Daily Archives: July 4, 2016


I’m sitting here this fourth of July weekend thinking about my country and where it is headed. I don’t like to talk politics on my blog, but today I am going to, so if you hate politics, you may not want to read today.   I am very interested in politics and have always been proud to vote ever since I was able and have not missed a presidential election.  I don’t intend to miss this one either.

If you live in the states or not, you know we are going to elect a new president this November. We have two contenders.  One is a businessman who has never been involved in politics other than donating to various candidates through the years.  He inherited money from his father which he turned into billions with his business acumen. Along the way there has been a few bankruptcies of which he’s admitted were due to poor decisions.  It’s not as if he is the first person to ever go into bankruptcy, but you would think it by what his opponents have said.  Anyway, he looks at politics as something that gets in the way of running a country and wants to bring back the good economy we have had in the past until the politicians started making deals against their very country.  He also wants to protect our borders which have been left wide open for whomever wanted to come in.  In the past, the United States has stopped immigration for a time until people became assimilated to our country and our culture.  Learn the language and become American citizens. That doesn’t happen so much now.  People come from other countries and want our country to change for them, not the other way around.   We welcome immigrants with open arms when they come in legally and obey our laws and accept our culture.

The other candidate has been in politics almost her entire adult life.  Marrying a man who became senator from Arkansas and then became president of the United States.  He had his troubles in office and she did many devious things like having people’s tax returns in her possession.   Together, they helped run up the deficit, supported NAFTA and sent the country into turmoil with his behavior toward an intern and other women.  She ran a “bimbo eruption” action to stop any women from being heard or saying they were all lying.   She tried to write a healthcare bill that failed miserably in congress because she wanted to put people and doctors in jail for not following its edicts.   A book is now out about her telling how she treated underlings and others she thought were beneath her.   She has been under investigation for months about E-mails on her private server that should have not been there since they were government E-mails.  Now some countries have those E-mails to use as blackmail should she become president.

Neither candidate has high likeability polls. But one is more widely known than the other.

I picked my candidate long ago and intend to help him as much as I can to get into office.

The other thing I wanted to talk about was Brexit.  When England left the EU, I cheered.  I find it strange that people are against a country having borders and its own laws and it own leaders.  With the EU, many European countries were taking orders from bureaucrats in Brussels, Belgium, far away from the people they were ordering. No representation.  No ability to vote the bureaucrats out.   I found that rather odd and disturbing.  It would be like someone in Venezuela making laws for we the people in the United States.  Most of us would not like that one bit.  I am heartily hopeful that other European countries under the thumb of the EU will get out also.  Many do not know that the EU was thought up originally by Adolph Hitler.  He planned for one central government(Germany) to be over the states(other European countries.)  All the countries were to take orders from the government(Germany).  I find it astounding that so many European countries bought the EU idea after fighting a war to be free from an overbearing government.  Many of the young people who have grown up under the EU don’t know what real freedom is.  Maybe now they will learn and find it was a wonderful thing those who voted for Brexit did.

There is something about people inside them that yearns to be free. Free from overbearing, over regulating governments who stop our pursuit of happiness.   This November, we will vote for a candidate who wants to cut the chains of an oppressive government and the other candidate who wants to be more repressive. One believes our rights come from God and are mentioned in the Constitution.  The other wants to take away our guns. A right clearly mentioned in our Constitution.  We the people have a very clear choice. I pray we make the right one.

I hope all my fellow citizens of the United States have a wonderful holiday.  While you are at it, say a prayer for our country and our next president.  Bye.