When David was building our chicken coop, he kept calling it the chicken condo. After he finished building it, I had to agree. Our six chickens have a pretty nice place to live. You saw the coop in past posts, but I have never shown you the inside.
The hens have these pictures of handsome roosters to look at while they are roosting. Wonder if they dream about them?
On one wall hangs the door from David’s grandmother’s outhouse. He helped his mom tear it down a few years ago and I wanted the door. Don’t know why, just did. Outhouses are pretty much a thing of the past in most places and I thought it would be a neat reminder. Just a note. Grandma Henley’s rhubarb patch was directly behind her outhouse and she had the best rhubarb patch I have ever seen. We use to go there and pick the rhubarb to make pie. Once the outhouse was gone, the rhubarb died. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
David put up this cute shelf to hold all the medicines, organic sprays, garlic and food for the chickens. He put it up high enough that the chickens can’t reach it. Garlic, you ask? Although you should never feed your chickens onions and garlic is part of the onion family, I learned that just a tiny bit in their feed stops mites and lice. Also a little apple cider vinegar in their drinking water keeps them from getting worms. So far, so good.
David built this handicap ramp for Freedom so that she could get up with the other chickens when they roost at night. His idea and I think it was a good one although I have yet to see Freedom on it. Are my chickens spoiled or what?
One of the best blogs I read about the care of chickens is called Fresh Eggs Daily. I have learned so much from it. Anyway, one of the posts tells what to do to get your chickens ready for laying in their nests instead of elsewhere. Put an egg or rock or something egg shaped in the nest to draw their attention to the nesting box.
What could be better than Easter Eggs? They are the right shape and colorful enough to catch the chicken’s eyes.
Every three or four weeks I sweep out the coop and spread new bedding. First I spray the walls and floor with an organic orange and cinnamon spray that makes it smell so good. I got the recipe for it from Fresh Eggs Daily also. I love when the coop is all clean and smells so fresh. I almost want to lock the doors and not allow the chicks to get inside, but that would be wrong, wouldn’t it?
Something happened today that made me think we may be getting our first egg soon. I learned from Fresh Eggs Daily that when a chicken is about ready to lay, she will squat on the ground. Today Penninah squatted on the ground and let me pet her, something she never does, so maybe, just maybe the due date is close at hand. These girls are certainly late bloomers I must say.
I told you about a blouse I made this week and here it is.
I love this blouse pattern. It’s loose and floaty and feels so good on. I have gotten compliments for other blouses I have made from this pattern. Now I probably won’t get any compliments and I will go and cry in a corner. No, I won’t. I’ll wear it in defiance.
Love the bow at the neckline.
The pattern calls for buttons down the front so I raided David’s button jars and found several blue buttons in different sizes and thought to myself that it would look cute with different size buttons down the front. Either people will think it looks cute or will think I was blind when I sewed them on. I am blind in one eye. I could use that for an excuse.
Well, that’s all for today. Hope you all have a great weekend planned. It will just be me and the chickens. Bye.