Well, the blizzard I was hoping would hit us in January never appeared. In fact, we had the warmest January in years and February is turning out to be warm also. Today it was 67 degrees out. It smelled like Spring. We sat on our front porch and watched the Sandhill cranes flying above us heading toward Camp Atterbury where they will rest. They have a distinctive call as they fly and David heard them before we saw them. Trill your tongue against the roof of your mouth and that is kind of what they sound like. We saw two flocks today, but there will be several more.
I wanted January to last for a long time. It seems it’s the only month we are not super busy. A time to get things done inside before Spring. I have knitted three pairs of sock, made one quilt and completed another since Christmas. I also made a couple of new pillows last week from some leftover patchwork fabric I found.
I’ve been working on this quilt for a while and was so happy to get it completed. All machine quilted.
I used a lot of different fabrics in this quilt which gives it an old fashioned look which I was aiming for.
These are the two pillows I made this week. They are big and fat and comfy to lay your head upon.
These are socks I knit for David. No, they do not match exactly because this yarn did not have a repeating stripe, but he likes them. He has to wear blue jeans and navy shirts to work at Ralph Lauren so these socks will go with his outfit.
I also knit a couple of other pair, but since they might be gifts one day, I can’t show them now.
Oh, I forgot I made this pillow also. It came in a kit for a small wall hanging, but I wanted a pillow out of it. I really love it. It was so much fun to make and I’m thinking an entire quilt made with this pattern would be cute.
We have missed sitting on our porch and when the weather is even halfway decent we sit outside and watch the world go by. Even when we have to bundle up.
But, as I wrote, our temperatures have been such that we sat out in our shirtsleeves today and were quite comfortable.
The skies have been so blue. You can see the Snow Moon peeking between the branches of this tree. Last night it was full and so bright. They say we had a lunar eclipse which we missed and a comet was supposed to pass close to earth. We didn’t see that either. I saw the moon early this morning from our bedroom window and it was so beautiful. There is something about a full moon that lifts my spirits, know that there is a God and makes me feel at one with Him. He set the moon to guard the night, lift the tides and light our way.
Speaking of lighting my way, this dog does it for me every day. She is so sweet and makes me laugh just to see her.
The sun was shining on her this particular day and she looked absolutely beautiful. A shiny coat, a broad chest and that little white patch. OOOOh, she is so cute. David has been working with her as she likes to bite his feet so I told him to keep treats with him and when she starts to bite his shoe, stop, tell her to sit and then give her a treat. He also has been playing fetch with her and she seems to be breaking the habit of biting on him. He has been sorely tested by this dog I will have to admit. She has been slightly more rambunctious than any of our other dogs have been. She has the sweetness of a Labrador, but the playfulness of a Boxer and sometimes the two don’t mix well. We think she is more Boxer than Labrador.
But how can you be angry with her when she has chewed up one more thing, when you look out and see her with her chin on her chair fast asleep? Kind of like naughty children. They look so sweet when they are asleep!
Sent out a few Valentine’s Day cards. I like sending them better than Christmas cards because people don’t really expect to get them.
Can’t believe February is almost half over already. This year is speeding along. One season following the other in quick succession. Hope your year is going well. Happy Valentine’s Day. Bye.