I love Valentine’s Day. I have loved it since that first day in elementary school when we decorated shoeboxes and set them on our desks in preparation to getting lots of Valentines from our classmates. Of course, back then, we got to celebrate the day in the classroom. I don’t know if the powers that be consider it politically correct to celebrate a day of love. There might be some unloved people who might be offended. I hope not.
Anyway, I looked forward to the day with much excitement. Mom would take me shopping for Valentines to pass out to my classmates. Big decisions had to be made as to what kind we would buy. Then we would take them home where more big decisions were made on who would get which Valentine in my collection. The cute boy would get the most lovey dovey one, of course. My best friends would get the best ones in the lot. People I weren’t too fond of would get the smaller Valentines. There were always a few that were smaller than the others. Everyone in my class got one, though because no one was to be left out.
The big day would finally arrive and I would dress up just a little better that day. I wanted to look pretty for the boys. Yes, I was boy crazy even in elementary school. I took my precious Valentines to school and put one in each student’s box. We all would then have to wait until the last hour of the school day for the Valentine’s Day party. Some years my mother was in charge of bringing cookies or cupcakes and a drink. My mother always went all out in making pretty decorated treats for all of us. I still have her heart cookie cutters and use them every year.
We were all excited and could barely contain ourselves waiting for the party. It’s a wonder we got any school work done that day. Then our teacher would tell us to put our books away and we knew it was time. Our boxes stuffed with Valentine love were brought out and we began to look at each one deciding if the person who gave it really “loved” us or not. Gee, I wish I still had those Valentines. They are probably collectibles now. Then we were served our refreshments and ate happily all the sweetness that had been prepared for us. Our teacher would always have a couple of games for us to play. Then the bell would ring and the party and the school day was over.
I would hold tightly to my Valentine box on the school bus home and as soon as I got there I would open the box and look at all the pretty Valentine cards again.
As an adult, I have received my share of Valentines cards, but usually I am the one who sends them rather than gets them. I knew I was not marrying a romantic when my husband to be brought me a box of chocolates the day after Valentines Day. They were cheaper you see! He has more than made up for that faux pas in the years of our marriage. He may not always send flowers, but I know he loves me when he builds me a quilt ceiling in my shop or a chicken coop for my planned chickens or lets me get another lab puppy like he is going to this year, I hope. The most romantic and sweet thing David ever did for me was when our daughter was born. My mother was taking care of our sons while I was in the hospital and David bought her and me both a dozen red roses. I just loved him for that. Of course, I always said my mother liked David better than she like me! They always got along really well.
I have always felt badly for husbands whose wives expect them to go out and buy them something for Valentine’s Day. I don’t expect anything and then I’m not disappointed. Anyway, why is it just the husband who is expected to treat the wife? Why not the other way around? I don’t know any personally, but I do know there are women who get really angry if their husbands or boyfriends don’t buy them something expensive or at least get them flowers. One year I told David I did not want to be one of those women who expect her husband to buy her flowers or a gift for Valentine’s Day. Guess what? That year I got flowers and a card. Was I happy? Of course, but I really didn’t expect them.
This Valentine’s Day I wish you all love. You are loved whether you know it or not. I know I am loved by someone who was willing to die for me. Jesus. If no one loves me, I know He does. I know there are many alone on Valentine’s Day. Don’t ever feel that you are not loved. I love you and wish you the most wonderful day ever. Love someone, hug your dog, cuddle a baby, give a smile to a stranger, they might need it. Happy Valentine’s Day a few days early. Bye.