Daily Archives: October 5, 2020

Simply Tired

Raising two puppies and a needy adult dog is tiring!  I feel like I use to when we had two toddler boys and I was trying to keep up with them while working and keeping house. I told David the other day, it’s like old times. He leaves for work and I’m left home with the children to care for!  The puppies are pretty independent and I’m leaving them outside by themselves a little more, but I still worry about the pool and them falling in, so I’m constantly checking on them.

Another thing is, they won’t eat for me. They will eat for David, but  unless I hand feed them, they won’t take a bite out of their bowl.  I don’t know why. Same food.  I think they are playing with me.  But they are so cute and rambunctious and fun to watch as they play in the yard.

I forgot to tell you about our visit with one of my brothers when we went to pick up the puppies. It was very surprising that their house was just down the same road from where the puppies were!  My brother, Fred, was the third child born into our family.  He and my other brother, Andy use to take me on hikes with them and their friends. Well, Mom made them take me so she’d have some peace and quiet, I’m sure.  But they would drag me along and we’d swim in creeks, have walnut fights at an old cabin that sat behind our farm and sometimes the neighbor boys would let me see their horses. They had several.

This is Fred and his wife, Carole.

We wanted to take them out to eat, but Carole made the best chili and apple pie and we ate at their house.  They live in a very nice retirement village where they can have all their meals delivered if they wanted.  That would suit me fine as I hate to cook.  Their yard is maintained for them so they don’t have to worry about mowing or anything.  I like that, too.  I want to find someone we can depend on to mow our yard. We had someone, but I think the man wanted larger jobs than what our yard entailed, so he quit.

We had a nice visit and I looked at some stories that Fred had written about growing up on the farm and had published by Shutterfly into a book.   I loved reading them and I can order the books, too. I remember a lot of the things he wrote about and it seems like only yesterday.  One  was when my brothers and the neighbor boys were throwing rocks in a large puddle in the road down from our house. I was, of course, right in the middle of it and one of the rocks bounced and hit me right in the mouth and blood started shooting out. My brothers knew they were in trouble.  I must have been a sight coming in the back door, blood running all over me and me crying.  I don’t remember if I lost any teeth, but I do remember my brothers got into trouble. I don’t know why.

Fred  also had a compilation of letters that were written by great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and many other relatives. He had hand typed every letter since some were hard to decipher or the spelling was bad.   I read one my grandmother wrote to a cousin and she was talking about my grandfather who she hadn’t married yet. It was all so interesting.  Fred is our family historian. I hate to think what may happen to all this history once he’s gone.  Most young people don’t seem all that  interested in family history.  We know many don’t know much about American history by what has been going on in some of our cities.  If we forget our history, we will repeat it.

It was a nice visit but they live almost three hours away so we can’t visit very often.

Today was one of the most gorgeous Autumn days. The sky was so blue, The trees are beginning to turn. It’s my favorite time of year.

Here’s to brothers I love and to beautiful Autumn Days. Bye.