Some people have bucket lists. I just have a wish list. I know my mother had a wish to go to England before she died, but she never made it. I am going to make a list and try to complete it before I die. It will be a challenge, but I am up for it. Here is my list.
1. I hope to go to Alaska at least one more time. I would love to rent a cabin and just stay in one place and explore the area really well. I am thinking Haines, Alaska. I read a book about a woman who lived there and it sounds like a small town I would like to get to know.
2. I hope to go to England. David and I have talked about taking a boat over and renting a car and driving all over the countryside looking at the beautiful gardens and castles and eating in the pubs. We are aiming for our fiftieth wedding anniversary to do that. Hope we will still be in good health and David is still a good driver by then.
3. I would like to get a book published. I have written many things about growing up on our Indiana farm. I have also written a series of stories for my grandchildren. Maybe one day I will seek to get them published.
4. I hope to get another Labrador retriever. We have two right now and Bonnie is getting old. I always want a dog around and I love labs the best of all the breeds.
5. I hope to see all my grandchildren grow up and become good citizens and godly people.
6. I want to dance at all my grandchildren’s weddings.
7. I hope to see a cure for MS and a medicine that alleviates the pain of arthritis forever. I have loved ones who suffer from these diseases.
8. I hope to see a great revival in this country. People turning back to God and finding the peace only He can give.
9. I would love to fly in one of those giant Army planes that fly over our heads every once in a while. Wonder how I could get that accomplished. Anyone know?
10. I hope to be a size eight or ten before I die without getting sick to do it. But my love of sweets and ice cream are holding me back from this. I have said to David many times that if I make it to eighty years old, I am going to eat ice cream every single day. I almost do that now so it won’t be hard to do.
This is just a partial list of things I hope to do. What do you hope to do before you die? Bye.