Daily Archives: July 2, 2015

Feeling the Pain

I have never been a fan of going to the doctor.  I have a really great doctor and I don’t mind so much when I have to go see him.  Right now I am contemplating a trip to the doctor and this is why.

Yesterday David got thirty bags of mulch for the garden.  He was busy with something else, so I proceeded to lift them out of the truck and stack  them.  No problem.  I have stacked hundreds of bags of mulch in the past.

Then, last night I started to bend my left knee and an excruciating pain shot through it, clear up my leg.  Every time I tried bending my knee I was in tears.  I had pinched a nerve or pulled a muscle.  I took pain relievers and a muscle relaxer in hopes of softening the pain a little.

I took a heating pad to bed with me, but I spent the night looking for a comfortable position for my leg.  It was like it was its own entity.  Not a part of my body except for the pain.  I don’t think childbirth was as painful.  I finally ended up in a single bed in our guest room and fell into a restless sleep.

Now today I am sitting in a recliner, unable to bend my knee unless I use my hands to gently raise it.  I had to make baked beans and a cake for a funeral dinner at out church today and I managed that and drove to church, but had to get someone to help me get the baked beans inside.  I felt so puny.  I was so glad I managed to do it as the funeral was for a man I have known ever since we started going to our church thirty some years ago.  He was a godly man and a good man and we will surely miss him.  I am sure they are celebrating his arrival in Heaven.

This afternoon, David and I are going to look at some acreage in Brown county and I am hoping I can walk the property lines to see where it goes.   I am determined to do it as I really would love to own some property in Brown Country which is a wooded, hilly area in our state.   We shall see.  David says if I am not better in a day or so, I will go to the doctor.  I imagine him twisting and turning my knee and me screaming in agony as he does it and I don’t relish the thought.  I am praying the pain will go away before I have to see a doctor.

When I was a little girl, my parents took all us kids periodically to the doctor for polio shots.  Back then it was a real threat.  In fact, one time my parents thought I had polio because I got a very stiff neck and could not look up.  Those were the times when doctors made house calls and Dr. Barton came to our house and put me through a series of neck exercises.  He decided I didn’t have polio, but suggested we all have polio shots and we did.  My sister would tease me about how long the needle was and scare me half to death before I even got into the doctor’s office.  Perhaps that is why I have a slight fear of doctors to this day.

Later, when I was in school, I suffered with tonsillitis quite often.  I was absent from school for six weeks in second grade because I had such severe sore throat problems.  My mother would talk to my teacher and get my homework and I would lay in bed all day eating soup and reading and doing my homework.  I was so glad to get back to school with all my friends.  I still have my tonsils even though the doctor had recommended they be removed.

I am not a good patient and do not like being bedridden or chair ridden as I am now.  Perhaps this is God’s way of slowing me down and having me look to Him.  Anyway, I have empathy with those of you in pain right now.  It isn’t fun.  It’s humbling and there is nothing to be done but endure it.   If you are a praying person, say a little prayer for me that my knee might be healed.  Thank you.

I have sounded like a whiny baby here, but, hey, every day isn’t all sunshine and happy.  Bye.