The Coronavirus and Me

No, I still don’t have any pictures. I’d show you what the Coronavirus looks like if I could. It’s kind of pretty as viruses go.   I’m just writing to tell you how stunned I am at how scared people are and how panicked some seem to be.  I’ve been out and about and most people I see are going on about their affairs while all the news shows are telling us to stay home.

They can stay home if they want to, but I’ve got a life to live and no virus is going to stop me.  It may stop me from getting groceries when some of these scared people go to the stores and clear out the shelves with things they will never use.  More food is being bought than I’ve ever seen. Do people think they are going to be locked in their homes and not allowed to go to the grocery for months?  My preacher couldn’t find a roast. My son couldn’t find one piece of chicken for his curry.  Either there’s going to be a whole lot of cooking going on in the next few weeks or a whole lot of food is going to spoil and  be thrown out.

It really bothers me when churches close. Seems to me that’s where people ought to be during something like this manufactured crisis praying for common sense and patience with people who are so scared.  If you really think you might get the virus if someone breathes on you, then stay home.  I’m going shopping tomorrow in hopes of finding some things I need on the shelves.

How do you feel about this virus?  I’m just amazed that people are having to be told to wash their hands. What in the world have they been doing?   And I hear you should wash with plain old soap and water and not to use hand sanitzers too much as they tend to become useless after a while.  I agree with that.  Maybe we are too clean.  Maybe being exposed to a few germs might be healthier.  And stay out of hospitals if you fear germs because  they have more germs there than anywhere else.

Anyway, the Coronavirus and me might meet up one day, who knows and it we do, I will stay home and drink lots of liquids and take aspirin.  The only time I’ve ever had the flu was after I got the flu shot. Go figure.  I’ve refused a flu shot ever since.  From people who should know I’ve heard that the flu shot is only for one particular flu every year, so if you get another kind, it doesn’t do a bit of good.

I really hope you aren’t one of those who is panicking over this. You really shouldn’t.  As C.S. Lewis wrote, we all are going to die of something. It’s in our future, no matter what.  So should we fear this virus any more than the volcano that might erupt, the tornado that might fly overhead,  or the bullet that might fly?  As FDR said, “There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.”  Wise words because I think it’s the fear that is fueling this more than the disease itself.

I really hope and pray all who reads this will remain well, but should you get the virus, don’t worry.  If you are a relatively healthy person you will pull through as thousands have.  I will pray this all will end soon. And don’t listen to the panic mongers on the news shows. Go out and have some fun with your kids since all the schools are closed.  Bye.

I promise my next blog will have pictures.

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