It seems we were just in June looking forward to a long Summer and here it is, almost Autumn already. The days are getting shorter and the nights are a little cooler. I must say Autumn in just about my most favorite seasons. I don’t like the real hot weather as it seems to sap any energy out of me that I have, so the cooler days are so looked forward to. I love the clothes we wear in the Fall also. Corduroy pants, woolen sweaters, heavy socks and boots. I have an intarsia sweater with apples on it I can’t wait to wear. I ordered it from one of my favorite online companies, Coldwater Creek.
Speaking of Coldwater Creek, there was a glitch or something in their computers and they put over $1700 of bills on my account. I didn’t know about it at the time, but a lady from the company called me and told me so I checked my credit card and yep, they had charged me about ten times for that intarsia sweater, but they had already taken it off. So I thought nothing about it until today David heard a knock on the door and there was a lady there holding a vase of flowers in her hand. The flowers were for me. David said my boyfriend should be more discrete about sending me flowers. I had no clue who they were from. Here are the flowers.
They are so pretty. And here who they were from.
Talk about good customer relations! I was so surprised. I don’t order from them that often, but maybe it was because I was nice to them on the phone. Anyway, thank you, Coldwater Creek for the pretty flowers. I don’t work for them nor do I advertise for them, but I think this was pretty nice for a company to do after an err they made.
Wanting to see our older grandchildren before school started and knowing they would all be busy, busy, busy with school, sports and friends, David and I wanted to take them out for breakfast. We missed our granddaughter as she had already gone back to college. We had a nice visit and will be seeing them on Grandparents Day before too long at their school.
Everyone is taller than David and I now. We are shrinking in height and they are all tall. Was just yesterday I was rocking these two boys, holding them on my lap. We ate at a pancake house that we all love and the food was so good. It was really busy and they were serving a lot of pancakes.
On the way home we traveled through downtown Indianapolis in Fountain Square to see if we could see some of the homes remodeled by our favorite gals on our favorite fixer upper show on HGTV, Good Bones. It’s nice to see Hoosier girls starring in a tv show and we watch it every week, Here is one of the houses. I remember watching this particular show.
They are known for their brightly colored houses. No taupe for these girls. They buy rows of broken down houses and fix them up. They are bringing back neighborhoods in Indianapolis that have fallen on hard times. So if you get a chance to watch their show, you will enjoy it. They are so funny at times, but they are sure hard workers and not at all afraid to get dirty.
Driving around we saw this interesting door. It had a lion’s head above it. You can see part of it in the picture.
Then on a beautiful late Summer’s day we attended one of our grandson’s soccer games. He is in a traveling team and several of his games will be played in our town as we have a really nice soccer field. Our boys played on this field years ago. At that time there was no public restrooms, but they have built some nice ones by the field. I sure could have use those years ago!
He is getting so tall. A pre-teen.
I love to watch soccer games. They all want to play football and I just could never get interested in that game. Our younger son got a badly broken arm in a football incident and I just have never liked it since. Now that one of the players on the Colts team has retired because of all his injuries, I am more likely to think it is not a safe game to play. And I think the uniforms for soccer and lacrosse are much cuter! But that’s just me.
I said I would show you all our swings we have set up. We use them all.
Let’s go down our porch steps to the one on our cabin porch.
This is the little cabin we just finished restaining this Summer.
David took the old swing from this porch and put up this new one. This is where Molly likes to sit with me, but she’s almost too big to fit on the swing any longer.
Then the swing from the cabin was put on the old swing set in our backyard. I stained it and I can sit here and watch the chickens.
This is the swing on our front porch. We sit here to watch all the hummingbirds fight each other for the hummingbird food. We can also watch the world go by. You can do that when you are retired.
There is the swing on our new screened in porch. We sit here a lot watching the birds at the bird feeder. The birds actually planted the sunflower that is here….
Not bad for a bird.
And last, but certainly not least, there is the swing on my shop porch.
I sit here almost every day watching the traffic go by and say a prayer of thanks I am no longer in the rat race of life so many people are in, rushing here, there, and everywhere. I use to be one of those rats, but I am glad those days are behind me. I enjoy retirement immensely. I remember the days when I was a girl when my mother, my aunt, my sister, the dogs and I would sit on the porch after supper and sit and talk and swing. Oh, how I wish they could all join me on my swings now. David and I have created the Porch Sitters’ Society of which we are the CEO’s and welcome anyone who would like to to come sit with us.
Hope you are enjoying the last few days of Summer. Before you know it, Summer will come around again. Bye