Daily Archives: February 22, 2018

I’m Going to Get Political Here

I write this blog for me and for my family to know what is going on in our lives. I don’t write it for popularity, to sell stuff or for recognition or awards.  And I write truthfully.  I write what I feel and I write what I believe and after reading so many blogs about gun control and bashing our president, I decided to put in my two cents, for what its’ worth.

First, I will tell you I know several teachers, in my family and friends. My brother taught math for years in high school.  I have grandchildren in public schools and grandchildren in a Christian school.  I worry about them all.  The shooting this week has rocked a lot of people and once again the Democrats have seen an opening to remove guns from honest, law abiding people.  A boy was bullied at school.  Then I watched as those children in that school bullied adults and shouted “Burn her, ” to one of the women who spoke for the NRA and I wondered, which one of those children were bullying that boy who shot up the school?    I wonder, is it because prayer and God has been removed from government schools?  I noticed the violence has escalated since that happened. We never had school shootings in the middle of the last century before school prayer was removed. My brothers would have their guns in their cars to go hunting after school.  No one got shot.

I wonder why taking guns away from all of us will keep the guns from criminals.  I wonder if the same people who are so upset about the murders of 17 children in one school are as upset about the millions of babies who are ripped from their mothers’ wombs every year? It seems the outrage is only popular if it’s liberal outrage.   I watched those children read questions that had been given them(you cannot make me believe that one boy wrote that question for Marco Rubio.)  I was horrified how people acted at that rally and it was a rally.  Don’t try to tell me any differently. A rally against guns.  Gun control.  That is the liberal mantra now.

I don’t know what the answer is for all this shooting. They never have told us why the Las Vegas shooting happened. That has been kept rather hush hush.  That man’s girlfriend disappeared and we never heard another thing about her. Some very strange things are happening in our country and it’s not President Trump’s fault.  ‘

Just how do we keep our children safe at school?  I have some ideas.  We have many veterans in our country who have been trained in the use of guns.  Many cannot find a job.  We could hire veterans to guard our children during the day. Besides keeping our children safe, it would teach children about the sacrifices our veterans have made.   The doors on schools should be locked at all times.  That boy just came in a back door. He shot the one guard. One guard for a school of  over 3000.  Maybe there were others. I don’t know that.   Teachers who want should be able to conceal carry and no one should know who has the guns.   I know this all sounds radical, but when you take God out of schools, satan walked in and now we are dealing with the consequences and since the liberals won’t allow God back in,  our children need protection.   If you have any better idea besides unarming every person in our country who is law abiding, I’d like to hear it.

I am praying for our children, our teachers and our schools.   Our teachers have a hard time of it.  Many parents with problem children cannot admit their child would do anything dangerous. I have heard stories about violent children in schools who cannot be removed because it isn’t politically correct.  And I hate the term politically correct. It’s harmed our country as much as anything else.   We need to get rid of it.  It was created for liberals to shut up the voices of conservatives. Well, I am not going to let my voice be quieted.

And all you who hate our president, just remember. Obama was not well liked by millions of us, but we didn’t get violent,  form groups, do rallies, or march with silly hats on our heads.  We just kept working and when time came for us to vote we ran to the polls and voted and that is what we will do again.   The more we are attacked, demeaned and obstructed, the more we cannot wait to vote.  This shooting is  wake up call, but it’s not the wake up call many think it is.

Now the Olympics.  I use to love the Olympics like I use to love the Academy Awards.  Not any more.  It’s all become political. I find it disgusting that an athlete, who lives in the greatest country in the world, who has had opportunities many of us have never had and who is blessed with a physical ability would use his or her platform to bash our president and while doing so, dismissing the millions of us who voted for him. The millions of us who use to love watching the Olympics. To be asked to the White House is a great honor. How many people get that chance. Even with Obama in the White House, if he had asked me to come, I would have gone. But no, there were some spoiled athletes who said they would not go if asked and now some of them won’t be asked anyway because they bombed at the Olympics and I don’t feel sorry for them. And those two who attacked Vice President Pence when he went to watch them perform were just being mean and they lied while doing it.

I know some of you who read my blog are saying, “Bye-bye” now and that is your prerogative.   I quit reading some blogs because they were so nasty about our president.   You can look back at all my blogs and I never said anything nasty about Obama or the Clintons who I believe are the biggest crooks in our country.   I probably won’t get political again for a while and at least I warned you.   Just wanted people to see there are other beliefs than what you have been seeing on CNN this week.

If you believe in God and are a praying person, I do ask you to say a prayer for our school children this week.  They are under attack and they need to be protected.  And God needs to be back in our schools.  For three hundred years the Bible was taught and prayer was allowed.  It needs to be that way again.  Bye.