June is busting out all over. I remember when I was a girl on a beautiful June day walking down the gravel road to my older sister’s house, singing the song from the musical, State Fair, June Is Busting Out All Over. I use to know all the words. But I had a song in my heart, was free as a bird and happy to be going to my sister’s house. She was like a second mother to me being eleven years older. School was out until September. A long, lazy, fun filled Summer lay ahead on the farm. After breakfast and my chores were done, I had the whole day to wander the farm, play with the animals and lay for hours on the front porch swing reading books from the library. I was in 4-H which kept me busy, too, sewing, embroidering and baking cakes or yeast rolls.
Now that I am retired from any outside job, there are days when I get the same feeling of freedom. I can choose whatever I want to do and I’m telling you, it is a grand feeling. I hope all of you get to feel that way one day. I could burst into song right now!
We had a graduation a week ago. Our oldest grandchild and only granddaughter graduated from high school. It just seems like only yesterday I was all excited about her being born and driving up to Chicago to see her for the very first time. I was in love. She has been the most wonderful granddaughter a grandmother could have. We are so proud of her.
She is cute, funny, smart and full of life. She has a bright future ahead of her.
Here she is going up to get her diploma.
Here she is with her dad who is VERY happy she has college practically paid for already. She has worked hard for this.
The choir held hands as they sang. It was very touching. The kids in this school are extremely close. There is no bullying there and everyone is treated with respect. When you enter that school, you can feel the goodness there. I can’t explain it, but when a school is Christ centered, it just feels differently. Most schools use to be Christ centered until God was taken out of schools. Sad.
I would recommend this school to anyone who wants their child to get a well rounded education. Most of the graduates are either going to college or the military.
My grandson. He’s growing up, too.
And his older brother. He graduates in two years. I still am not use to the fact he is driving.
The next day they had a party and it was fun. There was so much food and almost all of it was eaten. I think about one hundred people came through the house that day. I made a big pot of macaroni and cheese and had to make another one.
The tables were decorated with books as our granddaughter is a bookworm and has had a book published.
Lots of pictures of her were on the walls.
She displayed some of her artwork.
Her dad, who is an Indiana University graduate wore this shirt……
He said he never thought he would ever wear a shirt with Purdue on it. His brother went to Purdue and there was always a competition going on there. Never say you will never do something because you will find yourself doing it!
I made her this quilt. This was taken in my house. See that floral chair? That’s my new Lazyboy I got for Mother’s Day. The pattern on it is called Van Gogh so now I can say I have a Van Gogh in my house!
I made this quilt this past Winter. I was so afraid I wouldn’t get it done in time, but it had been completed for a long time only I had not made a label for it. So the week before graduation I finally got the label made.
I try to label all my quilts. I find it sad to find an old quilt with no name on it. I always wonder about the women who have made some of my quilts that I have purchased at sales. I have so many and don’t have a clue who made them or when.
It was a fun weekend but we were both exhausted when we got home.
Yesterday we went to a textile fair not far from home.
There were booths and several buildings at the fair ground with yarns and other textiles for sale. I was in heaven. This particular booth had the best selection of feed sack material I have ever seen and why I didn’t buy any, I don’t know. But I can see why women back in the thirties and forties made clothes out of feed sacks. They are very colorful. Many florals that would have made pretty dresses.
This lady had a camper full of yarn and yes, I did buy some. Traveling the country with yarn in the back of your camper sounds like a great thing to me.
There were sheep there. Some man was walking around a little, black sheep, but I didn’t get a picture of it. Do any of you remember the Disney movie back in the fifties called So Dear To My Heart? It was about a little boy who raised a black lamb and all the trouble the lamb got into with the boy’s grandmother and how he showed it at the county fair. It was my favorite movie when I was a girl. The little boy got to see the racehorse, Dan Patch, taken off a train for exercise. As a girl who was mad about horses, I loved this scene in the movie. Dan Patch is mentioned in the musical, The Music Man when Professor Hill says, “want to see some stuck up jockey boy sitting on Dan Patch, make your blood boil?”
There were llamas too.
Any animal that provides wool for yarn was there. There were angora rabbits too. They had the most beautiful fur.
There was one booth where young girls were learning to card wool and spin it into yarn. What a wonderful thing to learn while you are young. One girl was explaining the process to me and she was so well informed and so mature acting. Conner Prairie, a pioneer village which is based on the people and times of the year 1806, sponsors this and it truly is a way to keep the old arts going.
Even some of the bags had sheep on them. And I bought several skeins of yarn.
The lady selling this yarn had a sock knit up with it and it was so pretty I had to buy some.
One of my grandsons said he wanted me to knit him blue and black socks so this should fit the bill.
I cannot wait to knit this up.
On the way home we stopped at an antique store called Vic’s just north of where we live. We are looking for an old floor lamp. We got one there a few years ago, but I knocked it over and ruined the lampshade. We were also looking for old lampshades, but I found this instead.
An old tablecloth, but I am either going to make curtains with it or a Summer skirt. It is so soft and the colors are so pretty.
We have several things planned this Summer since it’s our fiftieth wedding anniversary year. Next trip will be to some caves and a pioneer village with our grandsons.
Here’s to high school graduates and wonderful fairs. Bye.