Category Archives: Our travels

Road Trip

Before I tell you about the road trip David and I took yesterday, I have a few things to show you that are going on around our house.


Molly is holding her own with the big dogs. As you can see here, she is not at all intimidated by Belle, even when Belle barks right in her face.  She hangs out with Bonnie and Belle pretty much all day now.  She doesn’t like being in the shop.  She wants to be where the action is.   I love her little tail that curls over her back.  This is her, “you’re not scaring me,” stance.

We are training Molly to walk around the pool, not get in it.  So far, so good. She walks right up to the edge and then walks away.  I still cage her at night as I am afraid she will fall in the pool and get drowned.


The birds are busy eating sunflowers. I am going to plant more next year.  We have had dozens of birds including several pairs of goldfinches eating on the sunflowers.


See the chickadee at the bottom of the picture?   It’s hard to get their picture as they grab a seed and fly off to peck it to get the good insides.


I believe this is a female goldfinch as she is not as bright yellow.

While sitting at my sewing machine in my girly room I saw a lot of action on the top of my shop.  Cardinals were going in and out of the  gutter getting seeds or bugs or something.  Then I saw this one.


A rather henpecked orange cardinal.  Yes, it was orange against the reds of the other cardinals.  I think this may be a young one. He looked kind of sad.

Then another critter came to eat.


There must have been something really good in the gutter to make all these birds and squirrels come to dine.


“You lookin’ at me?”


Chomp, chomp, chomp.


David and I took a road trip.  We headed to Danville to eat at a special restaurant I had read about.


We landed in Mayberry at the Mayberry Cafe.


Barney’s police cruiser sat outside ready for him to jump in to catch another criminal.


All the televisions inside the cafe ran Andy Griffith shows continuously.  The food was good too.


We sat at Opie’s booth.

We walked around the town square and saw this little guy.


While driving to Danville we went through Bargersville and Mooresville.  We found a couple of really good antique stores. Did I buy anything?    What do you think?


I found this cute chalkware chick and a child’s old watering can.  I  will use these for Easter decorations next Spring.  Never too early to plan, you know.



We stopped at this antique store and it was full of treasures.


I got two yards of this beautiful fabric for four dollars.  A good deal.  It’s already hanging out on the line drying after I rinsed it to get the dyes set.


I collect American flags and found this 48 star flag at a very good price.  I have several 48 star flags and one 49 star flag which is kind of hard to find as the 49 star flag wasn’t around very long.  Some day I am going to hang all my flags all around my house outside just to see how many I have.


I have never been in Avon and we were passing through and I saw this quilt shop and we had to stop.


I just got a few pieces for a quilt I am working on right now.


We so enjoyed our drive on the back roads of Indiana. My state is so beautiful in the summer even though it is so hot.  Everything looks lush and green.


The fields are getting ripe for harvest.  It is said our corn crop is great this year.  I am glad for the farmers and I hope they fill their barns and silos and make a good profit on their crops because some years can be very poor for farmers.  We have had just enough rain to make everything grow well.


It saddens me that the old wooden barns are disappearing from the landscape.  Someone said once that most children don’t even know what a haymow is.  It’s to store the hay.  It was a great place to play when I was a girl.  It’s where mother cats hid their kittens among the hay bales.  It’s where you swung from the hay hook suspended high above. The hay hook that would hook the bails of hay and then they would be swung into the haymow.  I have so many happy memories of the haymow on my daddy’s farm.  We played basketball up there also when there wasn’t hay in the way.


I will leave you with a picture of the calendar I bought the other day.   Everyone should keep chickens.  I highly recommend it.  Bye.


It’s a Jungle


We went to Cincinnati this week to visit our oldest son.  We also went  to Jungle Jim’s.  Jungle Jim’s is a grocery store, but not just any grocery store.  It has so much more than your average grocery store.  Come along with me and I’ll show you.


Does your grocery store sell Hookahs?


Or have rickshaws on the shelves?


Jungle Jim’s has themed areas.  Guess why they have a USN fire truck on the shelves?


Because it’s the Fiery Foods area.  Hot sauces, hot mustards hot condiments, hot everything.   I have never seen so many different hot sauces.


And I loved their names.  Beast Killer.




Never slap your mother.  No matter how hot the seasoning is.



I’m whistling now.  Just move along.


Think this might be just a tad hot???


This hot stuff cost this much.  You got to really want to burn your mouth to pay this much.


David found a hat to wear in this section.  I think it suits him.


We saw Sonny and Cher hanging out.


Fresh fish.  So many kinds.  Octopus even.


Large tanks full of these.  I’m not a Peta person, but I still feel a little sad to see these waiting for their destinies crammed in tanks.   I don’t think I could put one in boiling water, but I have eaten them and they are tasty.


All kinds of sodas.  Would you like a peanut butter and jelly soda?   I’ll have mine on bread, thank you.



All kinds of coffees.  I loved the colorful packaging.


This sign does not refer to David or Jason.


It refers to the wall of jerky in all flavors.  I never liked jerky except when I worked at a Stuckeys when I had just graduated from high school and they sold beef jerky there.  I ate it occasionally, but haven’t eaten any since.



That’s a lot of cheese.


This looked very strange and was all prickly.


I think this may be an acquired taste.  At almost sixteen dollars each I don’t think you’d be buying them often either.


Remember the movie, Aliens?   I think I know where they are keeping them.  Is Sigourney Weaver anywhere close?


If you’re this kind of person you can drink this…..



Something to look at everywhere.



We spent a couple of hours walking around and looking at things and I purchased a few things.  I can never find Adobo here so I got a big jar of it that should last us a while.

Now for some absolute cuteness.  We were going to try to find another registered Labrador Retriever next Spring.   They are hard to come by.  I wanted a brown female.  Then a girl I know put this on Facebook.


A Boxador.  A cross between a Boxer and a Lab.  I fell in love.  I told David I had found our next dog.  She has seven brothers and sisters.

Through the years, my daughter would peruse the newspaper and show me new puppies for sale or to be given away.  She talked me into a couple of dogs.  I even found one myself years ago.  There was an ad in the paper and I drove out to the country where a whole slew of children and puppies came running out the door.   The puppy who didn’t run from me came home with me.  We named her Samantha.  She was a sweet dog, but she was a very nervous dog.  I always wondered if she had eye problems because when I would take her for a walk, she would jump at garbage cans sitting by the side of the road and even mail boxes.  One time I was getting ready to walk her and had to go inside for a second so I looped the leash around the wheel of a brand new grill David had just gotten.  It sat on our back deck.  While I was inside, Samantha must have moved the grill a little and gotten frightened because the next thing I heard was a crashing and a bumping outside as Samantha dragged the grill behind her down the steps of the deck.  I finally got her captured and the grill nor Samantha was hurt, but I never did that again.    Samantha lived for a long time, but she never got over her nervousness.

But back to the Boxador.  David and I drove over to see her and she is so adorable.  She has both brown and black fur and a cute little black face.  I held her and she went to sleep in my arms.  I couldn’t bring her home yet as she was still too young.


She wobbles when she walks.  I could call her Weebles, but I already have a name picked out.


Who wouldn’t love this face?


She was yawning here.


She is going to be so much fun and such a good friend.  I can’t wait to bring her home.


Bonnie and Belle haven’t a clue what’s coming.  Bye.


Give a Boy a Camera………

My grandson kept asking to use my camera while we were in Chicago, so I let him.  Here are some pictures he took.  I will leave it at that.










Look, Ma, no tonsils.









Some of them were pretty good.  I told him when I replaced my camera, which I am hoping to do this year, he could have my old one.  Maybe he will start a blog.

Here’s to grandsons, cameras and the eye to use them.  Bye.

Chicago day 3

Day three of our tour of Chicago.  It’s impossible to see much of Chicago in three days, but we tried.  We drove all over and saw parts of Chicago most people don’t see.  It’s a very busy, active city. People walking or riding bicycles everywhere and the cars.  Oh, the cars and the buses that would pull right out in front of you at the last second.  But David is a good driver and got us everywhere without a scratch(although we did get within inches of some vehicles at times.)   I would say, “David, that car almost hit us,” and he would say, “Oh, it was a mile away from us!”   Actually, by day three, we were old hands at getting through the traffic, David with his driving and me not screaming.  The grandkids sitting in the back poking each other and laughing and not paying attention to the traffic at all.  But why should they?

We saved the best for our last day in my humble opinion. The Adler Planetarium.  I have always loved looking at the stars and when I was growing up, I thought I would like to be an astronomer.   On the farm where I grew up all you needed to do was walk out the back door at night and you could see millions of stars in the sky.  Not like it is today with so many outside lights on at night.  Where I live now I can see stars, but not nearly as many as I could on the farm.  I would dream of other planets and traveling through space.  We could see the Milky Way very clearly in the night sky.  When we travel out west, I want to go to as  little populated places as we can to see the night sky.  I love watching the astronauts shoot up into space and wish I were there with them.   So, the Adler Planetarium was the perfect destination for me.

My grandson’s name is Adler, by the way, so he thinks the planetarium is named after him.  We had to get him a shirt with his name on it.


In this exhibit, you could move the astronauts around and put them into their capsule.


This was supposed to show you how it felt to be weightless and jump on the moon.


Believe me, I didn’t feel weightless and this was a good leg workout.  Wish I had one of these at home.


Okay, I don’t know why this picture is sideways, but this is our younger grandson.  He wants to be an architect, though.  He likes to build things.


We saw the Milky Way.



We saw a comet.

I didn’t get a lot of pictures at the planetarium, but there was so much to see and read.  We went to a couple of the shows they gave.  The one I liked best was about the universe and the galaxies.  When we went into it, they gave us all a penny and during the show, they asked us to hold our pennies up to the picture of the universe and said that in space the size of Lincoln’s eye  there were hundreds of galaxies.  We sometimes think our galaxy is the end of the universe.  There are so many they haven’t all been counted.  Each with their own planets and suns.  Seeing this just made my belief in God more confirmed when I think how all this was created.  Our sun is just the right distance from earth that we don’t freeze or burn up.  The more I learn about the world and the universe we live in, the more I believe there is a great Creator who made all this.  I see it every day in my garden.  It’s a wonderful world and universe we live in if we just look around.  We people are like ants scurrying here, there and everywhere, never stopping to look at the beautiful world around us and how everything works together.  How absolutely everything points to a God who made it.  I love science and I love God and I believe they are very compatible.  Anyway,  I loved seeing about the universe.  I could have watched it over and over again, but, alas, we had to leave so that others could see the show.

After the planetarium we had planned to go the the Field Museum, but we were meeting our son at a restaurant for dinner so we decided to find someplace to park and walk as I really needed to get out and walk since we hadn’t walked enough. Ha.

So we finally found a little park and David drove by a parking lot thinking in Chicago he could find a “free” parking space, but we ended back at the parking lot and paid fifteen dollars so I could get out and walk.  We were at Lincoln Park, a small, free, gasp, park with a zoo and farm animals and it was lovely to walk under trees.   It was very enjoyable for me.  My two oldest grandchildren were getting antsy as this wasn’t their thing.  But, hey, humor grandma for a while.  Anyway we had to kill some time and what better place than at a park.

Our final destination to end out trip to Chicago was Ed Debevic’s a popular restaurant there.


Ed Debevic’s where the waiters and waitresses are rude and dance on the tables and in the aisles.   It’s a fun place.  Our waiter gave us all these hats, threw our napkins at us, asked me why I was eating like a chipmunk, nibbling my food, called my granddaughter a “princess” for ordering a salad and I won’t tell you what the waitress said to David as she delivered his very large hotdog, but we laughed for several minutes after that one.  And it was a very large hotdog.  We had a good time, but all good things must end and we went back to our motel to pack for the trip home the next day.

Our trip home was called “torturing the grandchildren day” as we took the long way home and stopped at a couple of quilt shops.  We were asked over and over again when we would get home and we kept saying, “When we get there.”  David and I would have stopped at every antique store we saw, and we saw a lot of them, but well, you know, grandkids.    They cramped our style.  We decided we would have to come back to these antique stores sans the grandchildren one day.

All in all, we had a great time, but it was good to be home again to my garden and dogs and chickens and less traffic.

Chicago is an amazing city and we hope to go back again.  Bye.


Chicago Part 2


David and I were courageous and took three of our grandchildren touring in Chicago this week.

On day two we went to the Museum of Science and Industry.  There is soooo much to see there.  One cannot do it in a day.  Or at least I couldn’t because I want to read everything and spend time in each exhibit.  With three grandchildren who have been there before, we did a whirlwind tour through the museum.  We still saw a lot.


There was a circus exhibit with a miniature circus parade.


David wanted me to be sure to take this picture of him by the strong man because, you know, David is a strong man too.


Little circus wagons and the crowds who watched the parade.


Electricity displays everywhere.


A tornado in a bottle.


We saw baby chicks hatching.  The poor little things have to struggle so hard to get out of the egg, they almost look dead when they finally get out.


But soon they are on their feet and their fluffy feathers dry and they look like the cute little chicks you see at Easter.  As a farm girl, this is nothing new to me, but city kids seldom get to experience this.


There was a fairy castle that my granddaughter and I liked especially.  It was started by a silent movie star back in the twenties and grew from there with many people getting involved in its construction and furnishing.


Each little room was furnished completely with what would be needed for the inhabitants.  Look at the tiny copper pans and the dishes.  This must have been fun to put together.


Even the little glass bottles were perfect and so tiny.  Abby and I could have looked for an hour or more.  There was so much detail in each room.



My grandson took this picture.  It’s a tornado.  We got to go in a wind tunnel capsule and feel the power of a small tornado.

We walked and walked and saw so much.


We saw a German submarine that we captured in the second world war.  It had sunk several of our ships.  This is a representation of some men who escaped their ship.  They had the submarine at the museum.

If you are ever in Chicago, get a city pass and it gets you into several attractions, the Adler Planetarium, the Shedd museum, the Museum of Science and Industry, and a few other things.  It was worth the price and we still couldn’t see it all in three days.

We saw so much and enjoyed the museum greatly.

When we got back to our room, my feet were so sore.  We had walked all day and up and down stairs over and over again.  I was hoping I would be ready for the Adler Planetarium the next day.  We shall see. Bye.





First I must say, I don’t like big cities very much.  I yearn for the open roads and greenery and fresh air of the country whenever I am in the city.  That said, I have had a lot of fun in big cities despite the traffic, crowds of people and parking.  You have to pay to park almost everywhere in Chicago.  We paid fifteen dollars today to go to a park.  Crazy.  Yes, we were.  But I needed to get out and walk somewhere besides between cement buildings or in parking lots.  It was nice.  We were in Lincoln Park, a free park(faint, faint) which had a nice little zoo and farm animals.  I saw the chickens and they made me homesick. There was a grown silver winged Wyndotte, one of which I am raising right now and she is going to be a beauty if she looks like that one

Our adventure in the city began Monday when our intrepid driver took us through the crazy which is Chicago traffic to Navy Pier.



Our grandchildren snug in the back seat.  Don’t pay any attention to that boy on the left.  He looks scary, but he’s a kind soul.


Driving down Lakeshore Drive, but where was the city?


There it was on the horizon.   Lake Michigan on our left.


The John Hancock building can be seen as we draw nearer.

We have come to Chicago many times and every time I have said I wanted to ride the giant ferris wheel at Navy Pier. So, finally, we did.



It was quite the experience.   This was looking down.


This was the view from the top.  That’s Lake Michigan.  It was beautiful that day.


These flowers were planted at the base of the ferris wheel.  So pretty.    Did you really think I would blog and not write about flowers?


This was another view.  Chicago really is a beautiful city, but not that windy while we were there.


Our grandchildren rode this.  Only the young can do this.



My younger grandson on his steed.  That’s me peeking around his shoulder.  I couldn’t resist riding the merry-go-round.


We walked through the botanical garden.

We also walked through a maze that made me dizzy, strobe lights strobbing and music throbbing and mirrors everywhere.  If my grandchildren had not been with me, I would still be wandering around in there.

We found a little off to the side room where nobody was where you could play with clay.  The sign said to try to make a face.  Someone had made one and left it and whoever did it was a real artist.  Here it is.


Then my grandchildren and I got to work making our own faces.  My granddaughter made George Washington.


My grandsons’ faces were very creative.




Then, there was mine.


This was something out of one of my nightmares, I think.DSCN8261

I guess you can say I am not an artist with clay.

After spending a while at Navy Pier, we headed over to the Shedd Aquarium.  DSCN8275

This stone was outside it with carvings all over it.






Then we went to the Shedd Aquarium.


Wouldn’t you know it?  There were fish there!


Seahorses.  So magical.




Jellyfish.  More kinds than I ever knew existed.  So beautiful.  Soothing music played as the jellyfish floated around.


Those are some jellyfish behind my grandson.   Or is that a gigantic halo?


We touched sting rays.


We found Nemo.  He’s been at the Shedd Aquarium all along.



That was just the first day.  More to come.  Bye.







A Graduation, Roosters, Oh, and a Turtle

Last Sunday we attended a graduation party for a great-nephew.  My nephew grew up just down the road from my home and I babysat him once in a while.  Now he has a boy graduating.


The last time I saw this boy he was the ring bearer in our daughter’s wedding.  How swiftly the years have past.  I made him a little suit with white shorts and a blue blazer for the wedding.  I was putting the hem in the sleeves of the blazer the day of the wedding so they would be the correct length.  He came from Cincinnati the day of the wedding so I had not been able to do any measuring.  He was a very good ring bearer.  Now he has a full four year scholarship to college.


The chocolate graduation cake.  My husband already had taken a piece.


My sister is his grandma.  The one thing about sisters, you always sit in a corner and giggle about silly things.  She didn’t want her picture taken, so, of course I did.


This is my gorgeous niece.  We went to her graduation party last year.  I wrote about it last year and how we somehow got lost getting to her house.  Anyway, she is already a junior in college.  She thinks she might want to go into politics.

We stayed all night at our son’s house in Cincinnati and were going to go to King’s Island, but it was raining so we headed home.  On the way we went through the small town of Brookville.  You will see why I loved it that we stopped here to antique.








Roosters!  Practically every business had a cement rooster in front, all of them painted in different colors.  I loved it.  We have been in towns where there were cement painted pigs, cement painted cows and in Alaska, they had all different colored  moose(meese?)  I think our town should do hens.

Today, after church and lunch I took Belle a walk.  I was trying to walk 5K.  We had been walking for a while when I noticed something in the road ahead.  As we got closer, I noticed it was a turtle.  Belle didn’t know what to think of it since she has never seen a turtle.  She growled and it popped into its shell so I picked it up and brought it home to show David.  That thing was heavy.  Belle kept looking at it like she was a little afraid of it.


It took a while, but he finally came out of his shell, kind of like me.  Ha.


He was sort of pretty for a turtle.


He was giving the evil eye to David as he took pictures.


His underside was pretty also.  When I was growing up you could buy baby turtles in the dime store and little habitats for them where you would put sand and some water.  Usually they didn’t last very long which is why they probably stopped selling them.

After we took several pictures I took the turtle back from where he or she came and let it go on its way.  See, I find just about everything on my walks.

David saw a fox in our front yard yesterday morning as he was going to work.  Hope it’s not looking for chicken.  Bye.