Daily Archives: October 27, 2014

The Wind Blows

It’s been a windy day.   The leaves are falling rapidly from the trees.  I sit on our porch swing listening to the leaves and seeds clattering on the metal roof.  A tiny piece of  plastic floats on the air like a kite and settles on the road.  The wind blows the tablecloth on the table on our porch.



My flowers are giving their last hurrah as frost will be coming very soon.  Jack Frost is late this year as he has usually arrived by now.  I gathered flower seeds today to plant next Spring.

It’s time to clean up the yard for winter.  David blew leaves the other day and you can’t even tell it now.  I keep looking at the big maple tree in our side yard wondering what day the tree men will come and cut it down.


I tried to capture a picture of the falling leaves.  Gusts of wind would come and the leaves would whirl and twirl through the air.


Coming to rest on the ground.  It’s a magical time of beauty and endings.  But a time of beginnings also. So much to look forward to.  Someone told me once that Autumn made them sad.   I didn’t know why she felt that way unless she missed her children going off to school.  I love that I live where the seasons change.  Where one season you wear heavy coats and gloves and hats and drink hot chocolate and bundle in blankets.  Where another season you feel a new birth as the earth wakes up and planting time is here and everything smells of earth and rain and flowers blooming.  Another season where your skin gets hot in the afternoon sun and your skin tans to a warm glow.  The garden is lush and you pick that first tomato out of the garden and eat it right there where you are standing and let the juice run down your chin.  Then my favorite season, Autumn.  Smells of apples and wood burning and good spicy things cooking on the stove.  I find joy in every season.  Each one is a blessing.


I love the way the light comes in the windows at this time of year.


By the way, this is the butler’s table I was painting the other day.  I am so happy with how it turned out and it looks great in my girly room.


I get out all my Fall magazines and read them.  I save a lot magazines from year to year if I especially like them.


Everywhere I look I see a picture.


A foggy morning.  I love foggy mornings now that I don’t have to get out in them.


I made my own leaf garland.  Very simple with fabric and Heat and Bond and string.


This is what greets you at our front door.  I painted the old witch picture several years ago.  I go through stages where I like to paint pictures or anything else.


Right now I am painting a paint by numbers picture I bought years ago.  I thought I had better get it finished before all the paints dry up.  I have already found one that did.  If I have a couple of minutes I will sit down and paint a couple of numbers.  This is not like the pictures I use to do when I was younger.  Every Christmas I would get a color by number set that had colored pencils instead of paints.  They were very simple pictures of just a few colors.  This one I am doing now calls for mixing colors and doing different things with the paint that I have never done before.  Plus some of the things to paint are so tiny I need a magnifying glass.  But I am determined to finish it.


This is what it is suppose to look like when it’s finished.  See the two labs in the water?  I can barely see the numbers to paint them.


On a road trip the other day there were beautiful sights to see everywhere. Little towns with old houses decorated for the season.    This day we were going up to visit my sister.  She fell and shattered a bone in her arm and will have to stay at a rehabilitation center for a couple of months until her arm is healed.  Please say a prayer for her and for a quick recovery.  We neither one are getting any younger and it takes longer to heal so I would appreciate your sending a word to God.


I kept asking David to slow down so that I could take pictures.  The route we took had such pretty scenery and old houses.


On our way home we saw some antique stores, but didn’t stop at many.


This one looked so interesting, but it was closed that day.  We will have to go back.


What do you see out your windows this beautiful season?  Bye.