I always wondered why the term “under the weather” meant one was not feeling well. Some weather I love to be under, like sunshine, soft rain, cooling breezes and more. But I will just say I have been under the weather for a few weeks. Not completely under, mind you. I have been functioning and doing all the things I normally do, just not feeling completely up to par.
Today I think I felt the worst I have felt in a long time. Let me explain what I think started all this. Two or three weeks ago, I went outside on our back deck to empty the dogs’ water pan and put fresh water in it. It was dark out and I didn’t turn on any lights. I bent over to pick up the pan and rose up and hit the top of my head hard on a frame for canopy we have right outside the door. And I mean hard. It hurt. But I went about my business of filling the pan so the dogs would have fresh water and went to bed that night thinking nothing of it. I am always banging myself on something. I drove a huge stake in my calf one year, bandaged it up and went to a Cincinnati Reds game with our son. I try not to let things stop me. But today, I woke up aching in every single muscle in my body. It hurts to turn over in bed or to try to get out of bed.
Part of my pain might stem from the fact that Saturday I helped with a funeral dinner for a lady in our church who had passed away , as I was carrying food out of the kitchen, returning food to the kitchen, washing dishes, taking out trash, and just being busy for several hours. We fed over one hundred people and there was a lot of food to move around. After five hours of this and cleaning the kitchen, we all left and went home. I was so tired, I went to bed extra early, but could not sleep because every muscle in my body was screaming with pain. My neck, especially. All day today I could hardly move without pain running throughout my body. I don’t take pain very well and when I feel unwell, I just want to crawl into bed and lay there and not be bothered. It especially bothers me as David has had four days off this weekend and I want to do something fun with him and just don’t feel like getting out of a chair. Here I am in my husband’s lounge chair at one o’clock in the morning watching “Julie and Julia,” one of my favorite movies, and feeling, well, not so well.
I think I have a low grade fever and that makes me feel even worse. I almost rather it was a full blown fever that would kill all the bad germs coursing through my body, but instead it’s a fever that just taunts me with unease and the feeling of always being warm. But then I feel chilled and can’t get warm. Maybe it’s the flu and a combination of other things, but I know I am ready to be done with it.
I am not a good patient either. I don’t want to be waited on or hovered over. If I am hungry, I get my own food and I try to hydrate myself continually.
Gee, I am sounding like a whiner and I really don’t mean to. It’s kind of cathartic to talk about something that is bothering you and sometimes it makes things better. I am hoping this will pass before I have to make a visit to my family doctor. I don’t like to take pills and I know he would prescribe antibiotics. I just got over a run of antibiotics and steroids a few weeks ago that left me depleted and tired. I have decided steroids will not be something I will take ever again. They are really not good for people and the less you have to do with them, the better. I am not a doctor, but I saw what steroids did to my system. It took weeks for them to get out of my body.
Are you a good patient when you are ill? Do you like being cared for or are you like me and just want to hide under your blankets and be left alone? I really hope this will pass soon. I have so many things to do this Spring and places to go.
Here’s to good health. Bye.