To Curse or Not to Curse, That is the Question

I just came from reading a blog about Stephen Colbert and his vile tirade against President Trump and the affect of cursing on society.

I grew up in a family where my father cursed quite often, especially when he was working on a tractor and something would go wrong. His cursing stopped the day He became a Christian and was saved by Jesus Christ. I never heard him say another curse word.  My mother very occasionally said the S word when she was exceedingly distraught.  But cursing was not the norm in my family and still is not. But now, in our society, cursing has become the norm.  Words one would never have heard in polite society are regularly used by women as well as men.  Some people think it’s hip and quite cool to spew out vile words with gusto no matter who is around, children or women or men who don’t curse.

I find that cursing becoming the norm is a very sad thing about today’s society.  Many young people can barely carry on a conversation as it is and then to add curse words into a sentence pretty much makes them uncommunicable.   There are thousands of words in the English language that can be used to carry on a conversation.  Beautiful words that can express someone’s meaning without being crass or vile.

When I go to a movie, I want to hear conversations that are uplifting or intelligent. I don’t want to be a captive to having to listen to curse words spewing out of people’s mouths every other sentence.  Imagine Cary Grant or Audrey Hepburn speaking like some of the actors and actresses do today.  I don’t think people would think as much of them if they had.   The actresses I hear today can be as vile as the men and I think that makes them look worse than the men.   They call it “edgy,” but I call it unnecessary.

I find it abhorrent that women think cursing is proper.  But I also find it abhorrent that men and teen-agers do also.   When I see a pretty girl and then I hear curse words coming from her mouth, she doesn’t look nearly as pretty to me any longer.  Girls that curse usually end up with men who do also and I wonder how men who curse regularly treat their women.   It’s just a thought.

So back to Stephen Colbert.  He hates President Trump.  So many think what he said on his show was funny and cool and mainstream and how everyone feels. They are wrong.  Millions of us out here believe he was vile and sounded unintelligent and was very disrespectful of our president.   If a so-called comedian like Stephen Colbert had said the same vile things about President Obama, the same people who are laughing now would think it was wrong.  I would think it was wrong then, too.    I hope we can get back to civil discourse and intelligent conversation once again.   Notice where the vileness is coming from and steer clear of it.  We don’t need that in our society.   We all need to be uplifted and we all need to speak to one another with civil tongues.

And that is my preaching for today.  Bye.

6 thoughts on “To Curse or Not to Curse, That is the Question

  1. Ruth Ann

    Hello again Kate. I just “discovered” you and enjoy your blog very much. I was deeply troubled by the Stephen Colbert tirade, and am reminded again of the double standard in America. I used to think that the difference between conservatives and liberals was philosophical, but I fear it goes much deeper. I lived through the presidencies of men I did not vote for and accepted them as my president even if I couldn’t agree with them, but the vitriol spewed against President Trump is disturbing and hateful. And as to the language we have to listen to (and read), it’s appalling, and it’s even more appalling that so much of it comes from women and girls. I’m saddened to see the line between femininity and masculinity obliterated.
    Thank you for allowing me to say these things. I feel so outnumbered sometimes.

    1. Snickelfritz Post author

      You are not outnumbered, Ruth Ann, we just come from an age when people were polite to one another even when they disagreed. We have all sat quietly by while the worst people have become our leaders. I don’t know when the change happened, but we have to teach our young people how to debate without anger and hatred and threatening people. I never backed down from a good debate, but I don’t talk to people who can only spew hatred and curse.

  2. Ruth Ann

    I think I misspoke when I said I feel alone. I have friends and family who feel the way I do. I think that watching and reading biased news reports makes me feel overwhelmed. That’s why it was such a thrill to see President Trump elected. It showed me that I’m one of many who are tired of “business as usual” in politics. I was recently in a restaurant stuck watching CNN on the TV. They were on a diatribe titled, “Is Trump Fit to Lead?” They were attacking him because he admitted that he missed his old life and he was unaware of the scope of the demands made on the President of the U.S. To my way of thinking he was being honest about his feelings – unlike most politicians who hide behind a mask. He’s always been outspoken, and I haven’t always been thrilled with some of the things he says, but I find his honesty refreshing. Anyway, I won’t be going to that restaurant any more. I hate news TV at the dinner table.

    1. Snickelfritz Post author

      CNN seems to be the network of choice for restaurants and motel lobbies. I guess we can ask the manager to change the channel. I feel like we have been fed a lie for a long time and CNN is one of the worst to do it. Maybe you should write the restaurant manager and tell him why you won’t be coming back to the restaurant. Money does talk sometimes.

  3. Kathie Donahue

    I so agree. When I start a movie and there’s the f-bomb in the first scene; that’s it for that movie. I’m not watching it. Same thing with books and television and blogs and facebook and everything else where words are seen or heard. We don’t need that. We have thousands, millions, of words at our disposal. Any number of them can express frustration and anger, for certain. But scriptures say, “He that is slow to anger is greater than the Mighty.” I’ve been trying to practice that in my life for many years. And politics? I am a passionate politicalphile (is that a word?). I love politics. When I’m frustrated, happy, or whatever with something political, I TWEET, cleanly. I admit, I can be succinct, tweeting, and very cutting. I admit that. But you won’t find profanity. I love words, good words, not profane words, which, surely, must cause the Lord to cover His ears, as do we all. Thanks for sharing this topic.

    1. Snickelfritz Post author

      So happy that there are still people out there who know how to use words. I wrote this because I just came off a blog where women were actually bragging that they loved to curse and it really bothered me. We really need to clean up our discourse between one another or we will lose all ability to converse with intelligence. It takes none to speak profanity. Rather lazy, really.


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