Traveling Far Away

  David and I have traveled to almost all the states except Hawaii.  I don’t think I have been in Rhode Island either, but David thinks we passed through it some time in our travels.  I don’t remember.  Sorry, Rhode Islanders.  I really want to remember your state.

   We started out this foggy morning to travel to the state of Texas.  We have been through Texas on the way to California and stayed in Houston one time for the International Quilt Show.  We also spent a couple of days in Galveston.  We want to go back there.

Today we drove mostly back roads to Nashville Tennessee.   There is so much to see on back roads.  Small towns, country homes and farms, fields of cattle, horses or goats.  We past through one town that was so cute, I wanted to take pictures of every building in it, but the people in the cars behind us didn’t think that was such a good idea.   I have a picture I have to show you of turkey vultures that had taken over a little abandoned house.  I did a double take as we passed by it and told David to turn around because there were vultures all over the roof of this house. 



  There were  vultures everywhere.  Many flew off when we stopped to take pictures.  A true Halloween sight if I ever saw one.   

  That was probably the weirdest sight we have seen so far. 


With David at the wheel and me having a few books to read, we were off.


I am going to read this while we are on vacation.


I’m reading this right now and it’s so good.  I love Susan Branch.  This is sort of a diary of her life.  She grew up in the same time period as I did.  She loved the Beatles and even got to meet them which makes me so jealous. Ha.  She danced to the same music I danced to, sang the same songs I sang and lived a life almost parallel to mine.   She had some heartbreak in her life I haven’t had, but she still is one of the most optimistic people whose blog I love to read.  I am really enjoying this book.


Our intention on this trip was to drive as much of the Natchez Trace trail as we could. Years ago we drove it from Natchez, Tennessee to Jackson, Mississipppi.  Yesterday and today we drove it from Nashville to Jackson,MS.  It’s a very nice drive with little traffic and lots of historic things along the way.  We saw Merriweather Lewis’ burial site.  He died mysteriously one night while taking documents back to Washington, D. C. 



We have driven through some adorable towns.




Towns with adorable shops and houses.  I took so many pictures. 


Black fences like this seem to be a requirement in some parts of Tennessee.


David let me drive some.  Whoopie!   I had him shaking in his shoes!


We came up to the Tennessee River.   It always amazes me how big our country is where most people get along with each other.  You only hear about the ones who don’t.  Everyone we have met has been so very nice. 


Across this amazing bridge we went.  You have to have faith that the men who built these bridges knew what they were doing and did it well.

  Speaking of bridges…


Over this bridge was a walking path.  I have decided to resume my walking across America.  I have kind of gotten lax on that the past several months and I can feel it.  So, I walked almost two miles and it felt good.



David doesn’t walk with me. He takes pictures. 


We will be doing this for the next several days.  Glad they have carts to carry everything.

In closing I will show you some of the barn quilts we have seen .





  We have seen more barn quilts this time than the time we took a trip to see barn quilts a few years ago!

Here’s to trips to fun places and  the one with whom to share the ride.  Bye.

These travel blogs are not posted on the day I wrote them.


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