Category Archives: Home and family

Growing up in the fifties

To many people living today, the nineteen fifties and sixties seem like ages ago.  For those of us who grew up in that time, it seems like only yesterday.

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This is a picture of me and my brothers, Fred, Andy and the baby, David.  I also had another older brother, Jack and an older sister, Joanne.  We all lived in the little house in the background on our daddy’s farm. It had no air conditioning, no central heating and NO bathroom.  Just think, six kids and NO bathroom.   We kids didn’t have a room to ourselves either until some started leaving the nest  Anyway, it must have been Easter because Fred is holding a paddle ball.  We always got paddle balls in our Easter baskets.  Look at those rolled up jeans.  The height of fashion in those days. I’ve never seen a dog mug for the camera like that one was doing.  Can’t remember his name, but he sure is grinning.

It was an idyllic  childhood.  At least it was for me.  There was always something to do and animals to play with.  There were, of course dogs and cats and kittens in the barn, cows chickens, ducks, pigs and at one time a little old ram I raised for 4-H and later a horse that my brother helped me get when I was around twelve or thirteen.

During the summers we never stayed inside for a minute.  In fact, Mom shooed us outside right after breakfast and we stayed outside until dinner at noon and then back outside we would go again until supper.  The only time I spent in the house was when I was helping Mom clean the house or do dishes or when I was sewing on her Singer sewing machine.


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See that big wrap around porch behind us?  Also see my little brother’s droopy drawers?  We use to roller skate on it, the porch, not the droopy drawers.   I was so happy when I finally got my first pair of skates.  You know, the kind with a key you had to tighten over your shoes..  I also spent hours on that porch swinging back and forth on the swing as I read one of the many books I got at the library.  In the evenings we would sit outside swinging and listen to the adults as they talked about the day.  Sometimes we would play hide and go seek or kick the can.  We played a game my brothers made up called  Battle Station.  You see, we lived on a very little traveled gravel road so at night if or when a car would go by and if we kids were out in the yard one of my brothers would yell, “Battle station!” and we would all run and hide.  We also looked for flying saucers.  Mom was always seeing them or at least she made us believe she saw them.  Sometimes as we sat on the porch, bats would fly around above us.  I didn’t like that so well.   I watched the Aurora Borealis from this porch with Mom one evening when the atmosphere was just right and they appeared farther south than usual.


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See that old watering trough?    The cows drank out of it.  That is how close the house was to the barnyard.  One time I got into the trough to cool down.  My mother was not happy I did that, but I was hot.  I love the picture of that old car.  I’m not sure whether that was ours or if we had visitors that day.  Seems like we had a lot of visitors especially at meal times because my mother was such a good cook.

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This is me and my baby brother, David.  I guess my parents weren’t too afraid of me swinging from so high up.  I just wonder how I got up there.  We always had a dog around. Guess that is why I always like having dogs.  This one seems to be standing guard by David.  Daddy probably made this swing set and the little swing David sits in.  What’s with my hair?  Mom always was giving me home permanents and the frizzier they were the better.  I would come out of her home “salon” looking like Harpo Marx.  I had curls that lasted for months. People always knew when Mom had been doing my hair.  I quit having permanents years ago.  Free at last.


Whew, I had to get out of that black and white world and get some color into this blog.  Wonder when the world turned from black and white to color?  Hmmm.  There are many tales to tell about living on the farm, like the two men who my brothers heard talking in the barn.  How I almost burnt down the rabbit house.  Whoops, maybe I better keep that one quiet.  Or the time the bull chased me or the time I jumped off something in the barn and ran a nail into my foot or……. well, these stories will just have to wait for another day.  Bye.







  You know your life is way too busy when you don’t even have time to brush your teeth.  I have found in the past few weeks that half the morning is gone before I get that fur ball feeling in my  mouth like something has crawled in there and died and I know I have forgotten to brush and floss.  I barely run a brush through my hair.  I am beginning to act and look like some backwoods woman. Soon I’ll be smoking a corncob pipe and using snuff.  I have let my hair grow long and I wear the same pair of pants more than two days in a row.

  It’s all because I have become a chicken keeper.  Something happens to your psyche when you take care of chickens every day.  I find myself talking to them in chicken language and spending more time with them than I do the dogs.  Bonnie and Belle are beginning to resent them and growl at them every chance they get.  I have been taking care of Freedom, who has a bad leg and she takes a lot of my time, hand feeding her, cleaning her box, taking her outside for fresh air, returning her to her box at night.

   I have been painting molding around our new back door, planting a new flower bed, trying to finish some sewing projects, and what with the house cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc., etc. I keep very busy.  I just finished a James Bible study also.  I really don’t know how I did anything when I was working.   I thought retirement was supposed to be more relaxing.


   We went to an auction a couple of weeks ago and there were several boxes of old books.  In one of them was this old book written the same year the Titanic went down.  When I was a girl growing up on the farm, there was a bookcase at the head of the stairs that had a book about the Titanic.  I use to sit on the stairs and read it and wonder about the people who were on that boat.   The book disappeared after Mom and Dad passed away and I have always wished I had gotten it.  I think this is the same book.  Anyway, the first box of books went for thirty-five dollars which was much more than I wanted to pay so when the bidding began on the box with this book I thought I probably wouldn’t get it, but it sold for only five dollars and we got it!  There were several nice books in the box.  There is a very old edition of Swiss Family Robinson.


  This was the captain of the ship.  He went down with the ship.  In the most recent movie about the Titanic the people on the ship were portrayed as panicking and screaming and running about.  People who were actually there said it was eerily quiet and people were orderly and not scrambling to get on the lifeboats.  In fact, up until the very last many thought it was only a drill.


  Here is a picture of the Titanic comparing its size to other things such as the great pyramids and the Washington monument.  Impressive. No wonder people thought she was unsinkable.


  As the ship was going down, the people on the lifeboats heard the ones left on the ship singing this song.  The cries and yelling did not start until the ship went down and people fell into the freezing waters.  How horrible it must have been sitting in a lifeboat and hearing those screams.  Many lost their lives that night.


 David and I were sitting outside on the swing when we saw this amazing sight.  There were about eleven turkey vultures soaring above us seeming to be playing in the wind currents.  They did this for quite a while until they flew away.


  Our snowball bush is especially pretty this year.  Years ago, David’s grandmother had a huge snowball bush in her backyard.  She gave me a sapling from off of it and these flowers are from it.  David pruned it pretty heavily last year and I was afraid we wouldn’t have flowers, but its branches are bending down from them.


  This picture was taken of it at night with no flash.  It looks like the flowers are shining.

  Now, since it is Mother’s Day, I will give you some flowers and other pretties from my garden.








  Yes, even dandelions are pretty.


  A new Echinacea that will have a completely green flower.


  This is the only snail that is welcome in my garden.


  The new flower bed I am working on.


  A dragonfly that lights up at night.


   Happy Mother’s Day to all of you who are mothers or mother someone or would like to be a mother or have a mother.  I was never happier than the days each of my children were born.  I don’t think your children realize how much they are loved until they have children of their own and know the love they feel for them.  That love never goes away, no matter what happens.  Your mother is your best friend for life, would gladly give her life for you, and will love you for eternity.  I was blessed with a wonderful mother and I can’t wait to see her one day in heaven.  Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.  I love you.


    Love to all of you.  Bye.

What’s Happening at the Craig House


April Showers brought……



May flowers.  We left the Christmas lights up in this crabapple tree and turn them on at night and it looks so pretty.



Bonnie has decided it is her lot to watch over the chickens.  She has formed a place by the pen where she lays continuously and watches them.  She is absolutely mesmerized.



I baked cinnamon rolls for my ladies Bible study brunch.  We finished up the study of James yesterday. Really loved this study.



I have been nursing a chicken who has a paralyzed leg.  She is healthy otherwise.  Alert, clear eyed and very strong.  She wants to walk so badly, but that foot will not hold her.  I will care for her as long as she is so healthy.  She’s becoming my baby and cheeps at me when I come around.  Her name is Freedom because she is the one who looked like an eagle when she was younger.



Years ago we bought a patio door at the state fair.  It’s been a good door, but it is beginning to show its age.  I don’t know if you can see the screen, but is has been patched for years.  When we got Bonnie as a pup, we replaced the screen because there  was a hole in it.  Because at the time Bonnie was chewing everything in sight, she immediately tore a hole in the new screen and David said he was not replacing it again so he patched it.  Now we are going to have it replaced with a new screen which we hope Bonnie won’t chew.



This is the new door.  Isn’t it pretty?  We are also replacing all the windows in this old house two or three windows at a time.


This requires climbing up very tall ladders and balancing on them while taking out the old windows.  David is not allowed to do this.  He falls off ladders too often.


I don’t even feel comfortable seeing David leaning out the window.



I like how open it looks right now.  Unfortunately, I would not want birds nesting in my bedroom so we need windows here.


Wish we had this setup.  This guy is like a monkey running up and down the ladders and getting onto this thing.  He must not be afraid of heights.  We asked him to replace some spotlights on the corner of the roof and he did.



I will leave you with a picture of Jemima and Penninah having lunch. Bye.



Lunch Boxes and Other Things

I was in elementary school in the latter part of the fifties and early sixties.  While we had a cafeteria at school that served wonderful, delicious meals, think cinnamon rolls and homemade mashed potatoes, sometimes I took my lunch to school.

It was always the same thing. Bologna sandwich, potato chips, maybe a banana or apple and a cookie.  Mom always had homemade cookies in the cookie jar.  I would buy a little carton of chocolate milk in the cafeteria.  Our cafeteria always smelled so good.  Most of the cooks were mothers of students in the school and they were very good cooks, let me tell you.

I took my lunch in this lunch box.


It was metal with a pull off lid and handles on the side.  I saw one just like it somewhere and it was called an antique.  I think my brothers and sister may have used the same lunch box.


It still has the tape on it that I wrote my name on so everyone would know whose lunch box it was.


Years later, my mother used it for something else.



For years my mother kept crayons in it and my children used the crayons when they visited.  I would be willing to bet there are still a few crayons in here that I used as a child.  Our family never gets rid of anything.  I will pass this on to my children one day.



This is a lunch box that belonged to my husband’s grandfather.  It was probably carried in the late 1800’s or early in the twentieth century.



It has it’s own built in cup.


Hot water could be put in here to keep food warm or ice to keep food cold.


A nice wooden handle to carry it.

Through the years lunch boxes have changed.  In the seventies and eighties my children carried popular characters of the times lunch boxes.


Both my boys had super hero lunch boxes.  I only have one of them as the other got all rusted and I threw it away.  Wish I hadn’t


I do have both thermoses.


They are both the same.




My daughter carried a Strawberry Shortcake lunch box.  She had Strawberry Shortcake everything.  Strawberry Shortcake sheets, pajamas, pillows and most, if not all the Strawberry Shortcake dolls that came out at that time.  I will have to show them to you. I still have their boxes and everything.

Getting away from lunch boxes, my garden is finally coming to life.  Daffodils, rhubarb and forsythia is coming out and up and all the perennials are peeking out of the ground.




Sometimes it seems that the plants will never come up again and then the miracle happens and life is renewed.  I can’t wait to make a rhubarb pie from this plant.


The chickens are thriving and have adjusted to the big house.  I put them outside in their pen where they can scratch around and they love it.  In a few months I should be getting some eggs.  I can’t wait.  This is Dorcas, or is it Beatrice?  I never can tell those two apart.  She is quite a little ham isn’t she?

Hope the sun is shining wherever you are.   Bye.




















Bunnies, Chicks and Little Boys

   A week of April gone already.  I wish these Spring months would last  longer.  Why is April a short month when it is one of the prettiest of the year? 









Easter came early this year.  We had three of our grandsons all weekend.  This is the quietest they were the whole time. Notice the smiles?!!?? Put a boy in front of a camera and you never know what will happen.



Took them to our church’s Easter egg hunt where they made crafts, ate lunch and hunted hundreds of eggs.


Four handsome men ready to go to church.


Been working on a couple of quilts.  Cutting hundreds of squares for ninety blocks.  I really enjoy the process.  Now that it is getting warm out I am spending more time outside and not in my shop.  I miss my shop when I am outside and when I am in my shop I think what I should be doing outside in the yard and garden.


David took the cover off the pool.  Right now it looks like a dirty, muddy river.  Hard to believe in a few weeks it will be pristine, sparkling water again.


Hard to believe this vast wasteland will be full of flowers and green grass again.  Looks pretty barren right now, doesn’t it?  I always think this is the ugliest time in the garden just before all the perrenials come up and brighten the landscape again.  Season follows season and it never changes.  Warm weather will come with scudding white clouds and bright blue skies and warm, balmy breezes.  I know I am probably one of very few who thinks winter went too fast this year.  I was actually glad we had one more real snow before winter bid adieu. I kind of like it when you can’t go out and can stay inside and drink hot chocolate and watch movies on television.  When it is warm, I want to be outside as much as possible.  My tomatoes will be ready to plant in a few weeks and then the rest of the garden and there will be no rest keeping the garden watered and free of weeds. Well,  I try anyway.  About July I loose all interest in weeding when it’s ninety degrees outside and the weeds are growing faster than the vegetables. I tell the vegetables to fend for themselves and go into the air conditioning.


Meanwhile the chicks are growing bigger every day.  I can hand feed them now and they come running when I call them.  Soon we will take them outside in their pen where they can scratch for bugs and worms in the warm earth.  They are going to love it.  The pen is getting rather cramped for them as they grow bigger and bigger.  Sorry for the poop in the picture, but I just look at it as good fertilizer.  Do you know chicken poop is high in nitrogen and is good for the garden?  You have to let it “ripen” for a while before you put it on any plants as it will burn them otherwise.  I have a compost pile I will put it on until it is ready to use.  Chickens really are the perfect pet and animal.  They demand very little attention, eat bugs, lay eggs, aerate the ground, provide fertilizer and, if you would do so, provide fried chicken for the table.  My chickens are not getting eaten, but will be egg layers.  Fresh eggs have yellower yolks, taste better than store bought eggs and you know they are fresh when you gather them every day.  Anyone could keep a couple in a pen in their garage with very little trouble and you could have fresh eggs every day.  It’s a win-win situation.

Hope you are enjoying Spring and all it has to offer. Bye



Spring in Indiana

Well, did you wake up to a wintery fairy land this morning?  Here we are in our first week of Spring with a beautiful snowfall in March that puts January to shame.  When I was a girl, my mother listened to the radio all the time while she was working around the house.   They played a different song for every month and here is March’s:

March comes in like a lion,

Old Man Winter’s gonna scram.

Spring is on the way and that’s why we say,

March goes out like a lamb.

Great things are happening all month long

on WKBV radio!

March came in like a lion this year and now it is going out like a lion so I guess that old adage isn’t working this year.









Some scenes from different windows from my house.  It truly is beautiful and I kind of like it knowing we really don’t have any control over the weather and the seasons.  Spring will come when it comes and Summer after and there isn’t a thing we can do about it.  Last year at this time it was in the eighties, my Spring flowers had already bloomed and were almost gone and we really didn’t have a normal Spring.  The days got hot fast and stayed hot for the Summer.  I like this weather much better and hope Spring will come with mild weather and soft sunlit days.  The flowers will bloom later and that’s all right.


This makes me so glad we left these Christmas lights up in the crabapple tree.  People driving by last night got a little light in the dark snowy weather.  It was so pretty.  When the crabapple blooms, I will turn the lights on again at night and I know it will be beautiful with lights shining through the blossoms. .

I am going to enjoy this day.  Feed the birds.  Play with the pets.  Do some sewing. Bake some bread.  Order some plants and fabric online.  Yes, it’s a good day.  Hope you have a wonderful day.  Bye.


A Birthday and a Week Gone By Too Quickly

Whew, has a whole week of March already passed?  March, April and May are my favorite months and they always seem to go by so quickly.  Of course, it seems like time is going by so quickly nowadays.   I will tell you about my birthday and the week, but first, I must tell you about my mother who would have celebrated her ninety-eighth birthday today.



My Mother grew up during the roaring twenties, got married during the great depression, lived through two world wars, the Korean war and the Viet Nam war.  She was a town girl who married a farm boy and lived on a farm all her married life.  She raised six children, took in my aunt when she had no place to live, cared for her father-in-law during his last months of life, brought her mother home to live with us when her father died.  She woke up each day before sunrise to bathe and read her Bible.  She very rarely went out to eat, but cooked at least two full meals a day.  People loved to eat her cooking.  She lived most of her married life in a house without indoor plumbing, air conditioning or central heating.  She didn’t get to enjoy those until later in life.  She hung clothes out to dry in all kinds of weather.  I remember her bringing in blue jeans stiff and frozen from off the line and standing them in the kitchen to melt.

My mother was a voracious reader.  She would take my brother and me to the library every two weeks and we would all come home with an armload of books.  She read constantly when she wasn’t cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing or taking care of children.  She taught me to love reading, made me learn to cook although at the time I hated it, taught me to sew and taught me to have a mind of my own.  She certainly did.

My mother and father were married for over fifty years and acted like sweethearts all those years.  When Daddy died, my mother’s life crumbled.  She had to have back surgery the week after he was buried.  She missed him until the day she died.  I know that now they are together in heaven and I can’t wait to see them both.  Happy birthday, Mom. You were a wonderful mother.

Monday was my birthday and we celebrated by going out to eat at Olive Garden. Then we went to DSW where I got two new pairs of shoes.  Then we went antiquing.  I found this neat wicker suitcase.


At least I thought it was a suitcase until I opened it.


It was a picnic basket with four china plates, four china cups in their own little basket and four sets of silverware.  Made for a fancy picnic.   I told David I would make pimento and ham salad sandwiches and tea cakes and take a pretty tablecloth to spread and we would have a real British picnic.  Sounds like fun.


I also got this tablecloth.  It is big enough to fit our big square dining table.  Most tablecloths won’t fit it.


The fabric is so pretty for Spring and Summer.


Tuesday night and into Wednesday it snowed.  It was so pretty, but I really am ready for Spring.


I am leading a Beth Moore Bible study, James Mercy Triumphs, for the next eight weeks and I have been studying.  There are five levels to this study and one of them is to copy the complete book of James in longhand.  I find I notice things I may not have noticed if I were just reading the book.  It impresses things on your mind when you copy them down.  Just think, for years the only way to have a Bible was if someone copied it and you happened to get one.  Bibles were scarce at first.  I can’t imagine copying the whole book although I told David I would like to try.  He said I didn’t have enough time.  Well, it would give me something to do until I die!


The chicks have been keeping me entertained.  They are growing their pinfeathers now.  I love to watch them strut and stretch their wings.  They are getting use to them as they flap them and chase each other.  One flew out of the box I put them in while I clean their cage.  Have to get a taller box.



I have decided on names for the chicks.  They will be Biblical names. Beatrice, Dorcas,  Penninah, Jemima, Delilah and Phoebe.  That Buff Orpington above would make a good Beatrice.


I have been trying to get the chicks to come to me and today I put some of their feed in my hand and held it out.  Almost immediately chicks began to peck at the feed.


Soon I had a handful of chicks pecking away.  It felt so funny.


See that cute little Rhode Island Red in my hand?  The wing feathers are so pretty.


The Barred Rocks have little white spots on their heads.  They will be a striped chicken when they are grown and lay brown eggs.



This one looks a little scrawny.   She tends to stay away from the rest.  Must be a loner.  She will have to get over that.

I am so enjoying the chickens.  I guess it is the farm girl in me. I don’t look at caring for them as work.  I enjoy doing it.  Daddy always told me you take care of your livestock first before you take care of yourself.  Feed and water them and then you eat.  I have always taken that to heart and do the same with all my animals.  I had a friend once who I asked if she fed the birds and she told me it was too much work and she didn’t have time.  Definitely a city girl.  It takes about ten minutes to clean the pen and feed and water the chicks.  I also feed and water two dogs and quite a few birds.  It’s probably a good thing we don’t have more land or I would have a horse and some goats.

Well, got to go.  The Bible is showing on television and last week’s was really good.  Have a wonderful week.  Bye.



My Valentine to You

Happy Valentine’s Day.  Hope you are having a great day.  I love this day just because it is a day set aside especially for love.  We should celebrate love every day.  It is the most important thing we can have and that we can give.  Now here is my Valentine to all of you.



Don’t you love getting Valentine’s cards?  I like getting them even better than Christmas cards because I guess I don’t expect them.   I stopped sending Christmas cards years ago, not because I don’t like them, but it just became one more chore during the holidays and I already was so overwhelmed at times in the days before Christmas.  I decided I needed to dwell on the reason we celebrate Christmas instead of making myself fret about one more thing.  Then I realized I love sending Valentine’s cards because there is no pressure and sending love to people I love makes me happy.


There are so many cute and pretty Valentine’s Day cards.  I look for them everywhere.  I have a collection of them and love looking at them.




They really knew how to make romantic cards long ago.  I would love getting one of these.   These are for you.


Here are some red hots.  I love these especially on iced sugar cookies.  My younger grandsons helped decorate sugar cookies for Valentine’s Day and boy, did they put a lot of candy on them.


Here have a cookie.  Guaranteed low fat and good for what ails you.



Candy hearts.  What would Valentine’s Day be without them?




Have a Tootsie Roll Pop or two.  Not many calories and they are so good.


Here are some flowers for you.  Daffodils to remind you Spring is coming.

Have a lovely day and remember someone loves you.

Design E_

Before I leave I must announce the winners of the Craigminster Dog Show.  It wasn’t really a hard choice because these dogs are the best of the best.



Announcing Miss Bonnie Blue as best of show.  She has the form, the shiny coat and the personality to be a winner.



There were two winners this year.  Miss Bellelattedah  won as cutest pup in the show.  Her face is so cute the judges couldn’t resist giving her the championship also.  Hurray for best dogs in all the world! Bye