A Birthday and Celebrating Christmas in March

Well, since I wrote my last blog I have been busy.  David was sick for most of the month of February and has had this weekend off for my birthday.  He is planning on going back to work Tuesday.

Today was my birthday. We started celebrating it Friday by going to this place…..DSCN6733


With my best buddy by my side we set off on a glorious, almost Spring day.


The skies were so blue.  A welcome change from the dark clouds that have been in the sky for days.

Zachary’s is a  candy factory with an outlet store. I had read about it in a magazine we get.



Well, I was like a kid in a candy store. I was looking for Easter candy and we loaded up two large bags with candy.    There was candy of every kind made fresh at the factory. They only use ingredients produced in America which is another reason I liked it.


We saw this mural on a building in Frankfort.  Remember Grandpa Walton on the Waltons show?  Will Geer was the actor who played him and he was born in Frankfort, Indiana.

We also stopped at the best antique store where I met the two nicest ladies.  We talked about a lot of things, but one thing we discussed was Saturday Night Live in the days when it was funny.  If you are old enough, you will remember Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken in a skit where a band is practicing and Will Ferrell’s character was playing a cowbell.  Christopher Walken’s  character kept saying he needed more cowbell and Will Ferrell would bang that cowbell so hard.  It really was one of the funniest sketches on SNL ever.  Well, I bought an old cow bell in this store and I will use it to call David inside when he is working outside.  I don’t know if he appreciates it, but I am having fun with it.


I don’t know what this building was, but I like the look of it.  It’s not their courthouse.  Looks like an old hospital.  But we didn’t drive by it, so it will remain a mystery.

Today started out with me feeling sick to my stomach. We were supposed to meet some family after church for Chinese. I didn’t make it to church and thought I might have to call it off, but I took some Pepto-Bismol and felt a little better, but I didn’t eat much at lunch.  Then everyone came back home for cake and ice cream and to celebrate a late Christmas.

David bought me a cake because I didn’t want to bake my own birthday cake, but our daughter brought a chocolate cake she had made.


Dark chocolate with peanut butter icing.  The sugar high we are going to have. It’s back to veggies, fruits and protein next week.


It was just like Christmas day again.  With paper all over the floor.


Watching people unwrap presents we have gotten them is one of my biggest pleasures.


I think he was surprised with his quilt.


I love this quilt pattern and how colorful it is. I hope he gets many years of pleasure from it.


He knows what is being unwrapped because he got one for Christmas.  A hoverboard.

Our son gave us all wristbands for Walt Disney World.  He is taking all of us there this year and I cannot wait. It’s his 50th wedding anniversary gift to us.  We are going to stay in a rented house with five bedrooms  and four baths so we shouldn’t be too crowded.   The last time we did this it was with our older grandchildren and that has been at least twelve years ago.  We had such a good time then.

I am still working on my shop.  It’s been a slow process with us being sick and very tired for so long.


I am dusting, cleaning and painting every surface I can.  I am going through all my fabric and have taken two large bags of it to a local charity.   I still have boxes and boxes to go, but it’s getting there slowly but surely.   I really am enjoying going through all my fabric, but some of it I will never use and hopefully someone else can get some good out of it.

This has really become a major project.  I wonder how people on those hoarder shows ever manage to get out from underneath with all they have accumulated. It’s funny. You spend the first several years of your life getting stuff and the last remaining years of your life trying to get rid of stuff.  I have become a minimalist in thinking, but my shop doesn’t show it.  Hopefully, when I am done it will.

I did manage to make two little quilts this week. I cleaned off my cutting board and cut them out and pieced them and have one almost quilted.


I call this one Rhapsody in Blue and Birds.   I used some bird fabric I love.





Kathleen Tracy has been showing these quilts on Facebook and I figured out the dimensions myself, but she has a small quilt book you can buy on Amazon. I bought one of her quilting books this week that I will share with you later.  Check her out. Her quilts are darling.

I love my grandsons and granddaughter.  My granddaughter grew up too fast and is a senior this year and is going to New York City this week with all the seniors. What an experience that will be. I have never been to New York City, but David drove through the center of it once. He said he got a lot of one finger waves while doing so!    Here are my two younger grandsons who always make me laugh.



Candy corn teeth!

Oh, and if you think I am done buying stuff, I’m not.  We went to a La-Z-Boy store on Friday also and I ordered a new rocker recliner in fabric called Van Gogh.  Bye.




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