I’m not a fan of mice. At least those not of the Mickey Mouse kind. I’ve had my run-ins with mice through the years. When I was a young girl, my family was seated in our living room watching television, when out of the corner of my eye I saw movement across the floor. It was a little mouse scurrying to wherever it was going. I screamed and that’s when my brother, Andy, jumped into action. He ran and stepped right on that mouse’s tail and held it there. We all sat in surprise as we looked at first my brother and then the mouse whose tail was caught under his shoe. My mother ran and got a box to put the mouse in and it was scooped up and put outside. We all had a good laugh about it and it’s been tucked in my memories ever since.
When we moved to our old house forty years ago we were plagued with mice for a time because the house had sat empty for several months and the mice decided to take over. I had had enough when one day I opened a kitchen drawer and out popped a mouse, just as scared as I was. We set traps and caught mice and finally were rid of them. At least we didn’t see any more for a long time.
Several years ago some piles of rocks were removed from behind a business across the road from us. After that, I began to see rats in our yard. In fact, the first I noticed them, I stepped on one in a flower bed. Then I started to see rats everywhere in our yard. We believe the rats had had their homes in the rock pile and by removing it, the rats were looking for a new home. I was so scared the rats would get in the house. I found dead rats in our dogs’ pen that they had killed. Our neighbor said he was seeing rats too. So we all put out lots of rat poison. I had to put it in boxes with holes so my dogs would not get into it. Little by little we noticed the rat population was dwindling. After a while we saw no more rats and I breathed a sigh of relief.
In the Autumn, when the weather starts to get cool, the mice come in seeking warm places to make a home. We haven’t had a mouse problem for years, but this year I began to notice mice tracks in my shop. I would put out poison and the mice were eating it, I could tell, but still I was seeing mice tracks everywhere. When I sat at my sewing machine and saw mouse tracks on it, I knew the poison was not doing the trick so David bought some mouse traps and set them in my shop and in the house and the first day we caught four. The next day we caught one and we have caught no more since so I am hoping our mouse problem is solved. (We have since caught nine since this post and not done yet, I’m afraid.) No, I am not a fan of mice. Cute as they can be. Ever see a baby mouse? They are so cute. But I don’t want them in my house.
This past weekend our granddaughter was in her last musical at her school as she is a senior. They performed The Music Man and it was great.
She played Ethel Toffelmeir and we were so proud of her. She was in the scene where the ladies sang Pick a Little, Talk a Little and she danced during the song Shipoopie. When the townspeople sang the Wells Fargo Wagon is A-comin’, in came a wagon pulled by a real horse and the crowd went wild. Since the Music Man has been my very favorite musical ever since I saw it with my mother, with Robert Preston as the music man and Shirley Jones as Miriam the librarian, I so enjoyed it. I have memorized all the songs and could have sung right along with them.
Here she is with her “baby” brother who is taller than she.
I am so blessed to have these two as grandchildren.
Remember the pumpkin quilt I was making? I had it all cut out. Well, it turned into an apple quilt.
I have had this fabric for a very long time.
I always thought I would make an apple quilt with it one day and the day finally came.
I searched out all my red fabric and some green fabric.
Using this pattern I made apples instead of pumpkins. I also used the pumpkin pattern from Lori Holts Farmgirl patterns.
Soon I was piecing each block together feverishly.
Block after block went together.
I couldn’t stop. I was on a mission.
And I finished the top. I love, love, love it.
I had to pose it in various poses. Such a wonderful Autumn quilt.
I don’t usually piece a complete quilt top in a matter of days, but this one went together very quickly. Now I have to quilt it. Then, maybe, I will get back to my pumpkin quilt.
But at the moment I am hand quilting this quilt and loving every minute I am working on it. This particular quilt has been on my to do list for years. I am finally getting it done. I have a Christmas quilt I want to do after this one. So many quilts. So little time. I quilt into the wee hours of the mornings most often. The best time for me to quilt because I have no distractions then.
Last night our daughter called and said we have new granddogs. Her golden retriever, Lily, had her second litter of puppies. Our daughter said this will be her last. She lost five of them, but five survived so we are going to have to go visit them soon. They are going to sell them and probably already have them sold. They have the most beautiful golden retrievers. Three and they all are house dogs. They are not allowed upstairs and I didn’t know it and one time when I was there, I threw their ball up the stairs and they just sat there looking, but didn’t even try to go up the steps. Good dogs.
The leaves have finally changed and Fall is in the air most definitely.
A busy season lies ahead. Veteran’s Day program at our grandsons’ school this week. Two Christmas programs coming up and in between it all I must get all this quilting and sock knitting done.
Despite all the tragedies we are seeing around the world, God is still in control. Evil will not win. Love will triumph. Remember there is hope and peace with Jesus. My prayers and sincere sympathy to those whose lives were taken this week. May God be with them. Pray for peace and love to abound. Bye.
You had quite a battle with rodents. I still think mice are cute but rats are just plain disgusting. I have seen them as big as chihuahuas when I ran the shelter. They loved the dog food.
Your granddaughter is adorable and her little ? brother is a cutie.
We are up to seven mice caught so far. It gives me the creeps knowing the little critters are sneaking around the house and shop. Hopefully we have about got them all.