Labor Day Weekend and Beyond

I don’t want to believe it is Labor Day weekend already and now as I type this, it’s over. We had a nice beginning to the weekend by having lunch Saturday at Simmons Winery with our two sons and their wives. We have not been together for a meal in years so it was nice to catch up and see them together. One lives in St. Augustine, Florida and the other in Cincinnati, Ohio which is why we don’t see them together that often. I ordered a Ceasar side salad and their huge pretzel and I do mean huge. It took David and me two days to eat it!

Sunday we went to church, then drove down to Madison for lunch. Ate at a Frisch’s Big Boy.

I use to love Big Boys but my taste buds have changed. Although it was good, it wasn’t as good as I remember. Are they doing something to our meat, because everywhere I’ve eaten lately, the meat does not taste that good. I’m not a vegan and I love to eat meat so this is very bothersome to me.

We then drove downtown Madison and looked at the shops and houses. Madison has some of the most beautiful houses and most of them are made of brick. It’s a real river town. We went down by the Ohio river and found a seat and watched a family searching for something on the beach. I don’t know what they were looking for, but the grandparents, parents and kids were all searching diligently for something and some were even digging. I would have liked to ask them what they were looking for. They had big buckets and every once in a while they’d throw something in them. It was so relaxing sitting there, but we knew it was time to go. We did go back downtown again and saw a shop that sold wind flags and other things. They had the cutest parachutes that were spinning in the wind so we went in and I bought two. One with butterflies on it and another with dragonfiles on it. We already have the butterfly one spinning on our front porch.

I love the Ohio River. In fact, I love all big bodies of water. David and I both agreed we should come down here more often. It’s only an hour’s drive. That’s Kentucky on the other side.

On our way out of town I wanted to see the fountain Madison has.

It’s a truly beautiful fountain. Made of copper. A few years ago Madison hired this woman to come clean up the fountain. She was there all Summer taking the fountain apart and cleaning it. It still looks beautiful even though it has turned to verdigris. The flowers in Madison are amazing also. They really take pride in their town.

. Another place they take pride in is this…

Their cemetery. I know a cemetery is a strange place to look at as a tourist attraction, but we found a lot of history in this one and so many different kinds of monuments.

A special place for veterans.

It is a beautiful cemetery and I’m glad we drove through it. Years ago when we were in Charleston, North Carolina visiting David’s brother and his wife, they took us to see a cemetery. It was an old, old cemetery and had Civil War soldiers buried there. Sadly, in those times they did not integrate whites and blacks in grave yards so there was a special place for the black soldiers to be buried. Glad times have changed. Those soldiers lost their lives for our country, too.

The drive to Madison is so pretty. Through farmlands and down a steep hill. This was when we were going out of town.

A curvy road.

Past this little waterfall that drains into the Ohio River.
Then it was time to drive home and feed the dogs. I know they were waiting patiently.

If you ever get the chance to be in southern Indiana, visit Madison. It truly is an Indiana treasure. I love it so much. I wouldn’t mind living there.

As I leave I will leave you with some pictures of what I am working on for my Christmas sale. I just cannot stop making things and I ordered more fabric this week!

Yes, I know you can’t tell what I’m making from this, but there are at least three projects on there I am working on.

And last, but not least, I will show you the humogous egg one of my chickens laid.

Not really. The egg on the left is about an inch long. That chicken was just not trying that day! Bye.

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