Daily Archives: October 6, 2017

Joy and Sorrow

People can experience both joy and sorrow in a span of a day.  We saw this on display on our television sets this week.  Neil Cavuto on the FOX network gave a moving report called “One Week Ago Today,” yesterday where he talked about how all the people who went to the concert in Las Vegas were preparing for it one week ago with excitement and happiness.   At the same time a man was plotting how best to get the perfect site from which to shoot his guns at people to kill them.  I think there was more than one shooter, but that’s another story.  One week ago today 59 people were alive and were with their friends and loved ones.  One week ago today, a very evil person was planning something horrific.   He was ordering room service, setting up his weapons, getting ready while thousands of people were just planning on having a fun weekend. One week ago.

That is how quickly joy can turn to sorrow.  I have experienced both emotions in the span of a day.  Complete joy and then shattering sorrow.   I write this because none of us are promised tomorrow.  None of us know when we leave our home whether we will come back. None of us know if the ones we love we see today, might not be with us in a blink of an eye. That is how tenuous our lives are.  Why we waste a second on anger and hatred is something I cannot explain.   We should love one another, give our loved ones a hug when we see them.  Call them on the phone and tell them you love them.  Life is way too short. I feel so sorry for those who lost friends and loved ones last weekend.  On Cavuto’s show he ran all the pictures of the people who were murdered and I stood there at my ironing board, tears running down my cheeks watching those lovely faces scroll by. Some so young.  Some with children.  Somebody’s mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle or other relationship.  None of them deserved what happened to them.  I pray they are all in heaven today.   I don’t know why God allows things like this to happen. I do know He doesn’t cause them.  Evil does.  Evil hearts that have no love for others.   And yet, we must pray for those who despitefully use us.  I can’t explain that one.

So, I am praying that nothing else bad happens for a long, long time. Our country has been hit with a lot of bad things lately.  So have other countries, but I have to deal with mine.    I want this blog to be full of happiness and joy, but I cannot ignore when my fellow citizens are hurting.   I have some fun things to write about, but for now, I pray we can all come together and unite as a nation and rid ourselves of all the hate that is happening all around us.  Blessings to you all and may God keep you in His hands. Bye.