Daily Archives: April 28, 2017


I like the word discombobulate.  It is a great descriptive word for what I am feeling right now.  We are in the midst of remodeling our upstairs bathroom and it looked like this after yesterday’s demolition.


Some interesting wallpaper was behind the paint.


When I first saw this, I thought it was a tiled wall, but it’s tile wallpaper.


Then there was this floral wallpaper.  I have seen this same wallpaper during other remodeling in this old house.

Whenever we are in the middle of a renovation, I get, well, discombobulated.  Frustrated.  Disconcerted.  The whole house is in a turmoil.  I don’t know what to do with myself.   I know it will all get done. I know I will love the end result, but right now, I feel, unnerved.

Add to that I am going on a trip I had not been planning a week ago.  A friend asked me to go somewhere with her nine hours away, which will involve two overnight stays in motels.   I am excited about it, but as with everything in my life, everything comes at once.  David and I had planned to go to a lacrosse game one of our grandsons was playing in and the next day go to see my sister and brother-in-law for a visit. Plus, our church is having a special week of Bible conference starting Sunday, which I was looking forward to and will miss one night.  All this is happening on the same weekend.   But I chose to go on this trip and I will be telling you about it soon.

I hear them pounding on the walls upstairs and I am thinking I need to get ready for my trip, so I hope you all have a nice weekend.  Bye.