I’ve been hearing and seeing a lot on opinion sites about Nobody and Everybody. Everybody loves this tv show. Everybody is flocking to see that movie. Nobody likes our president. Nobody believes a thing he says. Nobody goes to rallies willingly. They are paid. Everybody wants a woman in the White House. Which woman? Everybody loves this new food, book, tea, laundry detergent, store etc., etc.
Just who are these Nobodies and Everybodies? And why don’t I always agree with them? I went to a movie once that Everybody was raving about and it even won an Oscar. Most boring movie I have ever watched and some people even got up and left when full frontal nudity came on he screen. Who are these Everybodies? Don’t they have any taste?
I went to a restaurant Everybody said I should not miss. It would be the highlight of my life. Worst food and service I have ever received. Everybody was wrong, evidently. Maybe I am a Nobody. Because I don’t always agree with all the Everybodies.
What do you think when you see something advertised and it is said that Everybody loves it? I immediately become suspicious because these Everybodies have steered me wrong more times than not. I hear that Everybody is getting a certain vaccine. Well, I haven’t and I probably won’t. Some vaccines have been proven to be more harmful than helpful in the long run. I got vaccinated for something a while back only because a friend had been affected by this particular disease and told me I really must get vaccinated against it. So I did. A few weeks later I heard that getting the vaccination could CAUSE you to get the disease. What????!!!
Who are these Everybodies and Nobodies? Where do they live. Do they live in a nicer house than me, have a better dog, car, cat, refrigerator etc? How did they get so smart that Everyone wants to follow Everybody? And the Nobodies are just party poopers. Really.
So the next time you hear something advertised and someone says, “Everybody loves it, or wants it, or has used it, etc.,” just remember, if you aren’t part of those Everybodies, it isn’t true.
As for the Nobodies. Nobody listens to them anyway. Bye.
Hadn’t really thought about that but now I will.
Lol. Just listen to ads and everybody always loves everything.