I’ve lived quite a few years and voted in several elections. When I became eighteen, I was so excited that I could vote for the president of the United States. I grew up in a family that talked politics at the dinner table and have never had trouble talking about politics to anyone. A lot of people are uncomfortable talking about politics. Not me. I like a good rip roaring debate as long as it doesn’t devolve into name calling and swearing.
I have never missed voting in an election. I have been unhappy with the person I voted for at times and at other times I have been extremely happy. I am happy now. There are people who say I am dumb, can’t read, should be dead don’t pay attention to the news and all manner of mean spirited things just because of who I voted for this time. I have never seen anything like it.
This year has been different for some reason. I have tried to figure it out, but, honestly, I don’t know what all the uproar is about. I have lived through several presidents I really didn’t like, but I didn’t attack them incessantly. Here we are three months into a new president in the White House and the angst hasn’t diminished.
I began to really notice this phenomena right after the election last fall. I went to my favorite blogs. Blogs that were all sweetness and light and suddenly I felt like I was visiting a complete stranger. The vitriol that I read was astonishing. People so upset, they talked as if their lives were completely ruined. So upset they said horrible things about our present president. People have attacked me online just for mentioning something good about our president. I have been called a bigot and a racist. I wondered how their lives had changed so much overnight after the election. Sure, I have been disappointed when a president was elected that I really did not like, but I didn’t immediately start attacking everyone who had voted for him. I didn’t think my world had ended.
There will be other elections that I won’t be happy about. But for now, I am enjoying the fact that the person I voted for won. Fair and square. Just like every other president has done. But now there are some who are trying to say the Russians helped him get elected. How silly. They are doing everything in their power to try to destroy this president. Our president who is trying to uphold our laws and help people get jobs. I read lie after lie about him and it saddens me that we Americans have become so divided that some cannot accept a free and lawful election.
I’m not even sure I should post this because I think it will make some people so angry they will not want to read my blog any longer. They will miss out because I have some great stories to tell. I hope all of you that are reading this don’t suddenly hate me. There is too much hate right now. Signs in your yard saying, “Love More” won’t work if you are not willing to love those with whom you disagree.
I pray every day for our president and our country. I want our country to be the best it can be. It cannot happen if people are not willing to follow our laws or attack with animosity those with whom they disagree.
I want to keep my blog happy and light and this will be the last time I write about politics for a long time. I just felt there ought to be a blog for the other side. Bloggers who agree with me are probably afraid to post about this. I’m throwing my opinion out into blogosphere and who knows. Maybe someone will understand the other side.
Be happy today. You are alive in a wonderful world if you want to make it that way. Bye.