Category Archives: Fun times

Wonderful Week in Weview Part 2

Finishing up the news for the week.  We are getting nearly done making quilts for Riley’s Children’s hospital.  Let me tell you a little about the senior girl who is doing this project.  Mackenzie was born months too early and weighed just over two pounds.  She spent a lot of time at the children’s hospital in Indianapolis in an incubator with tubes attached to her.  I remember the first time I saw her when she was finally brought home and she was still so tiny. 

Here we are years later and she has grown up into a beautiful, healthy girl.  One of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met, I might add.  She decided for her senior project to make quilts for the hospital to give back.  When she had spent time there, she received two quilts which she still has.

 Here are a few of her quilts.




This is a cute one with hedgehogs on it.



This is Mack.  I think she has accomplished a lot in a few short weeks.  From not knowing how to sew to making so many quilts, I would say she deserves an A for her project. 


  This is her mom, Laura.  She doesn’t sew either, but she helped cut out and pin and iron the quilts. 


I hope this has been a good experience for her.  I know I enjoyed it.

On to other news.  We went to Grandparents’ Day at our grandchildren’s school this week.  We always enjoy this time.  We get to see what the children are doing in school and get to spend some time with them. 


Our younger grandson, Adler, was so excited about singing in the choir.  It was hard to get a good picture because he was moving around so much.



I was hoping he would look at us so I could get his picture, but he was paying attention to his teacher.  The girls, not so much. Ha.    I got their picture. 

We got to go into his classroom where the teacher asked several questions about the grandparents, like who had been a cheer leader,( I was, but my cheer leading career was very short) whether we had played a sport in college, those kinds of questions just to let the children know more about their grandparents.  

After staying the night at a very comfortable motel, we spent the next morning with our older grandson who is an eighth grader. 


A few days ago he hardly reached my waist.  Now he has to bend over to get in the picture.  And he is still growing.


The mural behind us was made by some high school girls, one of whom is our granddaughter who is a sophomore.   I think it is pretty special. They signed their names in the corner.


  Abby Craig.  Soon we will be returning to the school to see Abby in this….


I can’t wait.  I’ve been singing the songs from it around the house.



He is taller than Grandpa now.


This is his Spanish classroom.


Aidan’s history class. Guess who they are learning about?  While there I saw this….


An original newspaper from when President Kennedy was assassinated. I remember it like it was yesterday.  Part of a dark time in the history of our country.  I was still too young to vote when he ran for president, but I think I would have voted for him. 


We enjoyed both days with our red headed grandsons.  Speaking of red hair.  I have always been partial to red hair.  Don’t know why.  One of my best friends in grade schools was a beautiful red head.


I told Aidan I could write a whole blog about his hair.


I love running my hand through it.  I am sure he likes having his grandma do that. Ha. 

  It was a fun two days, but we had to get back to the dogs and the chickens so off we went for home.  We did take the long way, however.  On the way we came across this yard decorated for Halloween.




I think these people really, really like Halloween!

We even managed to get some antiquing in.  Oh, yes.  I got a few things. 

Here’s to Grandparents’ Day and Grandchildren that make us so proud.  Bye.













Summer Fun

Summer.  Lazy days when you lie around and do nothing, read a book by the pool and just have some time to daydream.  Oh, is that how your Summer is going?  That’s nice.  Mine has been less than relaxing.  There is so much to do.  So little time.  We mixed Grandma’s Camp with a weekend in Cincinnati at the Creation Museum and going to a lacrosse game our grandson was playing in.


Got to spend some time with the grandkids which is something I always love.  They are growing so fast that soon I will be having Great-Grandma’s Camp!


The Creation Museum is just outside Cincinnati in Kentucky.  There is so much to see and do there.  It all centers around God’s creation and Noah’s Ark.   There are vignettes all around like this  with scenes from the Bible.  This is Adam naming the animals.


This was Cain after he slew Abel.   The first murder.  Mankind didn’t take much time in starting to do criminal activity.  This is where the famous quote, “Am I my brother’s keeper,” came from.


There were dinosaurs there.


Don’t throw him to the dinosaur!


After Adam and Eve were sent from the garden where they had everything they needed, they had to learn to till the land and raise their own food.   Why did Eve let satan talk her into eating that apple and why did Adam join her?


The tree of life.  “Don’t eat of the fruit of this tree, ” God told Adam and Eve, but they were tempted by satan and sinned against God and mankind has lived in a fallen state ever since.

There was a petting zoo where we laughed at a guinea hen chasing a peacock around and around the pen until the peacock finally flew out.  There were camel rides and all the grandkids rode a camel.  I told them that now if anyone ever asked them if they had ever rode a camel they could say, “yes.”  One of my grandsons asked me, ” When do you think that question would ever come up?”  “You never know, ” I answered.

They are building the exact size replica of Noah’s ark on the grounds.  You can take a drive out to see the process, but we just ran out of time.  I guess we will have to go back some time.  It was a fun day.  The next day we watched a lacrosse game.  Our grandson’s team lost their first game, but won the second.  He was in a tournament and had three or four more games to play, but we needed to head home.  First, we had lunch with our son who lives in Cincinnati.  He gave our grandsons some money to go play games while we waited for our meal.  They were so happy.

Back home it was pool time.  We had bought a big blow up turtle and it was enjoyed by the grandboys.




Molly enjoyed the boys being there.  They are making friends although I do have to watch her because she can get a little rowdy.


She and Foster are becoming good buddies.


She spent most of the time just watching.  Hard to believe just about a year ago, she was a tiny puppy.  Time goes so fast.


The three “boys” had a great time in the pool.  It was really hot so the water felt especially good.


We watched a mother bird feeding her babies next to the pool area.


“Where’s the food, Mama?”  Almost big enough to leave the nest.

I will leave you with a walk through my garden.  It’s in its yellow period now.











Hollyhock.  I made a quilt called Hollyhocks Around the Barn and this color was in the quilt.


Asiatic  lilies.  They are so beautiful and so easy to grow.


I just planted this Rudbeckia.  It is different from my other Rudbeckias.


More Asiatic lilies with Autumn Sedum Tapblow Blue behind them.


We have Stella de Oro all over the garden.  They multiply and it looks like this bunch is ready to be separated.

Hope you enjoyed the walk and hope your Summer is wonderful.  Bye.



Marjorie’s Almanac and Opie Taylor

Ah, May.  The time when flowers are fairly bursting into bloom.  When gentle breezes and sudden showers make the world green and glorious.  I came across this little book a good while back.   These books came in the mail back in the sixties and one would be sent to you every so often as long as you subscribed.  I didn’t get very many of them, but this one was a favorite and had some favorite poetry called Marjorie’s Almanac.




There was a poem for every season.  This one was my favorite and I memorized it and can say it even now.


I do think Maytime is pleasanter than March although I do like March too.   One of the poems for Autumn is very politically incorrect in this day and age of speech control, but at the time it was innocent and did not demean anyone, but it would certainly be looked at differently today.  I will not show it here, but I have it memorized also.




Green things are growing everywhere you pass.  Even Molly Marshmallow likes it so much she does this……


Picks one of my biggest and brightest irises and brings it up to the back deck for me.  Such a thoughtful puppy!


Glad I got a picture of them before they became Molly munchies.


See how proud she is of herself for picking my flowers?


I’m thinking she belongs in jail.  She looks good behind bars.  Don’t you think?

She has brought up dead birds, moles, broken toys, pieces of board and other things to share with me.  She will soon be one year old and I am hoping that this chewing and destroying will come to an end sometime.

This past Sunday after church, we headed to Danville, Indiana where they were celebrating Mayberry Days.  If you don’t know what that is, I will explain.   Back in the sixties there was a television show called The Andy Griffith Show.  It starred Andy Griffith, of course, and was a bout a sheriff in a small southern town called Mayberry.  The town had a lot of quirky, funny people.  People like Gomer, Goober, Earnest T. Bass, Aunt Bee, who was Andy’s aunt in the show, Opie, Andy’s red headed son, Floyd the barber,  Howard Sprake,  Barney Fife, Andy’s deputy sheriff and Ellie May,(correction. Thelma Lou was Barney’s girl friend. Ellie May was a Clampett.) There were lots of others, but these were the main characters.  Anyway, Danville has a Mayberry café in town and every year they have a Mayberry day.  The only reason I knew about it was that this year our grandson was entered in the Opie Taylor look alike contest.

Several boys and I guess a man or two entered the contest and they had to go and be in a parade on Saturday and be judged.  Sunday they announced the winner.


This man played Barney Fife, and if you ever watched the show, you would not believe how much he looked like and acted like Barney.  He was kind of the master of ceremonies at the event.  Here he is getting ready to announce the Opie look alike winner.  We all sat there on pins and needles. (We adults already knew who had won because the parents had been called the night before to be sure the winner would be here.)   Barney took forever to announce the name.  My grandson sat there in suspense.  Then, suddenly Barney said, “And the winner of the Opie Taylor look alike contest is…….. Adler Grey Craig!”  Well, we all screamed as Adler went up on stage to get his prizes.


Here he is talking to Barney Fife.  It was almost surreal to see those two together.


Adler received a really nice gold trophy, one hundred dollars and free meals at the Mayberry café for one whole year.  That was pretty nice, I’d say, for a boy.


He became kind of a celebrity as he had his picture taken with several people.  Here he is with Aunt Bee.


This little boy was also in the running and they got a picture together.


Here are the actors who played Gomer Pyle and the mayor of Mayberry.


Gomer and Goober did an act.


Floyd the barber and Barney.


There was a Mayberry band and they played a couple of original songs.  One was about a rooster which got me laughing so hard tears were running down my cheeks and my stomach hurt and one of the guys on stage said I was shaking like a bowl of Jello and another guy offered me his red handkerchief, but I was laughing so hard I just wanted them to ignore me.  You had to hear the song.


Danville has a really nice museum and we got to look through it a bit although we really went there to see Aunt Bee.


There she is in her kitchen.


Her famous pickles were on the counter. If you were a fan of the Andy Griffith show, you will remember when Aunt Bee was making pickles for the county fair and how many Barney and Andy had to eat.  One of the more memorable shows.


Barney was handing out tickets and David got this one for walking too fast on the sidewalk.


We learned that all the characters who were there that day came from all over the United States.  Only two were local people.



Nostalgia was everywhere.  I even saw an old Farmall  tractor like my daddy use to drive on the farm.  All in all it was a fun day and I am so glad we went.  If you are near Danville Indiana this time next year, you really ought to stop on by and visit the Mayberry festival.  There is a Mayberry café that serves really good food and all the televisions around the café show the Andy Griffith show continuously.  It is open year round.

Here’s to good times and good memories. Bye.

Driving Miss Crazy Part Two

It’s been a wonderful week of family, sightseeing, eating good food, laughing, relaxing and just having an all around good time.  David and I have spent a few days in Wilmington, North Carolina.  We went to see these people.


David’s brother and sister-in-law and their son and his family.  We had the pleasure of having these children visit our house last Summer.


This little girl is a free spirit and makes me smile.


And this little boy happy to show his missing tooth.  Just like my grandson.

We had fun with them one night shooting at cups with nerf bullets and knocking the cups down. Of course, it got out of hand and several shots hit some of us accidently on purpose!

David and I also went to North Carolina to see the azaleas during the Azalea festival in Wilmington.  Wilmington was dressed in the most beautiful flowers all over the city.  We took tours through the gardens and through some houses.  I will just let you look at the beauty that is Wilmington.


These were everywhere.





Pretty girls in pretty hoop skirts in every garden.



This was someone’s back yard.  A really wonderful place to entertain.


Someone had a lab and had this statue in their garden.  I got to pet the real lab. I missed mine.


There are beautiful houses everywhere.  Wouldn’t you just like to walk up these steps and move right into this house?  The flowers were gorgeous. Well, maybe the occupants might have something to say about that!


Loved this house.  It has a very unusual porch ceiling like the ribs of a ship.



I’m a sucker for lace curtains at the window.  So pretty.


Another house we went through.  It was so cute.



Historical houses everywhere.  They really take pride in keeping their old houses well kept.


Azaleas were not the only flowers blooming.


Even some of the sidewalks were unique.


There was a street fair going on also and I think this man was trying to sell everything!

I even saw a woman leading a llama down the street while walking.  I thought I was on Mulberry Street.


If I had to live in a city, Wilmington would be high on my list.  It’s Savannah without the commercialism and heavy traffic.   Don’t take me wrong.  I love Savannah and have been there a few times, but Wilmington rates right up there with it.


We had to go to the beach.  The first time we went, Terry, my sister-in-law and I sat bundled up in blankets sitting in chairs trying not to freeze.   The wind was blowing and it was cold.  We didn’t stay too long that day.  Then another day David and I went by ourselves to a beach north of Wilmington and found it much warmer and the beach was so nice to walk on.

While David did this….


I did this…..


Then we walked a couple of miles on the beach.  It was so nice.


For some reason quilts and fabric always manage to be incorporated into any trip we take. This time I met a friend of my sister-in-law’s who was a quilter and she brought over some of her quilts to see.  I loved this one.


This floral one was bright and cheerful.


I especially loved this one.  I like how the black and white fabric sets off the bright spokes in the fans.   I want to make one of these.  When you meet someone who likes to quilt, it is like you have met a kindred spirit.  Talking quilts always makes me happy.  I did not buy one yard of fabric this trip.  I had to make myself stay out of quilt shops as I am trying so hard to finish up several projects before I buy one more yard of fabric. Believe me, it was hard.  Even when I wasn’t looking for them, quilt shops would appear.

I am so looking forward to seeing my dogs and chicks.  Molly had surgery while we were gone and I am sure she is ready to come home.  It’s been fun, but back to reality.  I am actually looking forward to planting my garden.  My brother-in-law already has most of his garden planted but he also has a palm tree in his front yard.  It’s still too cold to plant most things in our state.  But boy, have I been inspired by all I have seen.

Here’s to azaleas, old houses and fun with family.  Bye.










Driving Miss Crazy Part One

I love to travel.  I don’t like long car rides or flying so that is a dilemma when one wants to get from one place to another.  I don’t like interstate driving or destination driving like we did the last couple of days.  Destination driving, according to David is getting from one place to another as quickly as possible with as few stops as possible.  We don’t usually travel like that. When we travel, we usually stop several times at quilt shops or antique stores or just to get out and walk around.  We only stopped once in a little town called Clinton to go through some antique stores.  I was so glad to get to our destination.  David’s brother’s house.  Then I was too tired to visit for very long, but we will see him and our sister-in-law several times.  Going to the beach with them one day. Can’t wait.

Anyway, as we destination drove we passed so many interesting things we could have stopped to see.  Carl Sandburg’s house for one.   Carl Sandburg was the poet I believe who read a poem at President Kennedy’s inauguration years ago. Or was it Robert Frost?  I would have loved to have seen his house.  I bet it was really interesting.

Later, as we drove, we passed an old house and David said, “That’s a neat, old house.”  “Yes,” I replied.  “Kind of looks like what Carl Sandburg’s house might have looked like if  we had actually seen it.  “Colonel Sander’s house?” David asked.  “Carl Sandburg’s!”  I said, giggling.

We have lots of interesting conversations like that.  Like when I asked David, “Do you ever wonder why you married me?”  “No,” he said.  Then, “Do you ever regret marrying me?”  “Why?” he replied.  “Are you an ax murderer or something?”     Not yet.

Or the conversation that went like this.  I was watching the car in front of us and I asked David, “If you saw a hand sticking out of the place where the tail lights should be, would you take the car’s license plate number and follow it?”   “What are you talking about?” asked David.  “You mean to tell me you would not get the license plate number and follow that car if it had someone’s hand sticking out the tail light area?”  “Where did this come from?” asked David.  “You know all those murder shows I watch on ID where the woman is in the trunk of a car and sometimes one of them has the forethought to break out the tail light and wave her hand and gets noticed and someone calls the police? Are you telling me you would not call 911 and follow that car and get the license plate number?  You know that guy does not have good plans for that woman.”  “In that case, yes I would,” David says.  Conversation closed.

Driving with David can be exciting like when he drove from the left lane across two other lanes to get to an exit and realized it was the wrong exit.  It was serendipitous though, as we ended up on streets lined with pink azaleas, white dogwood and purple wisteria.  Mentioning these we have seen a lot of beauty the last couple of days.


Spanish moss.  It makes me thing of romantic stories.


Dogwood trees everywhere.


Azaleas.  We cannot grow these well in our state.  At least not like this.


Big southern homes with big porches or verandas as they may call them.


David does all the driving because I am too interested in looking at everything. And besides, we would actually like to arrive at our destination and alive!


Finally arrived in this state, but we took a wrong highway and ended up in this state.


Then we saw these and thought we were in England.


But we finally got back on track.

Driving along David shouts out “Pee Dee!”  I say, “What?”  “P-E-E D-E-E,” he spells for me.  “The name of a river we just crossed.”  “Oh,” I replied.  “I thought it was something you have to do.”

On a serious note, we passed a funeral procession kind of like the one in “American Sniper” with flags hanging across the street and motorcyclist after motorcyclist with flags on the backs of their bikes roaring down the highway.  Must have been a military funeral or someone important.  Police stopped all traffic and people stood on the side of the road with their hands over their hearts.  In a day of light, and laughter and fun we were reminded that death comes to all of us.  That a person’s passing is serious business and I pray all are prepared.



Going through this tunnel reminded me of the light at the end of the tunnel some people say they see in near death experiences.  David’s driving did not make me see this.  He is actually the safest driver I know even after the incident with the semi who tried to run us off the road.  See Miss Garmin hanging there in the window?  She laughed and laughed when David took the wrong exit.  I have a love hate relationship with Miss Garmin although she has found all our destinations for us pretty well, but don’t tell her because she might get the big head.

Here’s to travels and the things we see.   Bye.




Easter came early this year.  I feel like we just got over Christmas.  But, Easter is my favorite holiday for so many reasons.   The main reason is that we celebrate the risen Christ who died for every one of us on the cross.  He arose the third day.  Many saw Him after he arose and many saw him ascend into heaven. He is coming back one day, you know.  He is coming to gather His church and set the world aright.  He can come back for you, too, if you believe in Him and ask Him into your life.

Easter means Easter bunnies and eggs and baskets and candy.  Easter eggs are a symbol of the new life we receive when we accept Christ into our lives.  I don’t know where the Easter bunny came from.  It’s a fun time for children.  After church, where we had a wonderful cantata performed, we came home and had dinner with family.   We had Kentucky fried chicken because I was too lazy to fry my own, scalloped potatoes, home grown corn, biscuits that I made myself, a wonderful salad my son-in-law prepared, cake and cupcakes.  It was good.

The kids were so excited about the Easter egg hunt.  There were 150 eggs hidden all over the yard, some with candy and some with slips of paper they could redeem for dollar bills.


David had to guard the door before the hunt.  See those faces?  They are already looking for the eggs.


Then they were let loose and the hunt began.


Our granddaughter looked so pretty in her floral dress.


One of my grandsons in his fedora.  He’s an old spirit in a young body.  And he really looks cute in hats.


This young ‘un can hunt eggs so quickly.   He soon had a bag full.


Afterwards we opened eggs to see how much money everyone received.  They all did pretty well.


My granddaughter with her money.


Our handsome grandson.  He is growing too fast.


Our youngest grandson lost another tooth playing with his cousin.


David enjoyed sitting on the front porch visiting with everyone. Our new front porch has become a wonderful place to gather.


We even had a bunny for the day.


Uh, we had another bunny also.  This boy is so much fun to be around.


Hope you had a blessed Easter.  He is alive!  Bye.

Threads of Time

Okay, does it seem like Christmas was ages ago?  We had our final family gathering last Saturday.  I never get tired of seeing my grandchildren.  It hit me, though, how quickly they are all growing and soon will be adults.  So any time I can spend with them is golden for me and David and I hope we can do it more this year.

I always like to take pictures when we are together although sometimes I forget because we are having fun.  But this time I took several pictures of the boys.  My granddaughter was home feeling poorly so she wasn’t with us.  Taking pictures of boys is like trying to herd cats.  You can’t get them to hold still or smile.  Here are a few pictures that I took.






Here they are with their Enderman and Creeper from Mindcraft.  I learned more than I ever needed to know about Mindcraft while researching how to make toys for the boys.  I’m still not sure I understand it, but they knew exactly what they were when they opened the packages so I breathed a sigh of relief.


Boys in motion.



I like this picture.  Rather elfin looking I think.  I knitted all the younger boys scarves and hats.


Eating the new sweatshirt I just gave him.


This young man is thirteen and wears size twelve shoes.  Or, as he told me, he can wear eight and a half shoes also.  Huh?!  Just know his foot is about twice as long as mine.  And he is still growing.  He’s on the basketball team.  His grandfather on his mother’s side played a lot of basketball and he is following in his footsteps.


My lovely daughter with her oldest.   We had a grand time and I look forward to seeing them all again.  My younger grandsons are already asking me when Grandma’s camp is going to be.  We want to take them caving this summer.


If you live in the northern states you know we are being hit by Artic air right now.  I almost got frostbite this morning cleaning out the chicken house and feeding them.  I keep candles burning because it just makes me feel warmer.


I brought my sewing indoors as the dogs have taken over my shop for the duration of this cold.


I am getting ready to quilt this quilt.  It’s kingsize and I’m not sure whether I will hand quilt it or do it on the sewing machine.  I think it’s called Granny Squares.  I pieced it a year or so ago and am just getting ready to finish it.


It’s been a nice quilt to use up my bits and pieces of fabric.  Since I have quite a stash, I could make several more of these.


Each block has a different color scheme.


This will be the backing.  We sold this when we had our quilt shop.  I have loved it ever since and wanted to use it in something I will keep.

This week I had the joy of teaching a friend and her two cute daughters how to piece a block and learn some quilt basics.  They decided to make pot holders.  After a lot of cutting, sewing, tearing out a couple of times and sewing again, they almost finished them except for a border or two.


It brought back memories when I use to teach quilt classes at our store.  It is so rewarding to see someone who does not know about quilting learn about it and find out it’s fun.  Their pot holders show their individuality. Pam picked Christmas fabric to match some new dishes she received.


Tiffany picked bold, floral fabrics that made a beautiful pot holder.


Danielle picked homespun fabrics and I really liked how her pot holder turned out.

It was fun and made me want to teach classes again.  See behind Danielle?  Molly and Belle watched us continuously.  This was usually their naptime and didn’t know why I wasn’t letting them into the shop.


I got this cute mug Saturday.  My grandchildren and their mom and stepdad went to Cleveland where the Christmas Story house is.


I love this mug.  It holds about two cups of coffee…………


or hot chocolate.  If you are in the freezer this week, stay warm, drink hot chocolate and enjoy your indoor time.  This, too, will pass.  Bye.




Sleds and Santa

This is one of my Hoosier Girl stories.   Things I remember.  It may not be what other members of my family remember,  but I’m sticking with my story.

Sleds and Santa

  A heavy blanket of snow covered Daddy’s Indiana farm.  Katie looked out the kitchen door and saw drifts of snow on the sidewalk and back porch.  Daddy came in the back door carrying an armload of firewood to put in the big  black iron stove that sat in the kitchen. As Katie ate her breakfast of hot sweet tea and cinnamon toast, she felt warm and cozy.  Daddy sat at the head of the table and Mommy sat next to him. They were discussing what needed to be done that day on the farm.

  Katie’s brothers came down from the cold upstairs.  Katie’s bedroom window had had frost on the inside of it that morning!   She had not wanted to leave her warm nest in her bed.

  “Hey, let’s go sledding this afternoon,” said Andy.  That sounded like a great idea to all the children  First all the chores must  be done before play.  On a farm the livestock comes first and all the animal must be fed and watered before anything else.  The eggs must be gathered before they froze in their nests.  That was Katie’s job.  Soon they were all bundled to go outdoors to do their chores.

  The cold wind whipped Katie’s face as she walked to the chicken house.  Inside it was warm and the chickens began clucking and stirring when they saw Katie.  Sometimes Katie would have to reach underneath a setting hen to take her egg.  The hen would not like this, but it had to be done.  Eggs were never left to be hatched in the hen house.  Mommy used many eggs in her baking each week and the ones she didn’t use were carefully washed and crated and taken to the grocery store to be sold to the grocer for him to resell.  Mother’s chicken eggs were especially good.  Thy were always fresh and the yolks almost orange.  That was because the chickens were allowed to peck and scratch outside and eat a lot of different things besides the ground corn Daddy fed them.  The eggs purchased in grocery stores today have very light colored yolks and are not always as fresh as they could be.

  After a good hot midday meal, Katie and her brothers dressed in several layers of clothes and snow boots and gloves and hats and went out to Daddy’s workshop where the sleds were kept  They walked down the road to a hill owned by a neighbor, Mr. Bond.  Sometimes he would have cows in the field where the hill was, but they never came near the children.

 They climbed over the fence and trudged through the deep snow to the top of the hill.  It seemed gigantic to Katie.  The first few times sledding down were not very good because paths had to be made through the snow.  After a few rides down the hill it became slicker and slicker until you were absolutely flying!  At the bottom of the hill was a small grove of trees that had to be maneuvered through.  It was dangerous, but fun at the same time.  Sometimes the Clevenger boys, who lived across the road, came over and joined the fun.  The boys liked to throw snowballs at one another as they sled down the hill.  Katie liked it when they threw snowballs at her even though she cried for them to stop.

  All too soon for Katie it was time to go back home.  She was chilled to the bone but hadn’t noticed while she was sledding.  Back in the warm house Mommy made hot chocolate and Daddy popped corn and made popcorn balls.  After all the exercise it all tasted so good.

  Sometime during the winter season Daddy and Mommy began whispering to one another and hiding things from the children.  It was Christmas time, one of the best times of the year for a child.  Soon after Thanksgiving the Christmas tree would be cut down and set in the front room and decorated and Mommy would put the red plastic wreaths with the red bulbs in the windows.  A plastic Santa riding a reindeer was one of Katie’s favorite Christmas decorations.  It lit up and looked so merry.

 Katie became so excited  that she was about to burst with excitement.  There would be a Christmas party at school and a special Christmas program at church to celebrate Jesus’ birth.  It was all wonderful.

  As Christmas drew nearer Katie could hardly contain herself.  What would Santa bring her this year?  Then, finally, it was Christmas Eve.  One year Katie wanted to stay up and see if Santa was really the one who brought the toys each Christmas.  She begged Mommy to allow her to stay up if her older sister, Joanne, stayed up with her. “You may stay up, but you will be asleep before Santa gets here,” said Mommy.

  That night Katie and Joanne each picked a chair to sleep in.  With pillows and blankets they prepared to stay up and see old St. Nick bring their presents.  Katie waited and waited until she felt her eyelids becoming heavier and heavier.

  All at once there was a soft glow in the room  Katie rubbed her eyes because she could not believe what she was seeing.  In front of her, so close she could have touched him, was a short, round little man in a beautiful red wool suit with the whitest fur trim.  He had a grand beard that covered his chest.  Katie sat in silence for fear the man would notice her.  It was Santa Claus and he might be angry to see her watching.  Suddenly he turned around and looked directly at Katie and smiled at her and said, “Go back to sleep, Honey.”  Katie felt no fear, but a feeling of love surrounded her.  The next thing Katie knew she was waking up in her own bed.  It was Christmas morning.

  The children all had to wait until Mommy and Daddy said it was okay to come down the stairs.  When they did. there was a mad dash to get to the Christmas tree to see what Santa had left them.  Katie doesn’t remember what she got that year, but she does remember it was the year she saw the real Santa Claus.

The End

   I remember this as though it were yesterday.  It is as real to me today as it was when I was a little girl.  I believe.  Bye.

After the Day

Has Christmas really come and gone already?  Wasn’t it just a few days ago I was putting out the pumpkins for Autumn and decorating for that season?  Seems that when October gets here the days just fly toward December 25th.  I don’t know why, but for me they do.  It’s all a blur.

I finally crashed today after church. I knew it was coming because I have been on warp speed for the last few weeks.  I came home from having dinner and laid down on my bed and slept for hours.  I am still extremely tired, almost like jet lag.

But, enough of that.  We had a very pleasant Christmas.  I say that because after everyone had gone home David said, “Now that was a nice Christmas.”  It wasn’t gawdy or raucous and the food wasn’t all that splendid because I just didn’t feel like cooking a big dinner, but everyone seemed to enjoy the day.   I must say the grandboys hit the bonanza with gifts.  Their uncle gave them their favorite gifts this year.


Cincinnati Reds backpacks. But that wasn’t all. Inside the backpacks were Reds jerseys, tickets to a Reds game and a scorecard book to various other Reds’ activities.  The boys loved them.




This boy put on his bathrobe I had made him and his backpack and did not take them off the entire day!  Look, what movie is on television?  It runs all day on Christmas.


Did I mention how tall my grandson is and that all the rest of us are Hobbits?


Yes,  we are all Hobbits.


My older son had asked me to make him a quilt for his couch, so I did.  I think he liked it.  It’s called the Australian Bush quilt.  I have made several of these.  Got the pattern from a quilt magazine years ago.  I use to teach classes on it.


I made our daughter a butterfly quilt and I forgot to take a picture of it.  As usual.  I’ll try to remember to get a picture of it when we are at her house this week.


I received some nice gifts.  A new computer since mine broke a few months ago and I have been using my husband’s old one.  I received this wonderful picture.  Reminds me of the place where I grew up for some reason.  I don’t know why, since our barn was red, but we did have several out buildings like in this picture.  And there was always a snowman in the yard or barn lot during the winter months.


Remember that big mystery box I received from Santa?  The one I couldn’t open until Christmas?  This was in it and I love it.  An antique chicken feeder. From a friend who knows I love chickens.    I have never seen one with such wonderful graphics and I have plans for it already.  In fact, I think I am going to decorate an entire room around it.  I have wanted to redo our dining room for a while and now I have a reason.  I see cream colored walls, red buffalo checked curtains from Country curtains and this as a centerpiece with dried flowers in it.  I haven’t painted a room in a while and it’s about time.  I also have a bathroom I am going to redo this winter.  I have the curtain material for its window and know the color paint I want.  I just need a new ladder as the old wooden one we have is very rickety and I don’t feel safe on it.   I got a gift card from Lowes so I know what I am going to do with it.  My favorite thing is going to Lowes to look at paints or to Rural King and look at farm things.  I’m a farmer’s daughter and I will always be one.


Christmas Day night we  saw the best Christmas movie I have seen in years called, The Secret Santa.  It made me a believer in Santa. As if I don’t already believe!  I think it will become a must watch movie for us, just like Christmas Story.

Closing the window on another Christmas.  Next year I hope more of our family can join us, but we are scattered now and it is harder to get together.  But I have hopes.  Now it’s on to a brand new polished and bright New Year.  We can make a new start.  We can dream new dreams.  We can hope new hopes.  May the new year bring you health, peace and happiness.

My next post will be a Christmas story about when I was growing up in the 50’s.  Bye.


Talking Turkey

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.  Ours was very nice.  It started out early with a 5K walk put on for a senior project by one of the high school students in our town.  It was a cold, but beautiful morning.  The runners and walkers met in one of the parks we have here.

DSCN9844   The park has a covered bridge.  The original bridge that was here was set on fire several years ago by vandals and the city had to find one to replace it.  I like the new bridge even better.  It looked so pretty in its Fall setting.


The river was running swiftly that morning.  This river floods the park about every year or so.


I went here to get my number and my shirt.  Registration included bringing at least five cans of food for Love Chapel, an organization that helps needy people. They gathered over four thousand cans of food that day.  How great is that?


I am beginning to get a collection of 5K shirts.  I hope I can walk in a few more next year.


Our son arrived from Cincinnati with a friend and her son.  My son was not a happy camper about the run.  But because he’s the one who talked me into doing it, he was compelled to run it.  Yes, he would run it.    I would walk it.  I don’t run if I don’t have to.


There were around four hundred people participating in all ages and sizes and clothing choices.


Shawna and her son walked with me.  We were bundled up against the cold.  I think I had about four layers on, but my legs still got cold.


Some people really got into the theme of the race by dressing the part.  This man looked like he was riding a turkey.


There were several different turkey hats.


Even cooked turkey hats!


Here we are completing the walk.  I think we were the last ones as everyone else was running.   See that boy behind us?  He probably walked four miles as he meandered all over while we walked the trail.


Then we went home. Dogs were played with.  We ate a huge meal.  I have not been hungry all day today.


We played Dizzios.  I lost as usual.  I keep telling my one grandson that one day I will beat him.  He is really good at this game.


I love these two.  They made David and me turkey pictures.  They are so cute.




When I looked around our table, I knew exactly what I was thankful for.  Family and friends.  What would the world be like without them?   And love.  That’s what it’s all about.  Bye.