We are smack dab in the middle of Summer. The 4th of July is over. We missed the local fireworks display, but the night of the 4th I was sitting in our livingroom when a huge, bright, beautiful firework burst seemingly right outside our window. Suddenly, there were several fireworks bursting in the air. Now these weren’t your every day do at home fireworks. These were the big ones displayed to the public. I went outside and saw that our neighbors were having their own fireworks display. One after another the beautiful fireworks burst in the air. We were having our own private fireworks show! It was wonderful. It was a gift.
David is taking the whole month of July off and we have been doing a little traveling, a little grandchildren spoiling and a whole lot of swimming. I can’t remember when I have swam this much in a long time. It’s been really hot so I enjoy the pool more because the water isn’t as cold.
Our grandsons have been enjoying the pool also. We had two of them over the weekend and we did a lot of swimming. One day we were in the pool for four hours.
It seems like we have always had our back porch and we’ve used it a lot. We’ve already had two cookouts and everyone ate on the porch and no bugs!
This is the view from the porch. David installed another swing. Now we have four swings on our property. And they are all used!
Molly likes swinging with anyone who sits down on the swing. She thinks she owns that seat and when I am sitting with her, she growls at anyone else who wants to sit with me.
He wants a dog so badly. I tell him in a few years when he’s grown he can have any dog he wants. Right now he lives in the city with no fenced in yard and the dog would be left alone a lot which would not be good for the dog.
This is another grandboy and of course, Molly must sit with him. Notice she takes up the middle. And if dogs could smile….
The bees are busy pollinating the flowers. We have a lot of bumble bees and butterflies on the flowers. And Hummingbirds are good pollinators also.
Flowers are blooming all over. Some I know the names and some I don’t. This is Bee Balm or Monarda. The ones in front are Cone Flowers or Echinachea. I probably misspelled that last one.
I planted these Cone flowers years ago and they have multiplied. That’s the kind of flowers I like.
We have dozens of Day Lilies in various colors. There is a place called New Creation Lilies south of us where we have bought several of our lilies.
Every year I am amazed at all the flowers that come up in what was a very barren back yard.
We took a short trip to Nashville, Tennessee for our 51st wedding anniversary. We both wanted to visit the Pickers’ store, Antique Archeology. It was smaller and more commercial with several of their finds from the show in the store. David and I each bought a ball cap. The store is located in an old car factory and there are several nice stores throughout it.
This is their sign.
And this is the side of the building. I did purchased one thing. A towel with a picture of the United States on it.
This is the original floors. Deep gouges in them, but they have character and I’m glad they saved them.
Nashville has a lot going on. We almost ate in a honky tonk until I read the menu and nothing sounded good to me so we went on. Remember the show this is from?
And this?
We drove around looking at all the sights. Downtown was busy and the Country Music Hall of Fame is there.
This was the giant guitar out in front of it.
There are a lot of old warehouses made into little stores.
You could really shop until you dropped if you are so inclined. I’m not a shopper.
We would like to go back and see a show or two.
And to think it all started with hymn books.
No, we were not in New York.
We followed back roads.
Through small town America. There are really a lot of small towns across our country and each one is different.
Driving through one town we saw this sign and we were hungry, so we stopped.
But don’t park here. Mammy’s neighbor does not take kindly to people using their parking lot and Mammy’s was busy.
We got there mid afternoon and we had not eaten all day so we were hungry. Our meals were delicious and we wanted to try their pie, but the group in front of us bought all the pies up, so there were none and they closed at 3:00 on Sundays, so we just made it in because another couple came in after us and they told them they were closing. Now we want to go back for the pie!
We’ve been here before. Abraham Lincoln’s boyhood home. A one room cabin.
To think a whole family lived in these small quarters and one day one of them would be president of the United States.
Abraham swam in a small creek behind the cabin and evidently almost drowned in it.
He was saved by a neighbor boy. History could have been different if he hadn’t been saved.
We saw these beautiful trees everywhere.
This past week we took some of our grandboys to a candy factory outlet store. We’ve been there before and candy is really cheap and so good.
The boys were like, well, kids in a candy story. We told them they could get what they wanted and I have never seen anyone shop so fast.
These are pictures of happy boys with their bags of candy.
Well, he doesn’t look too happy, but he really is.
I controlled myself and only got one box of candy. It was hard, though.
We celebrated our fifty-first wedding anniversary and our daughter and son-in-law got us balloons and flowers which I though was nice.
I hope we can celebrate several more.
Hope you are having a glorious Summer where you live, but stay cool. Bye.
Had no idea how big Molly was till I saw here dwarfing your grands.
Looks like you had a really fun and interesting trip. Nashville had lots to offer but so do those off the wall small towns.
People really need to get off the beaten path and find these small towns. They have a lot to offer and you get to mix with the locals. Dave and I love traveling the back roads. And yes, Molly is huge. Over one hundred pounds.