really don’t know what I would do if I lost my vision and could not quilt, knit or read. I’m counting on my doctor to take care of it for me and praying to God that He will give the doctor the knowledge to know how to treat it. If you who are reading this and are a praying person, please send a prayer up for David and me as we go through this trial.

Onto more pleasant things. We have been noticing that our black Lab, Sugar, always seems to be wet. We never see her in the pool where she knows not to go and there is never any wet places to show she has been in the pool. Today David went outside and went around the corner to the pool and Sugar was in the pool. When she saw him, she immediately got out. Caught red handed! Or red paws! None of our other dogs show any interest in getting in. So now we know the mystery of why Sugar is always wet. She’s sneaking in swims when we aren’t looking!

I have been working every day on things to sell at my Christmas sale I am still planning on having December 3rd. I have made hundreds of things and still have ideas for more. I really am enjoying myself. I go out in my shop every single day and work on something. If I ever can get pictures here on my blog, I will post some pictures of my creations.

David and I celebrated our 54th wedding anniversary on July 7th. Three days after that our granddaughter and her husband celebrated their first anniversary. I could tell her it doesn’t really seem that long ago when David and I were celebrating our first and we already had a tiny baby. And she will wake up one day and she and her husband will be celebrating their 50th anniversary wondering where the time went. When you are in a happy marriage, the time seems to fly. There are not enough years.

A while back David noticed that in the crawl space in our basement it looked like a den had been built so he figured a woodchuck had gotten in via under our porch which leads into our basement and it was setting up housekeeping. So, he set a trap. Guess what he caught? It wasn’t a skunk which we had to have removed this Spring. He caught a baby possusm. So he took it a few miles away and let it loose. Then he set the trap again. By the way, it seems possums like apples. He caught another baby possum. Off it went to where he took the last one. Well, five possums later and he thinks he has got them all. Meanwhile, out in our yard the dogs have caught two possums. Lucy came carrying one to me the other day. I don’t know if it was dead or playing possum. I don’t know where they all are coming from, but they seem to like it around our house. I don’t leave any food out, so that is not the draw. I have nothing against possums. They are actually very nice creatures. Just don’t want them in my house!

Speaking of creatures. I was upstairs and I came out of our bedroom and thought I saw a big piece of lint on the floor and started to pick it up and noticed it was a baby bat! I ran and got a waste basket and put over it until David got home. He took it outside. We don’t know how it got in. We have had adult bats in the house that came in through our fireplace, but we have it covered right now so it’s a mystery how the baby got in. For your information, baby bats are kind of cute.

Something is always going on around here. Never a dull moment. Hope your Summer(or Winter) is going well. Bye.