Before I show you my amazing corn cutting machine I’d like to tell you what I have been up to for the last couple of days. Yes, I have been freezing corn, but I have managed to catch up on some long awaited sewing that has been bugging me all Summer.
I started a quilt in the Spring and had to put it aside for quite a while since I had a graduation quilt to complete and several door prizes to sew for our family reunion/anniversary party. Now that those things are over, I am getting back into the swing of working on some new things. I made a blouse the last couple of days. I don’t have a picture of it yet, but will show you on another post. It’s from a pattern that I have used to make several blouses. It is really more of a smock type blouse, loose with full sleeves and a tie at the neck. This blouse is so comfortable to wear and so easy to make.
I have to make ninety of these blocks plus cut out blocks to go between . This is a fun quilt because I get to use up a lot of my different fabrics. The squares measure six inch square. It will be an old fashioned looking quilt I hope.
I am pinning this quilt and this is all that I can show you because I am going to give it to someone. I pinned it once and discovered the backing wasn’t big enough for it so I had to unpin it all and sew more borders on the backing and then repin it. Errrrrrrgggg!! Now it is going together nicely and I am looking forward to quilting it on my sewing machine.
Yesterday David and I shucked and froze sixteen quarts of sweet corn. I told you about putting up corn on my old blog if you can find it. Every time I do corn I forget just how sticky everything gets. Thankfully we now have air conditioning or the job would have been unbearable. I have frozen corn on very hot summer days without air conditioning. I think that is why I quit doing it for a few years.
My amazing corn cutting machine came in quite handy. I have the only one in town so you won’t find it in the stores. First I will show you the corn in the freezer and then you will be able to watch a video of my amazing corn cutting machine.
It’s nice to know that when the snow is flying we can taste the wonderful taste of corn on the cob from our freezer. I still have corn left over from last year so we are stocked up now.
Now for the amazing corn cutting machine.
Click on above link, click on the link at the next screen to see the high speed corn cutting machine. Okay, so it’s not a machine. But I felt like one.
Here’s to happy sewing and sweet corn. Bye.