Daily Archives: August 10, 2022

A Blur of Days

I know I’ve been gone for a while, but I have no idea how many days it’s been. So much has been happening. I got my second shot in my right eye to fight the histoplasmosis that has suddenly appeared in it. Thankfully, it did not get into the center of my eye and has not affected my vision and I pray it won’t. I have a very good eye doctor, Dr. Shah, and he knows what he is doing. Years ago when I had histo in my left eye and was getting shots, it was a traumatic experience. One doctor even made my eye blood shot for days afterward. When Dr. Shah gives me the shot, I hardly know when it’s happening he does it so quickly and painlessly. Anyway, enough about me.

David went in for surgery on his rotator cuff and when the doctor got in there he found a very badly torn shoulder muscle that he had to sew back onto the bone. OUCH!@ I was worried David would be in a lot of pain as our pastor had about the same surgery and had told him how painful it was. I don’t know if David just endures pain more than others, but he said he only had some pain right after the pain blocker they had put in wore off and one other day. He’s been keeping ahead of the pain with his pain meds and he has this what looks like a thermos that holds ice water and it has a tube that runs into the icepack he keeps on his shoulder and that has seemed to help a lot. The doctor told him this week that it was a really bad tear and it would be several months before he can take the sling off. Maybe as long as into February. So I am going to have to find someone to help me get food for the animals as I cannot pick up fifty pound bags anymore. But we have stocked up and have enough for a month or two so I will worry about that later.

We have been having some heavy rains which I am so thankful for because watering the garden is one thing I don’t have to do when it rains. Right now I feel like I am on a treadmill with the house, the dogs, the chickens and everything else. I know some of you reading this have done things by yourself for years, but I am not use to having to do the heavy work. I have to help David bathe as he is not to get his stitches wet for a while and has to keep his arm in a sling.

I do manage to get a few hours of sewing in for my Christmas sale I hope to have on December 3rd. I am finishing up three table runners this week. Sitting and slowly sewing on the binding is so relaxing to me during this time. I wish I could put pictures on here, but I still haven’t figured out how. I am hoping when my son, who is a computer tech, comes to visit he can find out what has happened to my blog.

We got a new pastor at our church and we really like him. David had put on Facebook that he needed someone to mow our lawn and even though he doesn’t know us that well, our new pastor said he would come do it. I thought that was really nice. With all the rains, our lawn looks like a hay field.

I watched a really interesting show on ID called Village of the Damned. It is a true story about this small town in New York that in ten years time had so many murders and tragedies that people were calling it that. I liked how it ended though, when the townspeople said it was really a nice place to live and that those tragedies did not mean it was a horrible place. It really looks like your idea of the perfect small town. Someplace I’d like to visit.

David and I have been watching Vera on Britbox. And when I found out these stories came from books that Ann Cleeves wrote, I put some on my Kindle to read. Vera is a policewoman who takes no nonsense and is incredibly good at her job finding the killer in each episode. It’s really a good series, but as usual, we are getting to the end of them and will have to find another series to binge watch. Is the term Binge Watching something that started when you could stream shows? I never heard of binge watching any tv show in the sixties and seventies. Honestly, if someone had told me fifty years ago that you could pick and choose what you wanted to watch on tv, I would have laughed at them. Back then you only had a few channels on your black and white tv and the tv went off after the National Anthem was played until the next day. The Mickey Mouse Club was in black and white and was one of my favorite shows to watch after school. I so admired Annette and so did my brothers! Annette got MS like my daughter. She was beautiful right to the end of her life, inside and out.

Speaking of my daughter, a friend of hers put her on Gofundme to buy her a special car that she could get in with her wheelchair and go right up to the steering wheel with it and with special controls that she will have to learn to use, she can drive all by herself. She is so looking forward to having that freedom again as she loves to drive and not being able to has really been hard for her. Anyway, Gofundme paid for the vehicle and so she and her husband went this week to buy the car. Now it will have to be specially equipped just for her and she will have to have lessons on how to drive it. When she finally gets her wings, I want to take a ride with her.

I’ve written quite enough for now. Just please keep us in your prayers. Prayers really do work. Bye.