Busy, busy day today in Wilmington, North Carolina. Wilmington has Savannah Georgia’s charm with none of the crowds that Savannah always seems to have.
We took a trolley ride today to see parts of the city and hear some history.
Our two “rescue” horses waited patiently for us to board the trolley.
Our conductor drove the trolley and kept up a steady talk about the city. He had that southern drawl I so love to hear. Soft and words drawn out. One syllable words becoming two syllable words. By the end of the day, David was even saying Y’all.
We passed historic house after historic house. Most built one, two or three hundred years ago.
That’s my brother-in-law, Bill, looking with interest at the pretty houses.
Each house had a history.
Each house was a different color. I really loved the color of this house and even David said he wouldn’t mind our house painted this color. Kind of a terra cotta color. Maybe in the future.
My sis-in-law. We could be partners in crime I’m telling you. We are so much alike it is frightening. So much fun to be with her and my brother-in-law. We do this about every thirty years. We said we need to get together more often than that! We have always lived rather far apart.
Terry is an author. Her books are on Amazon. She’s working on another one right now. Really admire her for that. She also publishes books for others.
Outside her house she has this beautiful plant with these big trumpet flowers. Don’t think it would grow in Indiana. She also has a palm tree in her yard.
One of the things I absolutely love about the south is the Spanish moss. It drapes the old oak trees.
There are a lot of old oaks in the south draped with the Spanish moss. No, those two on the bench are not the old oaks. Behind us. Wish you could have seen some of the oaks along the streets in Wilmington. It was magical driving down the streets and seeing the old houses and trees draped with the moss.
Driving down the street, I got all excited because I thought this was a quilt shop. We parked and walked to it. I hadn’t seen the guitar on the sign and it turned out to be a restaurant with musicians. Boo. They really need to change that sign. We did finally find a quilt shop where I could feed my fabric lust.
Went to the city pier. Hardly any people were there.
The beach was long and smooth. Sandpipers and Seagulls played along the shore.
David and I love to walk along the beach.
Last thing we did was drive over to see the U.S.S. North Carolina battleship. It was too late in the day to go through it. That is just another good reason for us to come back to North Carolina.
Many brave men sailed on this ship and some lost their lives.
Here’s to painted houses, Spanish moss and battleships. Bye.