I’ve been scrolling through some of my favorite blogs and looking at their lists of favorite blogs and going to those blogs to read them. It seems that the year 2016 was the year the writing died. Or at least it seems that way for many of the blogs. I have told you that I got into the blogging world late, since I have always been a late bloomer and always found out about things long after they weren’t cool anymore, but I really miss some of my favorite blogs.
Anyway 2016 is the year, it seems, when many bloggers called it quits or moved to Instagram. Or Pinterest. I’m just saying, looking at Instagram is like looking at people’s pictures from a vacation and wishing you could get away, but you keep looking because it’s the polite thing to do. And pinterest can be lovely to look at, but how long can one look at pretty pictures of the same things?
I love reading blogs. Some people think their blogs must be boring, but I have never found a blog post to be boring. Maybe that says more about my life than theirs. Hmmmm. Anyway, I find others’ lives so interesting. I feel like a voyeur at times peeking into someone’s house seeing what they are up to. People will share on their blogs things they would not necessarily tell people they actually know. I know. I’m one of those people! Sometimes it’s easier to write down your thoughts and send them out into the netherland than it is to tell the same things to a living, breathing person right next to you.
Is it a sign of our times when people feel the need to share with strangers all over the world what you did on a particular day or how you are feeling or how great or how awful your day has been? Are we reaching out for validation of some kind or do we just like to write and this is our outlet? I love to write. I write lists. I write notes in church. I write letters sometimes. I write stories I have made up. I write memories of days gone by. So writing this blog is just an extension of my writing. I just wonder what happened to all those bloggers who suddenly stopped in 2016. Were they tired of writing? Did their lives become too busy to write? Did the newness of blogging lose it’s shine?
So here I am in the year 2019 still plugging away at this blog of mine and I have no plans to stop. There’s still a lot of living to do and a lot to blog about so you won’t be seeing me disappear anytime soon. If you are still blogging, please, don’t stop. I may be one of your faithful readers and I would miss you.
To all the bloggers all over the world. Thank you. Bye.
I still blog hop and find it a fun thing to do. I think anyone who blogs is a frustrated writer. It is a fairly anonymous way to say things that we would probably not say to people eye to eye. It is freeing and fun. Keep it going gal.
I intend to. I find it fills a need I have.